I knew I shouldn't - we peaked too soon last month and were both shattered by the time I think I ov'd - plus OH went away a few days before my predicted date - it was all over the shop. I thought we wouldn't have, but I had sore boobs, nausea, all sorts. I hadn't found forums or anything like that by then - we were just 'enjoying ourselves' and I googled to see if the fact I felt different could mean anything.
In retrospect I think I was very stressed from a very horrible situation at work (got sh*t upon by my line manager when he messed something up and spent the next six weeks trying to recover my reputation and not give in and do something vindictive - think I succeeded, once it was over realised people knew what he'd done all along and have somehow come out stronger and with senior people everywhere giving me way more respect so not the end of the world) anyway think that's what caused the nausea and physical symptoms, and think being so unhappy at work in that time made me want it to be true.
We've been going at least every other day this month so I'm confident that even if I've missed ov we'll be ok. Definitely won't be resting too much on success (although third time lucky sounds good to me) and will try not to symptom spot too much - almost wish I hadn't googled what the symptoms are...