In the 2ww

I'm in the 2WW too and being a reeeeally impatient person anyway doesnt help me much! heehee :lol:

Good luck to everyone...sending you all loads & loads of nice sticky baby glue :) :pray:
ps Sorry to here about your BFN Sahara but fingers crossed for next month hun :pray:
Now officailly in my 2ww!
I got my smiley face yestserday!

Wishing time away!
i coming to the end of my 2ww. not had any symptoms, but my boobs arent sore. usually they start to hurt at least a week before AF. but can feel a thing. thats the only change ive had and its not a good sign!

i tested AM but BFN... i am only on 11DPO so you never know might be just too early!! :D

any testers for tomoz then?? :pray:
Hi everyone well i am due on af if its a 28 day cycle
on friday... i had 5 pg tests that our 15ml the one step pg tests from ebay
the blue and white strips i couldnt help myself after having a few twinges
on both sides for a few days last week so i tested today with morning wee
i know i shouldnt of but it was negative :(
If it was a 28 day cycle i am having and if i am due on friday then i would
of seen a bfp with a 15ml wouldnt i girls cause thats pretty sensitive isnt it ??
If i was bfp exactly how much hcg would be in my system 4 days before Af
as its meant to double every 48hrs isnt it ??

I know i am counting my lucky stars trying to get bfp is like finding
a needle in a haystack well with me it is :wall:

So waitingforamiracle?
If you were due AF today did it arrive? or are things looking positive although no symptoms?
arggh I HATE the 2 week wait!! :twisted: I always get my hopes up and am all excited!! then I get all disapointed and dejected when AF comes :(
Hi Girls
Well no sign of Af just white cm but here is the disapointing news
I had a apointment at the fertility clinic today because of my ivf in december
i was telling him i am not sure of my cycle because of all the treatment i had.
So not sure if its a 28 cycle or gonna be more I asked him would he give me a ultrasound scan
using the probe to see if there was any follicels just to see if i had or due to ovulate etc

I know if i was lucky to be pg this month they would see nothing at all not a trace
because that does not form till week 6 Any way he said my womb lining was 7 . 4 mm
which i think was rather thin but then still good considering i have a full 7 days to still go

He said there was no follicels on the right side or any signs of there being one
and there was a follicel that had rupterd on my left ovary
which means i ovulated this month :) Then i said well does it look like i have a 28 day
cycle and he said going by the rupterd follicel it looked like it was 7 days old
so its obvious i am having a 35 day cycle so i am still on the (2ww) ...

It does not make sence to me how he knows i am having a longer cycle than 28 days
because the rupter follicel looks 7 days old i still cant get my head round it
cant it still be 7 days old and me still have a 28 day cycle maybe i ovulated late!

I have noticed i am having more white cm more than i have ever seen in my cycle
but maybe its all because i am not due on yet :think:

Also i very rare suffer from period pain and i have had them yesterday then
sharp pain on right side and left side and had twinges today plus what felt
like period pain my body is proberely doing some weird things
or trying to make me think i have been successfull this month when i have not
proberely :wall: ..

He also said to throw away any ovulation tests because they can give you a negative
even when you have ovulated he said there rubbish and to try natural and they
cause stress such as could this be the month etc and stress can avoid pregnancy.
Also mentioned as i asked him about the ewcm as i never seen any this month
He said not every lady has it and you dont need it to get pregnant
well i hope thats true cause its very rare i see ewcm just pure white cm

So going back to the ovulation tests well now i know i ovulated this month
also he done the lh blood tests in which he left my arm in a terrible state :(
bruised with a blood bruise its so painfull when i bend it ..
I started the ovulation tests on day 12 and got a dark test not darker than the
band but nearly as dark and the girls on here said i should see a darker one day
after or so any way i got nothing but a very faint line for 7 days after
so it just shows i did ovulate but the tests one step ovulation 15ml never picked
it up .....


Gosh that was a long post Waiting4amiracle! So are you still waiting to find out if you've had any success this month?

