Sick B*stards!

Dionne in 1988 a plane was blown up in the sky over Lokerbie in scotland killing 270 people
259 on board the plane and 11 on the ground,as i remeber about 20 houses were destroyed and it too 11 years to bring anyone to trial over it.

I believe they were from Libya

someone correct me if i am wrong
jo said:
It is a simple thing to understand
Muslim does not =terrorist

no one said that???

i think alot of them bring it on them selves like i said well back in the post if i meet a nice one (not just muslims, all the other races) then im fine but iv had bad experiences with them, if they are going to come over to our contry dont be rude and bomb us, dont be rude and not learn our language, please dont be rude and rape us, look down on us and call us white scum, dont be rude and not work and claim our money we pay our tax to look after england not the rest of the world

there are some good hard working people out there that have come from other places and respect us. but most of them i have met are a discrase.

cosivans??? they come to manchester rape the young girls kidnap young girls shout discusting sexual things to me and my 1yr old baby. but hey lets still give em a chance, its a shame??? NO i will never come round to some peoples way of thinking. i dont expect any one to come to my way of thinking thats why i wont get sore

*comes up for air*
Figure of speech and that was reference to something completely different- Dionne's dirty antics on a Friday nite! :moon:
K X said:
Dont see at any point I have slagged off Muslims?? Please feel free to quote which is such a regular occurrance!

I wasn't referring to only you but if you insist

"Oh do u mean the women when u just see their eyes? I think ur theory is rite, they r just sexy for their men!"

"Sorry but those people can be more racist than anyone, plead racism and they get away with anything!"

"If push came to shove I THINK the majority would do anything for their religion. As good or bad as it may be...."

"I love it, pheasants vs Mods!"
BY the way, you know a pheasant is a bird, right?
grrrr my sasauge and egg mc muffin and pancakes and sirup are getting cold :(
dionne said:
jo said:
It is a simple thing to understand
Muslim does not =terrorist

no one said that???

I wa srefeering to comments in general that have been posted on here
A them and us type thing

cosivans??? they come to coventry rape the young girls kidnap young girls shout discusting sexual things to me and my 1yr old baby. but hey lets still give em a chance, its a shame??? NO i will never come round to some peoples way of thinking. i dont expect any one to come to my way of thinking thats why i wont get sore

i in now way agree with that!!!!!!! nothing gives anyone the right to to do those things you have said

i have never met a Kosovan so cannot comment on that in particular defending them or otherwise
urchin said:
K X said:
Dont see at any point I have slagged off Muslims?? Please feel free to quote which is such a regular occurrance!

I wasn't referring to only you but if you insist

"Oh do u mean the women when u just see their eyes? I think ur theory is rite, they r just sexy for their men!"

"Sorry but those people can be more racist than anyone, plead racism and they get away with anything!"

"If push came to shove I THINK the majority would do anything for their religion. As good or bad as it may be...."

"I love it, pheasants vs Mods!"
BY the way, you know a pheasant is a bird, right?

A sexy bird!

1st comment true, think someone else reitterated that they r only sexy for their men.

2nd comment- True working closely with the Police u would know they share the same view!

3rdly- my opinion as put in CAPITALS - I think!

so glad im not barred :lol: :cheer:

It goes to show everyone on hear has a differnt view and none of us will back down on the matter!!

I still believe in what i have said as its what i think and how i feel.
I do believe in people been given a second chance but when they are blowing each other up do you honestly think they should be given a chance its just like saying a man has sexually assaulted a young girl should he be allowed to work ina primary school?

everyone has different views on this matter and no one will ever agree

so im out of this subject now as it just seems to be going round in circles and get the impression most of you are just sticking up for each other hence why i said my piece yesterday.

K i still get shivers to this day when i see a plain flying over by just the thought of Lokerbie its was so terrible.

Anyway no matter what we all say its not going to help the world be a better place is it?
so im off to find something to moan about to OH

have fun all :wave:
Peasents VS Mods.... for gods sake K x - don't be daft love :lol:

Please keep this 'debate' nice girls!

My 2 penniesworth....

I don't think all people should stay in their own countries, immigration is part of natural mingling, but I do not agree with taking in refugee's who are here for the governments cash (not just muslims, but africans, polish, swiss, whoever). Our country shouldn't have to provide for everyone. There are plenty of jobs going if you want them. Obviously we have english who sponge too, but that's a different matter altogether.

I don't think we should be fighting other peoples wars. This is just plain stupid. Why should families in england be losing their children so tony blair can look nice enough to fight a war. Tosser, absolute tosser.

I think religion is the route of all evil, and the sooner people pull their head out their arses and realise that the nicer the world will be. I'm not saying don't have a religion if that's what keeps you going, but to be honest it's what makes the world such a nasty messed up place half the time.

Anyway, be nice! :D
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Thats so true Sami, it gives me shivers
I love this song! John Lennon top guy! :wink:

Hope u werent trying to plagerise it and pretend u just compiled this! ha ha. :lol:
I know, wouldn't it be nice to live in that world... :pray:

What do you mean K, of course I wrote it :wink:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

well done sami hun straight to the point everything you said is what life should be no one should have to fight for anyother country no one should lose their family over fighting for tony arse kissing blair!!!!!

only thing i believe in now is my kids and if religons what yous chose to believe in then so it be
:oops: :oops: :oops:

i thought you did write that sami just shows you how much i know about john lennon think he was before my time :rotfl:
Yeah and mine and Sami's 2! But the guy is a legend! Wee ster ur funny xx
ok its changing the supject im all for sticking with our own not fighting other battles. but when i see all this stuff going on in israel, children dying familys being distroyed. should we help them???????

there was a man carrying his dead 2yr ild child saying he is the only one left out of his family of 9.
I think in certain situations we should help!
I know what you are saying Dionne, it is really hard to see all that going on, But i got a feeling no one would do the same for us if the situation was reversed

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