Start of miscarriage

What are the 'bad signs' I've to look out for? I'm not sure about these clots :confused:

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
I'm now having full on fucking contraction pains. Random gushes of clots, sometimes fresh blood on its own. Just fuck offffffff!!!!!!

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
is anyone there to look after ur kids, as my OH looked after my r daughter as i need to go hospital hun was in for two nights again i'm sorry hun xxx
I'm still here. Contracting. In agony if Im honest. Oh is sleeping like a baby!
(touch wood) blood clots have stopped which is reassuring.
I'm having to rock and breathe through the pain :(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
How are things now hun?

I had my first loss at 8 weeks and it was very much like early labour [I didn't know that at the time though] pain came in waves and yep I was having actual contractions.

I bled badly for a few hours but to be honest I didn't look (I always had quite heavy periods so blood loss wasn't a shock. I 'passed' stuff a few times on the loo though and decided against looking)

I know there is no positive to this but at least you're at home hun, with your hubby and kiddies... not in some hospital room.

Big hugs lovely

I hope you are ok this morning and the bleeding and pains subsided. You will need to recover from the blood loss over the next few weeks......nothing too strenuous and plenty of fluids and up your iron, B12 intake.

Your mc sounds like mine was, it started with spotting for a few days then on the evenign of the 3rd day had contractions, heavy blood flow in gushes and passed lots on the loo. That painful heavy bit lasted 12 hours and by 7am the next morning it was just medium period flow.

Hopefully your scan will show everything has passed and as it should be. sorry you had to go through it.
I have had a total of one hour sleep. I lost palm sized clots every 20 mins or so for about 2/3 hours and then when the bleeding stopped I had contractions pains every two minutes that I was having to hum and rock through. I can honestly say that its the worst pain I've ever been in in my life. I had to wake oh (who lasted about 1&1/2hrs) and he said I was like a woman in full blown labour.

I don't know how any of you can go on to try again. My god you are all so brave. I don't know if I'll ever be able to try again for fear that happens again. Worst experince of my life :(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
it is very traumatic to go through.....big hugs - take it easy today and rest if you can.
It is horrible Simone, truly! It was only when I went into labour with James I realised I'd already felt this pain before in my life (with James at least I got the baby at the end but the pain was a Hell of a lot worse and lasted much longer when I was in actual labour)

At least you were at home hun, being in hospital would have been horrid?

Don't let it put you off forever, but take some time out. You'll know when and if you feel up to TTC again.

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It is horrible I remember trying medical managed with my first mc and I was in hospital all day and I was in horrific pain like labour they gave me dihdracodeien to take edge off but that's all it did tbh I lost a lot of blood and clots but no baby itndidntnwork for me it was all for nothing this is why I would never try to go it alone again and I opt for Eric it's just to traumatic experience for me :-( I hope ur feeling better Simone big hugs xx
I swear to god if everything hasn't come away Im going to throw myself in front of a bloody bus. That can't have been for nothing!

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
How will I know if I've lost too much blood? I'm so pale and Im still shaking and weak.
You know at one point last night I was convinced I had hemorraged and was gonna die. I would sit down for a bit then go back to the loo and lose another clot between palm and fist sized then the blood would just pour out of me like as though I was peeing for a couple of minutes. Funny thing is, the pain was minimal at that point. Only after I passed the last clot did the pain start xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(
I'd ring NHS direct hun, get some advice.

Lots of sweet tea and toast to keep your strength up and rest.

Ring your MW first thing Monday

Sorry it's still ongoing sweetie, I hoped after all you'd been through this part wouldn't be too horrid.

If u start to feel faint and dizzy Hun go to a&e also if the bleeding gets really heavy x
Every time I get a twinge of pain I panic that its gonna start again :(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(

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