The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

well i always buy tesco own brand to do my tests with as i remember when i first joined the forum someone saying they were good....the sometimes have them on offer too...roughly like £4 for a pack of 2 i think (they were wen i bought them anyway)

try not to worry too much hun about ur may want to make a note of your cycles and take it with you as they have been while ttc to give the fertility expert as mine was chuffed that i gave mine to him as it made the appt much easier for him and he put it in my notes.

maybe make a list of questions you have for him/her...and if you feel they are fobbing ypu off, dont stand for it, insist you want some help.

hopefully youl have a really nice one tho, and just remember they deal with things like this every day its what they specialise in so tr not to worry too much as its all steps in the right direction xxx
well i always buy tesco own brand to do my tests with as i remember when i first joined the forum someone saying they were good....the sometimes have them on offer too...roughly like £4 for a pack of 2 i think (they were wen i bought them anyway)

try not to worry too much hun about ur may want to make a note of your cycles and take it with you as they have been while ttc to give the fertility expert as mine was chuffed that i gave mine to him as it made the appt much easier for him and he put it in my notes.

maybe make a list of questions you have for him/her...and if you feel they are fobbing ypu off, dont stand for it, insist you want some help.

hopefully youl have a really nice one tho, and just remember they deal with things like this every day its what they specialise in so tr not to worry too much as its all steps in the right direction xxx

Thank you Hun. This is a good idea. Tomorrow I think I shall start to write everything I can down :)

Do they make sure you are not pregnant before they treat you? :eh:
my gynaecologist didnt testme...but he prescribed me provera (to bring af on) and said to do a hpt before taking it to make sure...he prescribed the clomid then for taking wen new cycle started

i always write everything down as i find it helps me understand whats going on better to be able to explain to drs etc so theres no room for misunderstandings. This is what I took (i havent updated it since gynae appt tho so its a bit out of date)

Came off pill (Yasmin) 23rd July 2011
Cycle 1
27th July 2011 – 31st August 2011 (total 36 days)

Cycle 2
1st September 2011 – 7th October 2011 (total 37 days)
Cycle 3
8th October 2011 – 26th December 2011 (total 80 days)
Doctor Appointment (DR CROSS) CD 42 (18th November 2011)
Doctor Appointment (DR CROSS) CD 75 (21st December 2011)
Bloods Taken CD 76 (22nd December 2011)
Cycle 4
27th December 2011 – 19th January 2012 (total 24 days)
Cycle 5
20th January 2012 – 27th March 2012 (total 68 days)
Doctor Appointment (DR SOUTHAN) CD 47 (5th March 2012) – referral for ultrasound scan and gynaecologist
DH Semen Analysis - normal
Cycle 6
28th March 2012 – 25th May 2012 (total 59 days)
Ultrasound scan 17th May 2012 – all clear
Cycle 7
26th May 2012 – Present (currently cycle day 25)
Gynaecology Appointment booked for 19th June 2012 (TTC 11 months)
he said this was very helpful so might be an idea hun xxxx
Just wanted to check in on you ladies on the other thread and say good luck, esp to Jaq testing this weekend XX

Thanks hun thats so nice of you. I hope Jacq gets her bfp xxx

Thanks Bella and JJ Mum. I caved last night and BFN with evap line this morning. But I don't really know which day I OVd so I'll just sit it out for a few days and see what happens. I'm just so happy the Clomid did something this time.
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Sorry it was an evap hun maybe wait a couple of days is it.

I know wat u b overjoyed if i get s bfp this cycle but at the same time il be estatic if the clomid shortens my cycle an makes me ov

Sorry Jacq, it might just be too early yet. Still got my fx for you. X

Cd5 for me, about to take my next lot of Clomid! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
my gynaecologist didnt testme...but he prescribed me provera (to bring af on) and said to do a hpt before taking it to make sure...he prescribed the clomid then for taking wen new cycle started

i always write everything down as i find it helps me understand whats going on better to be able to explain to drs etc so theres no room for misunderstandings. This is what I took (i havent updated it since gynae appt tho so its a bit out of date)

Came off pill (Yasmin) 23rd July 2011
Cycle 1
27th July 2011 – 31st August 2011 (total 36 days)

Cycle 2
1st September 2011 – 7th October 2011 (total 37 days)
Cycle 3
8th October 2011 – 26th December 2011 (total 80 days)
Doctor Appointment (DR CROSS) CD 42 (18th November 2011)
Doctor Appointment (DR CROSS) CD 75 (21st December 2011)
Bloods Taken CD 76 (22nd December 2011)
Cycle 4
27th December 2011 – 19th January 2012 (total 24 days)
Cycle 5
20th January 2012 – 27th March 2012 (total 68 days)
Doctor Appointment (DR SOUTHAN) CD 47 (5th March 2012) – referral for ultrasound scan and gynaecologist
DH Semen Analysis - normal
Cycle 6
28th March 2012 – 25th May 2012 (total 59 days)
Ultrasound scan 17th May 2012 – all clear
Cycle 7
26th May 2012 – Present (currently cycle day 25)
Gynaecology Appointment booked for 19th June 2012 (TTC 11 months)
he said this was very helpful so might be an idea hun xxxx

Thanks for sharing hun :)

Well just a few more days to get through then I will be there myself.

