*The Big Brother thread.* who do you want to WIN?

:evil: Mo is HOH so he is guranteed a place in the final week :evil:

:talkhand: MIKEY AND KAT TO GO :moon:
i want rex or darnell out!! either one of them and ill be a happy bunny :D

darnell just RANTS about random crap....he's actually crazy i think...... and rex is just an ass!!! and the hair :lol: dont get me started on his ginger beehive its strange. and why did he describe his gf as being "gorgeous" ....she's nowt special and the extensions...... :roll: omg!

rant over heehee 8)
does anyone know whats up with this live show on weds...just heard on BBLB that theres a twist where someone gets towil £50,000??
Riot_Grrrl said:
does anyone know whats up with this live show on weds...just heard on BBLB that theres a twist where someone gets towil £50,000??

really ?oh wicked if thats true, just hope Rex doenst win the money, hes always saying hes got this & got that....he doesnt need anymore eh?!
i dont know who i'd like to win the money....maybe Mikey or Rachel.
am I the only one who doesn't like Rachel?

and Kat is an overgrown 3 year old....

Daffodil said:
am I the only one who doesn't like Rachel?

and Kat is an overgrown 3 year old....


i dont like rachel either...she just annoyes me. im sure she's a really nice girl and all that, but she gets on my nervs a bit. And i totally agree about Kat....she does my head in. Stick your cookies up your arse, love.
I feel sorry for Sara, I feel more than anyone she's been a victim bullying...

She hasn't helped herself at all, she's put up with far too much but the way some of the blokes treat her leaves me feeling really uncomfortable.

I had a horrible boss once who would keep pushing and pushing and was never happy until he made you cry, that's what it looks like. I think she held out for AGES! I'd have been blubbing long ago :(
Minxy said:
I feel sorry for Sara, I feel more than anyone she's been a victim bullying...

She hasn't helped herself at all, she's put up with far too much but the way some of the blokes treat her leaves me feeling really uncomfortable.

I had a horrible boss once who would keep pushing and pushing and was never happy until he made you cry, that's what it looks like. I think she held out for AGES! I'd have been blubbing long ago :(
Definitely! I felt so sorry for her tonight. I thought she coped amazingly well. I'd have caved and cried long before she did... She doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

BB should have called Darnell & Rex into the diary room and slapped their arses for victimising her. As a viewer, I felt uncomfortable too and I saw the faces of some of the other HM, they felt the same... x

how can someone like Darnell call anyone ugly?????????????????????????????

He is just the ugliest thing i have ever set eyes on. Poor sarah. i thought she dealt with it really well. She could have easily have been mean and vindictive toward Darnell (like i would have been) but she wasn't.
Darnell was UNBELIEVABLE last night, what an arsehole, leave the poor girl alone he's been saying shes a slag every bloody day and shes taken it and taken it, he's like a dog with a bone. Get him OUT!

Its so obvious he really fancied her and cos she doesn't fancy him back she's an ugly bitch and a slag?? WTF??
Urchin said:
Darnell was UNBELIEVABLE last night, what an arsehole, leave the poor girl alone he's been saying shes a slag every bloody day and shes taken it and taken it, he's like a dog with a bone. Get him OUT!

Its so obvious he really fancied her and cos she doesn't fancy him back she's an ugly bitch and a slag?? WTF??

i think he should go for bullying. BB have double standards.
The way they all joined in was terrible too... actually not rex so much cos Sara knew he was joking, it was really obvious, and even then he apologised after.... but mo going up to her and staring in her eyes for ages to see if she'd been crying was out of order, like he WANTED to see tears there or something.... arsehole!
budge said:
i think he should go for bullying. BB have double standards.

:clap: Agreed.

I still want Rachel to win, but I'd like Sara to have the £50k!
Poor Sara! Sara to win after last nights bullying. It really upset me, I guess because I can see alot of myself when I was younger in her. Wanting to be cool with the lads an all that has backfired on her, she really did not deserve the bullying she got.

So what is going on tonight then? There is no eviction tonight is there? The housemates have to nominate in front of each other and then whoever gets the most nominations has to play a game of Jeopardy - does this happen tonight? I dont get it! Whoever wins the game gets £50k, but they are still up for eviction on Friday night, is that right? I presume Mo cant be involved in this other than nominating, as he is Head of House and cant be nominated.
I dont like any of them.

Darnell is just not right in the head at all and has no room to call anyone anything.
Rex, ok so he aint to bad looking but he is an arrogant idiot who has enough money so doesnt need to win.
Mo is an annoying pig who is just as much a bully as the others and should have gone a long time ago
Kat aint normal, irratating.
Rachel is dull dull dull
Sara is a tag along who uses her looks to get what she wants and leads men on, maybe she didnt deserve the bullying but do men deserve to get lead on?
Lisa, she isnt to bad but i think she talks out of her backside quite a bit and cant dance for toffee lol

Out of all of them just simply for being the most normalish i think Lisa should win. i really cant think of anyone else that deserves the 50k

my boyf just described mikey as...

... a peeled skeksie! :rotfl: genious he so looks like one

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