Sick B*stards!

absolutlely not!!! these people are just over religious! in islam women have to dress modestly etc but not cover the face and all that. i personally dress like you see in my little pic. even when i tell people that i'm a muslim - they look at me strangely and say 'you don't look like a muslim, you don't cover your face and you don't have dark skin!!! :roll:
monaloco said:
but how can 'we' fight them? we don't have the power like the government. the muslim community are just regular people like you and i. so imagine if there is a rapist or a serial killer in your community how would your community fight them? it's not that simple. wish there was a way but it's sooooo difficult if not impossible.

I understand that it seems a mission impossible, but I believe that the culprits are known within the communities, but people are scared to point them out! People quite simply don't want to become involved. If these fundamentalists are less that 1% of the Muslim faith, how is it that they have such a huge impact on the rest of the Muslims? Surely it must be easier to to be dealt with since they are the minority?

It's always the minority that gives the majority a bad name - like you said before, it's easier to focus on the negative.
Unfortunately, I have some but too little knowledge of the Muslim faith. I will be ignorant to assume too much. It would be great to hear more positive coverage of the muslim faith.

So in a nutshell, I suggest that the majority of good people stand up and point out the terrorists. They ARE known within the communities - they ARE suspects within the muslim communities.

Phew! Hard job saving the world so early on a Monday morning! :wave:

Emilia xx
emilia said:
monaloco said:
but how can 'we' fight them? we don't have the power like the government. the muslim community are just regular people like you and i. so imagine if there is a rapist or a serial killer in your community how would your community fight them? it's not that simple. wish there was a way but it's sooooo difficult if not impossible.

I understand that it seems a mission impossible, but I believe that the culprits are known within the communities, but people are scared to point them out! People quite simply don't want to become involved. If these fundamentalists are less that 1% of the Muslim faith, how is it that they have such a huge impact on the rest of the Muslims? Surely it must be easier to to be dealt with since they are the minority?

It's always the minority that gives the majority a bad name - like you said before, it's easier to focus on the negative.
Unfortunately, I have some but too little knowledge of the Muslim faith. I will be ignorant to assume too much. It would be great to hear more positive coverage of the muslim faith.

So in a nutshell, I suggest that the majority of good people stand up and point out the terrorists. They ARE known within the communities - they ARE suspects within the muslim communities.

Phew! Hard job saving the world so early on a Monday morning! :wave:

Emilia xx

I do agree that SOME regular Muslims must know who the extremists are, but I don't think all muslims must would you? they don't exactly shout it from the rooftops? Yes, friends and family of a particular person might know, but not the whole community. Even then what would you do without evidence? What powers have the police got to prosecute someone who might be an extremist?
I do think that if things carry on like this the extremists will be hounded out (where people know where they are)
I realise this is a couple of days behind, however I haven't been on the forums a lot over the weekend and have only just caught up with this.

There have been some rather unpleasant generalisations and sweeping statements going on earlier on in this thread which I feel may cause offence to other members - as a result I feel that I should remind all our members of the following from our rules:-

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