I'm 4 days late now!! Not unusual for me to be 3 or 4 days late though, and I do feel crampy so not allowing myself to get too excited just yet!
Still fingers crossed for everybody!

Im nearly half way, trying to feel positive but I guess you just never know!
Yep, im also in the dreded 2ww! I was due on today (this morning, for the last couple of months ive woken up on 29th and have always started!) but no sign of AF yet... (touch wood). Had a few cramps this morning and yesturday but nothing else.... ov week for we was about two weeks ago now.

Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!
:hug: xxxxxx

i'll be testing on the 2nd feb if af doesnt show...
VickiH said:
Gosh that was a long post Waiting4amiracle! So are you still waiting to find out if you've had any success this month?

I'm 4 days late now!! Not unusual for me to be 3 or 4 days late though, and I do feel crampy so not allowing myself to get too excited just yet!

It says in my post i am still on the 2ww and will be having a 35 day cycle
Did you not read it ?? Dont think i will be bfp though but who knows ..

Want Baby number1 said:
Yep, im also in the dreded 2ww! I was due on today (this morning, for the last couple of months ive woken up on 29th and have always started!) but no sign of AF yet... (touch wood). Had a few cramps this morning and yesturday but nothing else.... ov week for we was about two weeks ago now.

Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!
:hug: xxxxxx

i'll be testing on the 2nd feb if af doesnt show...
Aww hun hope your bfp are you ever late ?
i had Af pains really bad when i was pregnant with the Twins so period pain does not always
mean your af is about to arrive Good luck every one for there Bfps fingers crossed for all of us

Aww hun hope your bfp are you ever late ?
i had Af pains really bad when i was pregnant with the Twins so period pain does not always
mean your af is about to arrive Good luck every one for there Bfps fingers crossed for all of us

Nope, never, well i dont think so anyway not that i can remember of the last few months. Im really tempted to test now!! haha. got 3 clearblues and 2 cheapie iceland ones.... might try one of the cheapies later if im not strong enough!!!!!! xxxxx
Want Baby number1 said:
Aww hun hope your bfp are you ever late ?
i had Af pains really bad when i was pregnant with the Twins so period pain does not always
mean your af is about to arrive Good luck every one for there Bfps fingers crossed for all of us

Nope, never, well i dont think so anyway not that i can remember of the last few months. Im really tempted to test now!! haha. got 3 clearblues and 2 cheapie iceland ones.... might try one of the cheapies later if im not strong enough!!!!!! xxxxx

Thats a great sign then aww i am getting excited for you already :cheer: :cheer:
The best time to test is with your morning wee but the clear blue and test early tests
you can test any time of the day as there so sensitive aww Go Test!! lol
Good luck fingers crossed and sending lots of baby dust your way :hug:
Thats a great sign then aww i am getting excited for you already
The best time to test is with your morning wee but the clear blue and test early tests
you can test any time of the day as there so sensitive aww Go Test!! lol
Good luck fingers crossed and sending lots of baby dust your way

Thankyou :hug: Im going to test tomoz morning with my morning wee..
Today i had a tiny bit of pale brownie pinky discharge spots in my knickers but that was this morning andnothing since, no pain, nada?
I'll let you know xxx
Want Baby number1 said:
Thats a great sign then aww i am getting excited for you already
The best time to test is with your morning wee but the clear blue and test early tests
you can test any time of the day as there so sensitive aww Go Test!! lol
Good luck fingers crossed and sending lots of baby dust your way

Thankyou :hug: Im going to test tomoz morning with my morning wee..
Today i had a tiny bit of pale brownie pinky discharge spots in my knickers but that was this morning andnothing since, no pain, nada?
I'll let you know xxx

Hi Hun you can still get pinky brownie colour spotting its called implantation bleed
you can lose this days after or even a week or so after implantation took place
i had exact the same with two pregnancys of mine and it was exact the same colour
to what your having .. Fingers crossed hun i hope its bfp tomorrow :hug: xxx

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