Implantation Bleeding or AF - I going out of my mind Help! help!


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2012
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Hi Girls could really do with some advise -
I am now 10dpo and AF is due 29th. Starting yesterday morning I had some pinky-dark brown spotting when I wiped (sorry if tmi!) wore a panty liner and got tiny spec of brown spotting on this last night. So I woke up this morning and nothing on panty liner or when I wiped. But have got to work to find a small area of staining and pea size amount of clotty type dark brown blood. Do any of you know if this could be implantation bleed - I have read up on this and the timing is right for this but the colour worries me as is now really dark brown and also the congealed bit has me thinking I'm clutching at straws and it's just the witch playing ugly, early tricks on me!
If any of you wonderfully helpful ladies has any advise to offer I would really appreciate it.
X j
Tbh, I really don't know.

When I got pregnant in December I had (what I thought was) my period on boxing day and it lasted until the afternoon of the following day. It was bright red and smooth, no clots etc.

I would say it could be implantation but you may need to wait and see if she is playing tricks on.

Good luck hon x
Tbh, I really don't know.

When I got pregnant in December I had (what I thought was) my period on boxing day and it lasted until the afternoon of the following day. It was bright red and smooth, no clots etc.

I would say it could be implantation but you may need to wait and see if she is playing tricks on.

Good luck hon x
Thanks Hun appreciate you taking the time to respond! It's so confusing all these symptoms that could mean you're pregnant or could mean you are definitely not. GrrR! I don't want to test early as I can't bear another BFN. Xj
I didnt want to read and run x

I would try to hold out till af due date for a test xx

I had an implantation bleed with ds2 I was convinced it was my af but it turned out it wasnt x

fingers crossed its an implantation bleed x

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