Will go out in a min to get A HTP if I can.
Sorry Jacq, it might just be too early yet. Still got my fx for you. X

Cd5 for me, about to take my next lot of Clomid! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

you're taking it day 2 - 6 like me arent you, so u only have tomorro left?

Last night i felt so crap so thinking its finally in my system now...didnt get to sleep till 3am as was so hot and bothered and had a headache....also felt really anxious and emotional yesterday.
Still managed to bd with huby tho last night to make way for fresh spermies lol
Im cd 8 today
:wave:Can someone please :help: me. Here are 3 pics of my OPKs Im on CD10. I test at noon and at 5pm every day.The pick with just 2 strips shows yesterdays pm test and todays am test close up. I was cramping a little last night and had really bad shooting pains in my upper right leg every time I moved it. The line this morning was rather dark but wouldnt it be a little too early or could I just be ovulating early? Is it positive or still negative? Lots of :dust:to everyone!!!


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Hiya hun, I think miss j gets false positives around cd10 so she may be able to help you hun xxx
I know this doesn't help ladies but me and my partner were going to just BD all the way through the cycle every other day. Then maybe everyday for a week when ovulation is possibly near. Then back to everything other day until AF is due. I know its not the ideal way but we missed my two natural ovulations and we really don't want to trust OPKS after my GP said PCSO give false positives. I may try temping with this. :eh: :)

And just wanted to post this afternoon's Pregnnacy test. :bfn: again I think... :cry:


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Hun me and miss j have pcos and opks work for us. They may not work for people with pcos that isn't being managed with drugs etc. try not to think too deeply about what information you read or get told. Things work differently for everyone - obviously it's personal choice whether you use them or not. But they do give you a better chance xxx
Hun me and miss j have pcos and opks work for us. They may not work for people with pcos that isn't being managed with drugs etc. try not to think too deeply about what information you read or get told. Things work differently for everyone - obviously it's personal choice whether you use them or not. But they do give you a better chance xxx

I will still probably use them Hun. But this time will use temping as well along side them :)

And Like I said the test Is :bfn: so just have to wait to see if im eligible for any treatment. Hopefully Clomid will be the one. Then I can join you ladies. :)

I dont think they will prescribe me anything on Monday though do you? I mean how many appointments did you need with Gnyeacology before you could have clomid?
We had 3 appointment but also on top of that I had 2 different scans, 21 day bloods, Chris had to do his semen analysis so it takes a while. I would be app wry surprised if you were prescribed clomid at your first appointment x
Hey hun i had 21 day bloods by gp an he referred me for a scan and dh for sa at hospital...then on furst visit to gynaecologust he put me on clomid

it probably depends on what uv already had done and my gynaecoligist kbew from gp referall that i had extremely irregular cycles

i think its a case of wait and see wat happens monday unfortunately as everyone is different

Hey hun i had 21 day bloods by gp an he referred me for a scan and dh for sa at hospital...then on furst visit to gynaecologust he put me on clomid

it probably depends on what uv already had done and my gynaecoligist kbew from gp referall that i had extremely irregular cycles

i think its a case of wait and see wat happens monday unfortunately as everyone is different


Hi there again. Well I had loads of bloods and pregnancy tests done in 2010. Because I went 7 months with no AF. i was sent for an ultrasound in September 2010 where I was diagnosed with PCSO. Also Had a second ultrasound scan may 2012, and one set of Hormone bloods taken in May 2012 also. When these were back my GP took my blood pressure and weight, and asked questions about AF like when did I last have one, how many I had after coming off the pill and how long for, what they were like. And I think he sent this with my referral. I got a referral from my GP also to see a gynecologist. So they know whats causing problems its PCSO. So do you think I may get my pills Monday then? Did you get them Very first appointment then? :) :eh:

Well just 1 day to go. I will keep you informed also ladies xx
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Sounds like you've had a few tests then. They may repeat your scans that you had in 2010 just to check if anything has changed - but they may just go with it.

I'm surprised your gp has diagnosed pcos - mine was reluctant too but referred me as potentially pcos.

If your gyno is happy with all the tests you've had then yes you may get clomid on Monday - but don't get your hopes up too much just in case they do want to do more tests x
AF started this morning. I'm not surprised really and am just glad my cycle is 29 days and that I ovulated. It's better than over 120 days with no ovulation!
Sorry AF got you Jacq, great that your cycle has been reduced though. Have you got more rounds of clomid to go?

PD, I'm not sure you'll get anything without your partner doing a SA. I had a few appts with consultant a couple of years ago and when my GP referred me back this time for treatment, they wouldn't see me till my husband's SA results were back. Good luck though, they may help you straight away.
Yeah I have 2 or 3 I think so still a couple of chances! I might actually go back to my GP when I run out and ask for a few more rounds as 150mg is finally working for me. He's pretty good so might just let me! Just trying to delay the IVF.

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