Start of miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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When your miscarriage started, what happened?
I have dull cramping in my tummy, hips and back and when I went to the loo earlier I lost a massive blob of bloody jelly and some brown staining. Still brown now but nothing fresh. Does it sound like things are finally starting?

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Oh no, so sorry that this is happening
big hugs, have no advice just hoping for good things for you.
x Daisy
It does indeed sound like it could be the start of things hun?

I was spotting all along but on the day it all began it was a little bit like early labour to be honest (brown stringy stuff - like losing bit of plug - to begin with) then the horrible cramps, then the red blood. I cramped really badly for about 2-3 hours and then it subsided.

(how did the scan go yesterday btw - so sorry I didn't ask?)

My body is kind of doing things. Just Snowman the little sac has started to be become distorted and collapse which is a good sign. I've not had much more blood today which Im annoyed at. Hmmm just have to wait and see xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Hi Hun sorry to read this Hun, I started losing blood and got pains couldn't eat all day felt sick just not my self and not sure of the blood clots coz was at hospital and the ladies were lovely they wouldn't let me see it all hope this helps a bits x
hey hon.......i started with brown stuff only on wiping then i got cramps which just felt like proper bad ibs but they were coming and going like contractions...then i got a bit of red blood...then no mroe blood for ages but cramps got worse, then i passed a huge clot (which i am guessing was baby). then i didnt bleed that much after that..more like a normal period.

I was 9 weeks but i don't know how far along baby died because i hadn't had any scans or anything...

hope it goes as smoothly as possible for you chick..thinking of you xxx
I found out we had miscarried at 8/9 weeks but I should be 12/13 weeks by now.

Been feeling off all day and quite sicky with a headache. Got slight cramps still but most annoying thing is pain from my left hip right up to my ribs. Really annoying me! Xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Oh my gosh simone i had no idea you were still in limbo and waiting for this to happen , sounds like its starting, id get some big towels in just incase , i cramped like contractions or as near as ive ever got and threw up and flooded, so good to be ready for light or heavy. Hope its over soon for youxxx
Oh my gosh simone i had no idea you were still in limbo and waiting for this to happen , sounds like its starting, id get some big towels in just incase , i cramped like contractions or as near as ive ever got and threw up and flooded, so good to be ready for light or heavy. Hope its over soon for youxxx

Hey. I wanted to wait so Im ok with it.
Woke up this morning to lots more brown and some suspicious looking red blobs so Im hoping this is it now. Nothing heavy at all. Infact barely anything on a pad, just when I go to the loo (which Im doing often cause of the cramps).
The first doctor I saw did say I might not get the really heavy bleeding that people expect with a miscarriage. Rescan in two weeks so we shall see what happens between now and then xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
both mine started with brown spotting, progressing to red spotting and red bleeding - then with the 7w one it was heavy ish bleeding for 3 days - but the 10 week one I bled very heavily for 12 hours then it was more just like a normal period. But when I needed to pass anything (clots etc) I would get cramping, with the 10w one I had contractions during the heavy bleed every few mins :( everything passed withing the first 3 days of onset of bleeding with both.

sorrry you are having to go through with all this, but glad your body has finally started to pass the pregnancy, and hopefully you can steer clear of medical management.
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Pretty sure its over now ladies. Passed what I think is sack. A lot bigger than I was expecting. And a bigger gush of blood than I thought. Feeling a bit shakey but think its just shock xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
Pretty sure its over now ladies. Passed what I think is sack. A lot bigger than I was expecting. And a bigger gush of blood than I thought. Feeling a bit shakey but think its just shock xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(

Hugs xx
:( Simone there's no words that are enough. :( we are here for you xxx
Would be nice if I wasn't on my own till after 10pm :( xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
I am so sorry to hear this hon.

I have just suffered a mmc, my jellybean died yesterday or today and I found out this morning with my scan. Going for my ERPC tomorrow.

I hope it wasn't too bad or painful for you and I thinking about you xx
I am so sorry to hear this hon.

I have just suffered a mmc, my jellybean died yesterday or today and I found out this morning with my scan. Going for my ERPC tomorrow.

I hope it wasn't too bad or painful for you and I thinking about you xx

Fuck!!! I'm sorry huni :(
I don't even have any words even though Im inthe same situation xxx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
In quite a lot of pain now. Stood reading kids their story and just felt a big load of clots come out :(
I'm really really not enjoying being on my own at all :'(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
my heavy bleeding started when I was about to read my DD a story too :( luckily I could call DH to take over while I got the extra huge pads out.

sorry you are alone for a while more, hope you are ok

Big hugs x

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