Symptoms? Advice greatfully received x


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
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Hi All, I wonder if anybody has been in the same sort of situation as me, would be interested to know your thoughts...

So, trying to keep this as short as poss, I came off the pill in Jan, had normal withdrawal bleed then no af since then (still haven't). On 1st - 14th June I started taking agnus castus and multivitamins, happened to do an opk just out of curiosity (wondered if I was actually ovulating at all!) and on 14th came up positive for ov. Was positive ov for next 3 days then faded again. Hubby and I bd'd twice around that time.

I've been feeling really tired, have had cramping, been bloated (especially today) and had v sore nipples for the past 2-3 days. Going from the first positive opk I should be 5dpo.

May I add before I used the pill (10 years ago) I was regular as clockwork and had the cramps but no other symptoms so the sore boobs is really freaking me out!

Every month since Jan when I havent got af I've been getting twinges and the occasional spotting but have otherwise been "dry" (sorry tmi) only around positive opks did I start having some cm (sorry again, there was lots and spotting in there too).

Feel silly as I didn't record when I took my last pill so can't be sure about dates etc but im guessing I'll be due af around the end of the month.

Can anyone advise as to if they've had similar experiences and if there is a likelihood I'm pregnant? I know it's probably me clutching at straws but I'm hoping there's a chance...

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Have you tried taking a hpt? When I came of the pill my body tried to trick me :( hope you get your answer soon xx
Although I haven't experienced what your describing (I was five to six weeks when I realised I was pregnant) I would say from the dates you've given there is every chance you could be having early pregnancy symptoms. I'm sure there is a link on one of the threads on 'am I pregnant' about common symptoms of early pregnancy with a breakdown on each day post ovulation. Sounds very exciting! I hope it is a bfp for you!
I'm sorry I don't have any advice other than poas and keep your fingers
crossed, I'll keep mine crossed for you getting a bfp really soon xxx
Thanks everyone for your replies :) I'm going to do a test around the end of the month (14dpo) as I heard you can get false negatives before then.

I just hope I'm not being dramatic and getting my hopes up - I've had things like nausea before last time we tried but that turned out to be nothing - just hope it's not all in my head coz that would be cruel :-( saying that though I've never ever had sore boobs before so surely somethings happening, right? X
Hi ladies, since I posted last I've been really tired, nipples still sensitive, had backache (I sometimes suffer from backache in the past though) and today (which I believe I'm 8dpo) had really bad cramping - so much so that when I got up this morning I could not stand up straight from the pain! My "feminine" area is really hard and I feel so big with my tummy sticking out but I can't help it!

Can anyone tell me if you think it's af on the way or pregnancy symptoms? I'm wondering as af shouldn't be due for another week or so (but then i haven't had one since Jan so who knows, lol)

Don't want to test yet as way too early and don't want to be disappointed unless I really have to be..

Would love to hear opinions / success stories :-D xx
Its quite possible, I had really bad backache in my TWW x
Well I stupidly took a hpt yesterday and of course it was bfn, i know it's way too early but I was just curious and now I wish I hadn't done it!

I'm getting to the stage again of pinning my hopes on the date I test again (this Saturday). I know if it's a bfn I think I might go insane :-(

I know it's not been v long (6 months) but I don't know what else I can do. I'm really at the end of my tether with this and kicking myself for thinking it would be easy. It doesn't help when my work colleagues keep saying "you're pregnant" everytime I get a pimple or feel tired or feel hot! It's really getting me down :-(

Sorry for the self indulgent rant, I just don't know what to do next other than forget about having kids :-( x
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