The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I'm ok girls still no af... I'm tiptoeing around hoping there's a bfp on the way!! X

2am and the clomid side effects have begun! Just got back from my friends and had a temper tantrum because I couldn't get my pump lace undone!! Ended up in tears and couldn't seem to stop crying once I started!! :( not good!!!

Hope it doesn't get any worse!! Xx

Aww!! Clomid mood swings are awful!! X

Another day with no AF!! Feeling a bit woozy today though, maybe cos I've not eaten but I do feel a bit sicky and light headed. Not putting it down to pregnancy though, did a cheapie this morning and BFN! :rolleyes:

But still... Another day with no af... is it possible??? :oooo:

Ok so I've been a bit OTT today - the excitement of being slightly late is not doing me any favours.. I've calculated a due date!! (FYI - it would be 1st January 2014!) I would feel amazing if that were really the case!! Praying it is!! So I got my positive ov test on 7th April, you normally ov 24-48 hours later so I'm either 1 day late or 2 days late. :think:

I think.... Unless I'm counting it wrong?

My LP is normally very short - 11/12 days and has been since being on Clomid and continued even when off Clomid.. So this is unusual!! Gawwwd... Dare I get excited??

I think I need to use a different test, all my cheapies have been BFN... x
I'm trying to get myself back down to reality, but the two things standing out for me (well 3 if you count the fact I should have af by now) is that my boobs don't really hurt... Every cycle since my first on Clomid, I have had really sore and sensitive boobs from ov right up to AF, I haven't had that this time and also I've had zero cramps. I thought I had cramping the other morning but it stopped as soon as I wrote I felt them.. Maybe twinges??

But at the same time.... I don't feel like I have anything going on that would make me think I could be pregnant?

Blimey listen to me going on, you'd think I'd never been ttc before lol.
It's hard Hun - but cheapies didn't show for me until about 5 days after my bfp on a digi. But I completely understand how hard it is for you because you've had so many knock backs xx
There's actually only one other thing that jumped out at me but this really could be nothing.. On Friday night my DH and I were with a friend and as soon as that friend walked in, I could smell the washing powder of his clothes!! Is that mad? Lol like when your clothes are freshly washed you can smell they're lovely and clean etc thats what I could smell lol it was so strong. But I haven't had anything like that since, maybe it was just that his clothes were fresh out the drier lol. x
That's true hun, it's just so hard to believe that until I get actual proof by a BFP, I don't think I'll be able to believe it!

I think I need to get a different test and go from there.

The only thing I've done differently this 2ww is take folic acid, but I don't think that would affect anything?
No it wouldn't hun. Try a different test and see what happens.

How long have your cycles been since coming off clomid? X
good luck missj, im hoping this is something pregnancy related and not just the horrible witch! good luck you deserve it x
Thanks Minxie :) x

Nicky - I think between 40-50 odd days.. Not 100% sure exactly. My last cycle was really long but I ovulated late and AF came bang on time. So either my LP is longer or I didn't ov? Or I'm preg? x
God hun - lets keep our fingers crossed for it being pregnancy related xx
I've spoken far too soon and jumped the gun massively. Cramping!!!! X


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