Should I worry?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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To be honest hun the name is getting more and more popular. However its is not as popular as some names such as sophie, emma etc. What you have to ask yourself is would it bother you if there were a few other kids in her school class with the same name? If not then go ahead with it and if it would but you still love the name, then how about something like Ava-Rose or Ava-Grace?
Personally i think its a beautiful name, and dont listen to wheatever other people say about baby names as you'll end up being drivin crazy! :D
I wouldn't worry about it in your shoes. It may be getting more popular, but it is still not common. It's pretty and you both like it - what more do you need?
CalamityGem said:
Should I worry about this name getting too popular now?

That depends entirely upon how much weight you put on 'popularity' :?

For me, it would be enough to put me off, I've just got a 'thing' about it, but there can't be a lot of people who feel that way or 'popular' names wouldn't exist because we'd all want a different name from each other IYSWIM?? :lol:

Ava is popular because it's a pretty name. If you've fallen in love with it, go for it. What's the worst that could happen? She'll be at school with a few others, big deal.

Your Ava will be the lovliest, because she's yours :D

And if the popularity thing IS an issue, I don't know many Gertrudes? :rotfl:
riley seems 2 be gettin more popular that upsets me cos wen i was at school there was like 6 rebeccas in my class :(
i hate it ppl have same names but it happens we cant all have different
if u like name go 4 it tbh
whos gonna remember wat mylene called her kid neway lol
I think that you should use Ava if you really like it. I don't think it matters how common the name is if you really love it and anyway I don't know any Ava's. I think it is a lovely name. I don't know about you but there were quite a few Gemma's in my year at school and it never bothered me.
wen i was at school there was like 6 Sarahs in my IT class alone and bout 15 in my yr, hence the reason i really wanted a unusual name for Bray
but i think ava is a loverly name hun if u love it go for it
I still really like the name Ava. :D

I know how you feel about not wanting the name to be too common, but if you still really like it and she suits her name when she is born, then why not still name her Ava. xxxx
if u like the name ava name the precious little gem ava:0..if she fits the name give it to her. who cares who else has the name? you are all that matters not society babe :) :hug:

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