Talk in the 2ww...

I had a UTI when i got pregnant first time but i mmc. xx

shauna when did you mmc? what month was it?

am curious to know due to the fact i had mc in september that came with my period on the 14th then i was 8days late in october did your cycle mess up for a month n how long did it take for you to get pregnant this time

an jodie
thrush can also be a sign my cousin had this for around a week now she went for a routine blood test an urine sample found out she was actually pregnant! shes now 5 weeks x
i aint got thrush lol i thouhgt i had a water infection but it seems to have gone as quick as it came but did hpg today n BFN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
noooooooooo argh! i hate bfn still early days not out till af gets ya hunni!

am 3dpo today... its going sooooooooooooo slow! haha! x
yeah i know but i dont even feel preg at all nothing not even a tiny bit or sore boobs lol
i think iv accepted defeat this month i did opk too tht came this morning and tht was neg obv i knew it was going to be but wanted to try it out lol

hmmm on further inspection there is a very faint line i know this is neg for ovulation but im 8dpo wud it stil come up with faint line??
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I'm really going overboard on the symptom spotting right now. This morning I was looking at my belly & it's all bloated & I'm just thinking "maybe". :)

Still getting the little crampy twinges. Off to the left side this morning and last night I had one just under my belly button like a band across my middle, then when I got up it moved up too before being twingy cramps again.

And there's been another :bfp: in the testing thread. That's two out of three that have tested so far I think. :good:
woah thats good odds already
hope it carries on
well i have no symptoms at all hun so wil just have to wait and see wont i :) FX for you :)
My dang tests didn't arrive!!!! :( :(

Saved my FMU from this morning so *hoping* they turn up today! x x

My back is killing me this morning and I'm already starving, my boobs hurt a little yesterday when taking my bra off as well. Hmm.... x x

Sorry to hear you got BFN LinxMinx, early days though hun. x
well, I think I'm in the 2ww now. OH took my mind off a rubbish day at work very impressively last night :D

He also told me he thinks this is our first month trying (not third) because we worked out ovulation and on the other two we clearly weren't trying hard enough because we didn't time things :lol: he makes me giggle.

Temperature a little higher this morning, as I'd expect.
Morning, all. I'm now 11dpo and been off work feeling rough past three days. I'm suffering from afternoon nausea, which is weird. I'm ok in the morning but after lunch I start feeling queasy and it lasts all afternoon into the evening. I can still eat ok, but it's uncomfortable. I've also had a permanent headache since Wednesday. Grrrrr. Sure it's a bug or maybe it's PMT, although never had the nausea before. Boobs are quite sore, but this isn't unusual. I wish I could fast forward to the end of next week to see if Hag-features arrives. This waiting is a nightmare!
Scotch Egg - Aw, bless! How much longer do you have til testing? :) :dust: x

Tract0rGirl - Sounds good hun!! :dust: to you, hope the witch stays away hun. x
good luck n lots of baby dust to you all!

am in the 2ww 4 dpo today :) x
aww good luck to all of you girlies im 9dpo and no signs but i dont think ill be too upset if AF arrives to be fair as im looking forward to pin pointing ovulation next month and hoping it will work as the past 2 months have been guess work
jodie-- ive found this out most people will already know anyway! but

it says theres an 88% chance of a baby after 1 year with the same partner anything after this has gone to 94% my an my EX OH! have been together on an off for 3 years... we've been tryin for 18mths so my chances are high right about now not to mention my age is still very highly fertile which i get the ov fertile as well as my age so its like EXTREMLEY fertile....

then ive got an app on my phone that says CYCLE DAY 17 & what i may expect i were reading through it an it says this.....

got more pimples are three weeks pregnant than a high school marching band? altho another early sign :O

an guess what i bloody woke up with on day 17 of my cycle! 3 HUGE SPOTS unwanted visitors on my bloody face ive never had em this bad.... x
Ah right! All the best for testing, sending lots of :dust: :dust: your way. :) x
Well, I was very naughty earlier. I've got a clearblue digital for my next cycle, but I've still got half a bag of dipsticks sitting there from last week. I'm 11 dpo and having all the symptoms so decided this afternoon to try a stick to see what happens. There was a faint line on there, but I suppose I should have used it first thing in the morning. Might try it again tomorrow morning. My wee this afternoon would have been very watered down, but it was a little bit encouraging. I know we have LH in our system all the time so it probably means nothing. If the line is still faint tomorrow and the next day I imagine hag-features is winging her way to my house again. Anyone else tried an opk as a hpt?
Well, I was very naughty earlier. I've got a clearblue digital for my next cycle, but I've still got half a bag of dipsticks sitting there from last week. I'm 11 dpo and having all the symptoms so decided this afternoon to try a stick to see what happens. There was a faint line on there, but I suppose I should have used it first thing in the morning. Might try it again tomorrow morning. My wee this afternoon would have been very watered down, but it was a little bit encouraging. I know we have LH in our system all the time so it probably means nothing. If the line is still faint tomorrow and the next day I imagine hag-features is winging her way to my house again. Anyone else tried an opk as a hpt?

just don't want you getting your hopes up....but i had a very dark test line on an opk last night and i thought that it was a good sign and then af has hit me good and proper today.... :( xx
I'm officially halfway through the 2ww today. And there won't be anyone else around for testing with FMU next week if the witch stays away so that'll be good.

Have you guys seen how many :bfp:s we've got now?! Kay's just become number three! That's one every other day this week!
I know - looking on other threads there's all sorts of posts on it - people who have had a faint line like mine and been pregnant and those who've had a strong line who've got BFNs. It's just a little positive to keep the spirits up. I'm pretty sure AF is on her way. Starting to get some cramps now and getting very bloated (which is probably down to the curry and cherry ice cream earlier!) lol
I know - looking on other threads there's all sorts of posts on it - people who have had a faint line like mine and been pregnant and those who've had a strong line who've got BFNs. It's just a little positive to keep the spirits up. I'm pretty sure AF is on her way. Starting to get some cramps now and getting very bloated (which is probably down to the curry and cherry ice cream earlier!) lol

hmmmmm curry....that's what we are having with OH gets in from fishing :) xx

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