Sick B*stards!

:lol: cya, if we got banned for our opinions a hell of a lot of us wouldn't be here!!! :lol:
No one has ever been banned for having a different opinion!
I dnt think she meant that Urchin, Jean woulod never deliberatley be nasty or prejudice, think she was more referring to illegal immigrants refugees etc. nt Mason, Brody or ur OH :wink:
K X said:
No Beanie that's just u! :wave:

so you've seen me on my night out then :D

weestar meant all immigrants which is Urchin's OH, my OH's family and countless others. Immigration is good for a country mainly.

India was once ruled by Britain, and we did enough damage. There are Christians in India and Christian churches, mainly through English "immigrants" living there.

President Bush did retaliate after 9/11, Afghanistan.
remind me what this debate is about again lol i forgot and really cant be bothered to read all back through? its gone from bombs to abortions to trannies lol

refresh me :D
Bush was quite right to retaliate-3000+ people were wiped out on September 11th! Can u imagine how many would of been wiped out if 9 planes were brought down? Beanie ur family are part Scottish, u should remember Lockerbie!!! :shock: Not just the people on the plane that were blown to smitherines but the innocent in their houses too. :cry:

Dionne we are debating everything! :wink:
Kx you seem to be of the impression I am condoning terrorism with your posts about remembering Lockerbie and how I would feel if my relatives were on the tube trains. Please can you point out where I have said terrorism is good as I know I have said it is unnaceptable. My point is that there seems to be this ignorance where because a few sick minded individuals want to cause harm, a whole group of people are vilified. That is unnaceptable. Some of the comments on this thread have been awful, please remember that on this forum there are people from all cultures, religions etc.

I personally can't see what good can come of marginalising a group of people who have nothing to do with these attacks. All it does it create fear and frustration which in turn breeds resentment. Perhaps if we were all more willing to have an open mind (not about terrorism, that needs to be eradicated) then there would not be these young British men who can be influenced into hating there country. I don't know what the answer is but I just feel that if everyone examined their attitudes, perhaps this would be more effective then blowing each other up. The world is a big place, there is more then enough room to live together in peace.

It was in the news today that 2 of those that have been arrested were white British males, should we start hating all white males now??

So yes in reply to your post I do remember Lockerbie and it sickened me when I read about it just as every terrorist attack has. My dad went over to Northern Ireland to help keep the peace, he was spat at, dogs set on him. I was constantly scared he would never return. By our school a souldier was shot as he went to refuel his car, we had to have armed guards on our school bus. However look how far it has come now with the peace talks in Ireland. And I certainly do not think the Irish are terrorists!!!
Beanie get off ur high horse, I have never once said you condone it! neither have I slagged off any other ethnic minority!
and that says it all.

Beanie ur family are part Scottish, u should remember Lockerbie!!!

what did you mean by this then and asking me how I would feel if my family were on the tube trains. Not on a high horse either.
Yeah that act of terrorism, a lot of people in England don't recall it.

U said Bush did retaliate- and I said quite rite!!

It seems if anyone has a different opinion from u, u get arsey!
K X said:
Beanie ur family are part Scottish, u should remember Lockerbie!!! :shock:

I'm stuggling to understand why you think Beanie does not remember Lockerbie? How has that got any relevance to what she's been saying in her posts?
It's almost as if you think she's defending terrorists and I have not seen her do that, she's just objecting to all Muslims and Arabs being labelling terrorists.

I feel bad because there are Muslims on this forum who must be feeling pretty hated by some people.
grrrrrr i dont even no what lockerbie is :(

wish i listened in history ild be good in this debate then :roll:
Dont see at any point I have slagged off Muslims?? Please feel free to quote which is such a regular occurrance!
K X said:
I love it, pheasants vs Mods!

I think we all agree terroism is wrong thats waht this thread was about originally remember?

It is a simple thing to understand
Muslim does not =terrorist
urchin said:
I feel bad because there are Muslims on this forum who must be feeling pretty hated by some people.

if they are bombers then thats the only reason for them to feel hated
jo said:
K X said:
I love it, pheasants vs Mods!

I think we all agree terroism is wrong thats waht this thread was about originally remember?

It is a simple thing to understand
Muslim does not =terrorist

Who thinks they are?
dionne said:
urchin said:
I feel bad because there are Muslims on this forum who must be feeling pretty hated by some people.

if they are bombers then thats the only reason for them to feel hated

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
the word them seems to show that.

looking back I'll think you'll see I'm not the one getting arsey

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