The Pill


Feb 24, 2009
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Sorry if there is a post somewhere already on this subject.

I was wonding exactly when I should come off the pill? I was thinking 3 months before TTC, but I read that it can stay in your system for a long time. So would it be wise to come off the pill say 6 months before TTC and just using a condom for a few months until we are ready?
I want to make sure I do this right as I am already having to wait over a year to TTC, so if it takes a long time to Conceive once we start trying, I know how down I will get. :?
The hormones themselves are out of your system within a few days, but you can be left with confused cycles as your body takes back over the production and release of the relevant hormones required for ovulation
Some women go back to their normal cycle very quickly, and it is possible to conceive straight away. Some women however do take a few months to get back into their cycles. Unfortunately there is no way of telling whether you'll be one of those who conceives straight away or one who takes a long time to get back to regular cycles, but if you had irregular cycles before going on the pill it is likely you'll have irregular cycles when you come off it.
Sorry, I know this doesn't really answer your question!
Thanks Jen, that was helpful. :hug:

I had regluar periods, sometimes a bit late or early but not too much so. However I used to get very heavy periods with terrible pain about every 3rd to 4th period. The kind of pain that had me throwing up (perhaps I'm too soft! :lol: ), and I couldn't leave the house for a week.
I hope this won't affect my trying to conceive in any way? I mean I hope it doesn't mean something is wrong with me.

I am hoping to start trying next year and I came off the pill early January. I had been on it for 10 years and I wanted to make sure I knew my cycles inside and out before TTC. So far I have had a very short period (22 days) and so I am waiting to see what the second one brings!

A good book to read is 'Taking control of your fertility' by Toni Weschler, its full of stuff I never knew about and I feel I understand everything so much more now and when we are ready I know we'll have the best chance because of the information in the book.

I have started charting now as well which really gives you a good understanding of whats happening.

I have heard mixed things, some girls are back to normal andsuper fertile immediately after coming off the pill, some it takes up to a year. I didn't want to chance it so I came off. I would definitely do at least 6 months.


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