Meningitis and the worst week of my life

get in touch with PALS hun, theyre fab, i've complained to them before! think i might be investing in a more expensive thermometer now! i'm ashamed to say i actually only bought one about 2 weeks ago!
AWww, glad he is fighting back, hope he home Saturday, thinking of u xxxx
I can't imagine what you have been through. I shed a few tears just reading so god knows what a living hell it must have been for you.

Sending Matt healing thoughts and hoping he's home again soon xxx
What an awful time for you all, so glad he is getting better, and hope he makes a full recovery soon xxx
This actually had me in tears. I can not imagine what you've gone through! My heart absolutely goes out to you and your family. So glad he's on the mend!
Rosies Mummy I am so sorry you have had to go through this is must so awful for you!

My baby brother had Men C when he was 13months old and he nearly died because a gp told my mum that he had a virus even though he had a rash and huge temp! 2hrs later my mum couldnt take it anymore and took him to another gp as my brother by this point had gone very sleepy (turns out his body was in shutdown) this gp saw thankfully saw something was very wrong gave him two huge doses of anitbiotics and then sent them to the hospital - they couldnt get a line in him for quite sometime because his body was in shutdown but thankfully they did and he survived! to this day I can remember the doctors name and everything and I will never trust a gp ever I dont think! it is terrible that this is still happening.

I am so glad your little boy is on the mend sneding you and your family massive hugs im sure this week has been very traumatic for you all xxxxxxxxxxx
:hugs: what a horrible time for you and your family, so glad that he's on the mend now and hopefully will be home with you soon xxx
i really hope he makes a speedy full recovery hun, thinking of you all xxx
:hug: hun its so good to hear from you. I just cant begin to imagine what you are going through, I bring myself to tears just thinking about your beautiful little boy going through all this.

Im glad you said that you are going to raise things about this GP you saw. I was gonna ask but didnt think it was the time just yet. As far as im concerned that is serious medical malpractise that could cost another babies life, he needs to be dealt with very seriously indeed.

This all just goes to proove that a parents instinct is right, you KNOW when your baby isnt right. Well done for chasing it up Helen, you really are the most awesome mummy xxxxx
only just seen this wishing a speedy recovery for yur little man and has made me realise i forgot to get a themometer so off to get one now xxxxxx
I'm so pleased you went with your instincts, it just goes to show you should always follow your heart. I think Tiny is right about medical malpractice, but you need to concentrate on getting Matt well again before going down any of those roads.

I can't tell you how pleased I am that he's on the mend, it nearly broke my heart when I heard how poorly he was - I think as our boys were due on the same day and then born so close together, the empathy I was feeling was just immense - you were both in my thoughts constantly, and I am so, so, so pleased that you've got such a strong little boy.

Well done for holding it all together, I'm not sure I would have managed.

Love to you, OH, Rosie and of course Matt, who I hope you will have back at home on Saturday xxx
I think as our boys were due on the same day and then born so close together, the empathy I was feeling was just immense -

same here, this doesnt feel like something you hear about that happens to other people any more, its very very real. Ive been checking morgans temp a lot this week, a little overkill probably but I cant stop thinking that I wouldnt have been as quick off the mark as Helen was.

Lots and lots of love, Friday tomorrow, time to get him off those antibiotics. Im sure he will start to feel better then, at least his tummy will get a break. xxx
Big hugs hon - this must have been the most terrifying experience for you and I think ur amazing for coping for ur little man. xx x
RM, I have only just seen this thread, my heart goes out to you, hang in there , I am wishing little Mathew to recover fully asap. You have shown me I do need to buy a thermometer now. I have never had one before, but I always thought the rash was the first and main sign, good job you caught it so quickly hun - well done you.

Will keep watchign out fokr Matt's good progress X
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Only just read this, what a horrific time you have all had. So hope Matt is feeling better. I too cried when reading your ordeal. Thinking of you all xx
You are all so kind, he is feeling the effects of the antobiotics now, it has given him green frothy poo and he is not feeding very well at all. Im hoping thats down to his tummy feeling poorly - its the main thing thats worrying me now. Next Saturday will be the last day of them so two weeks of IV in total, thats a lot for a little guy x
Ive only just read this thread hunny :hugs:
I hope Matt is feeling better, you are coping amazingly. Thinking of you and your family x x

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aw no thats a really long time to be on antibiotics :( my mum always makes me take acidophilus (sp?) when on antibiotics. no idea if there is a version for babies, it replaces the 'friendly bacteria' :hug:
just occured to me, have you checked his mouth for thrush? antibiotics can cause thrush which would give him a sore mouth and cause feeding problems. Poor little thing :(
i know exactly how you feel i went through the same thing when my dd wa s9 months and the dr said she had a viral infection we was being rushed to the hospital by ambulance only a few hours later reading this thread has brought back some very haunting memories but its vital parents trust there gut even if you have to call an ambulance its better to be safe than sorry our dd's MG was caught early and we all had to be treated with weird medicine that turned all bodily fluids orange/red she was in for 2 weeks with no lasting development problems she didnt really gain weight for a while and seems to catch everything going but is a normal happy 6 year old :) also she didnt help us much as when she came out of the groggy stage she kept ripping out her canulas :( the last 1 we had in was on her foot after that her other veins was no good she had ripped them out that many times so we had her bandaged then a sock then a baby grow and luckly she didnt get to that 1

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