Sick B*stards!

its a tough one there are poor families dying out there but due to the sickos causing it. English men will more then likly loose their lives.

i hate this world. its bonkers
I can see your point Dionne, but what about the men from other countries including England who are dying to save them. What about their mum and dads who an never hold them again?

My brothers friend was sent over there and because of contract agreements he can't get out of it. It's wrong and unfair.
Our goverment really sucks!!
Just got paper and got Tony blairs bloody face smiling back at me :evil:
After what has just gone on he should bloody be over here thats what he is paid for
i dont mean to be really horrible but if they know they are so poor then why do they have wee babies who dont have a chance of survival ?

and i agree with you jo would anyone offer to help us if it was our country who was that poor and bad?

it also makes me sick to the bone seeing young boys maybe age 10 holding a gun its so wrong and their is no need for it at all
A lot of the wee boys are trained from a young age! Robbing them of their childhoods :twisted:
im just glad we pay our taxs to prevent these wars happening between us english..

the boys of 10 with guns... what next its a disgrace
Oooh weestar the whole poor countries churning out babies is a whole other issue that i don't even wanna get started on!!!!
girls it was a fun debate but im off i was planning to get up early and out for the day lol by the time us 3 are washed and dress my weekends going to be over.

il be back later :D
ok i'll shhh i just never knew why they did pop out kids though but i guess their is a reason

right im off now catch u all prob monday or something have a nice weekend
Sami said:
I can see your point Dionne, but what about the men from other countries including England who are dying to save them. What about their mum and dads who an never hold them again?

My brothers friend was sent over there and because of contract agreements he can't get out of it. It's wrong and unfair.

I don't really want to get involved in this debate but I do want to say that at the end of the day we all loathe whats happened/happening in the world & yes its truely awful that so many people die each day through violence but its never going to change. Stuff like this has been going on for centuries. There's always someone out there, of any race, culture,creed,nationality who think they are owed something albeit land/oil/money and greed will drive them. Its just a sad fact of life.

Sami, I know where you are coming from with your comment but people who join the Army/Navy/RAF know what's possibly instore for them. If they don't want to risk dying for their country then they don't have to sign up.
dionne said:
grrrr my sasauge and egg mc muffin and pancakes and sirup are getting cold :(

lol, ah Dionne, seeing that in the middle of this debate/arguement made me giggle, thanks hun! :D

Nice 2 c u back Layla, we've all missed u! :hug:
I just wanted to say that I have read all of the posts (took a while :shock: ) and find the generalisations about muslims offensive. Incase some people forget we have at least two members who are muslim (LouiseCH's husband for one and Melhoney). If I found the attitudes offensive I can only imagine how they would feel and are probably feeling right now anyway. Maybe I'm just being oversensitive on their behalf though :)
well like i kept saying all through this thread if i ever meet a nice one it will change my views, melhoney seems lovely, so there iv met my first nice muslim, i dont no louise O but shes lovely too and i hope i aint upset them.

but all this terrorist stuff is a very touchy subject.

if all the coments were that bad im sure it would get deleted. i wouldnt say anything major has been said most people had valid points

:hug: to you all :)
i'm a muslim too and i feel really sad how we are all punished for what some individuals do! the generalisation and accusation of Muslims of being terrorists is just horrendous! so unfair - the western media has created an unbelievable ugly picutre for muslims - and some people sadly believe everything that is said. The people who are doing this for the 'name of islam' are not practicing anything to do with Islam - Islam is about peace, it never provokes terror or killing of innocent. these people are satisfying personal needs and attention in the name of Islam. SO PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT CREATE A BAD PICTURE OF MUSLIMS JUST BECAUSE YOU HEARD IT ON TV!!!
sorry if i have offended you Monaloco :hug:

its just i no nothing about muslims never even spoke to one the only time i ever hear of them is on the news when somewere is being blown up.

i have no idea how it works or what the bombers beliefs and your beliefs are. maybe if good things made it to the news then ild no more but it dont.

no dionne not at all i was not offended- that's what i mean - people don't know enough about muslims and all they learn is from the news which is a bit biased coz we are not like that - not even 1% of muslims are like that.

somtime i even think that people who do that are not actually muslims but are people who hate muslims and try to create bad name for them.

it just happens that bad things get hyped up more than good things and no one can do anything about it. and it's the majority of muslims who get punished for it - this is just a sad fact of life.
monaloco said:
i'm a muslim too and i feel really sad how we are all punished for what some individuals do! the generalisation and accusation of Muslims of being terrorists is just horrendous! so unfair - the western media has created an unbelievable ugly picutre for muslims - and some people sadly believe everything that is said. The people who are doing this for the 'name of islam' are not practicing anything to do with Islam - Islam is about peace, it never provokes terror or killing of innocent. these people are satisfying personal needs and attention in the name of Islam. SO PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT CREATE A BAD PICTURE OF MUSLIMS JUST BECAUSE YOU HEARD IT ON TV!!!

I second that, but I think it is the responsiblity of ALL muslims to stand up against these fundamentalists! Point them out. Fight them! They're hiding behind YOUR religion and is giving it a bad name!

The government can't beat these terrorists on their own - the only way they can win is with the help of the muslim community.

Emilia xx
but how can 'we' fight them? we don't have the power like the government. the muslim community are just regular people like you and i. so imagine if there is a rapist or a serial killer in your community how would your community fight them? it's not that simple. wish there was a way but it's sooooo difficult if not impossible.
Monaloco, im not being rude just curious, do all muslim woman have to wear the outfits that only show the eyes?

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