Start of miscarriage

You poor thing reading this has taken me back to march, lost bean at 11wks. Started out bleeding and period pains thinking, I can handle this, then it went to full on contractions, ended up at a&e as nothing would touch the pain, but it soon subsided and passed sack in hospital loo. It actually got stuck so had to push/pull it out in end. Sorry if tmi but sharing to say you can tell when you've passed it rather than clots. Hope its now over for you. Get lots of rest and take iron tablets, I've been shattered ever since mine. Xx
Simons if u feel weak and dizzy again and ur bleeding heavily ring NHS direct and get advice on what to do I hope u have past everything and it does sound very promising I only past a few clots but was lining not the sac , hope ur ok xx
I was scared to go to bed when I was bleeding so bad - I had 2 thick pads on and another thin one in a 2nd pair of knickers and had one of those disposable bed pads and was changing all that every 1-2 hours! i said to DH what if I go to sleep and loose to much blood and go unconcious- nobody would know until morning! i was scared, I didn't really sleep though as was concious of the blood coming away and the cramps etc.

I started taking feraglobin liquid medicine as soon as I started bleeding - as it helps form new blood. If you feel that weak and dizzy etc - defo get checked by a gp or get advise from 111. it was about a week after the bleeding that i still felt out of breathe and light headed going up the stairs!
Oh Simone what you are going through sounds truly horrible. I had medical management and needed diamorphine to get through the contractions. I can't imagine doing all that without strong pain relief on my own. Hat off to you, but don't be afraid to ask for help. Take care x
Oh my gosh simone i had no idea you were still in limbo and waiting for this to happen , sounds like its starting, id get some big towels in just incase , i cramped like contractions or as near as ive ever got and threw up and flooded, so good to be ready for light or heavy. Hope its over soon for youxxx

Me neither
hun. So sorry!

In quite a lot of pain now. Stood reading kids their story and just felt a big load of clots come out :(
I'm really really not enjoying being on my own at all :'(

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of two now :'(

How're you doing? Can only imagine how hard it is Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
I'm just checking in hun, how are things today??


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