so upset and angry


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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i'm so upset. i found the perfect activity gym for baby on ebay paid for it. the lady sent it on friday all good.

got home from work on monday and had a calling card from postman to collect it from callers office on tuesday. went down before work yesterday and they couldnt find it.

waited for them to keep looking for about half hour before they said they would have to take my phone number and photocopy my calling card and let me know if they find it.

well i didn't get a phonecall so went down again this morning only to be told quite rudely "well if you haven't had a phone call we clearly haven't found it yet. you will have to wait for a call".

i'm so angry and could feel like crying. it only cost me £12 but i love it and got it as i chose it as i thought it was perfect and exactly what i wanted for my little man.

they have said if they don't find it i can put a claim in but thats not the point there wasn't many around and i had never seen it before.

sorry for long post just so annoyed. xxx

this is what it is...


  • tigger.jpg
    3.8 KB · Views: 138
thats the post office for u, cant believe that, have a look on amazon see if u can find one, if u can buy it then in mean time if they find your one email amazon saying u brought it for a baby shower but someone already got her one and could you return it.

naughty i know but worth a try
will look but i just put it into google and there isn't anything other than ebay coming up. xxx
just know it as tigger playmat. there are more on ebay but i got a bargain with this one as it was buy it now and the others are bidding.
haven't got the money to buy another one just yet. plus not sure if i want to trust the post office to send it now. xxx
That's so annoying. The post office done that with me before, it was just a letter that had to be signed for right enough but they still lost it. Hope it turns up xx
Awww the post office are so rubbish! They did the exact same thing with me with my sister's Xmas present - attempted delivery and then when I arranged for it to be redelivered they said they couldn't find it and I would have to claim for it (which is a pain!). So I had to re-order it, pay again but it meant it didn't arrive till after Xmas and then I got contacted by the company in January saying it had been returened to them stating it was undelivered!! So the Post Office had obviously found it and returned it to them! Thankfully the company refunded me the money no problems...but no thanks to the Post Office!! I guess the same may happen to you and they may return it to the seller...may be worth contacting her to let her know. Hope it all works out for you xxx
Thats crap, i've never heard of them doing this before. I really hope they find it honey xx
do you have a sorting office in your area where they sort all the letters out parcels dont always get returned to a post office its normally a sorting office? it may have got returned to sender have you emailed them and asked them if its been return to them
just emailed her now. it should have gone bk to the callers office. thats what the calling card states and i had a parcel last week (aptimal club pk) sent through and managed to get that from them fine. xxx
that looks lovely!

I go and ask for somewhere you can write to complain - also take the name of the person that was rude to you! x
the sender has just emailed bk. luckily she has put a return address on the bk so is going to let me know if it goes bk to her.

i am going to write a very stern letter whether they find it or not. i can do without this upset and annoyance. xxx
How crap of the Post Office, seriously you'd be wasting your time complaining to them though. The customer service is a joke! I was ringing them the other week for a work related problem and oh my god what a nightmare. They clearly don't give a fuck about customer service and you'll just end up more annoyed trying to get your complaint through. Hope they find it for you though, it's really cute!
Thats so sad :( xx I really would write an angry letter! I got compensation from the post office lat year at christmas...(eventually) cause our postie left my amazon parcels in our wheelie bin and never wrote it on the card!! :shock: The box was full of books and games and it rained and the whole thing got destoryed :(

I had to show them my amazon recipets, my card, and the destoryed goods. They gave me m money back :) x But i did have to really fight for it xx
I had one of these for my little girl 3 years ago. we got it on sale in toys r us as they had been discontinued.
Also the postie may have left it in the delivery van which has happened to me a few times. I would complain about the person who was rude to you aswell.
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thanks all. i cant really afford to be getting another one as got so much else to get but will keep an eye on the one on ebay and see what happens. xxx
Awww thats shit, hope you sort all this confusion out and get it back xxx

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