She's been admitted :(

Hey mrs, don't feel bad for thinking that. I will admit that there are times we don't enjoy it, at all. I can't wait for her bedtime and love granny coming so she can have her. And Hannah is a doddle in comparison to poor Tilly, cos Hannah doesn't have reflux or poorly moments like your poor lo.
We are all here to support you xxx
ok, the thing is...with reflux or suspected reflux, babies should have little amounts of food. That is for breastfed or bottle fed babies. It doesn't matter. They advise you to give less amount because more milk in the stomach is bad for reflux/suspected reflux and it does absolutely no harm to limit the amount. It has nothing to do with spoiling a baby, its something thats advised for the benefit of the baby. Small feeds are also advised for baby suffering from colic. I had to cut my LO down from 8oz every 2 hours to 4oz every 2 hours. It was & still is very difficult. But I know its best for him. Also...all babies have a certain degree of reflux, but not all have bad symptoms.

Wether breastfeeding or not, its not good for LO to have large amounts of milk in their stomach, yes, LO might like it, but it doesn't mean its good for them. Being a parent is full of situations like this where we need to use initiative & think even tho LO loves (certain thing) i'm not going to allow it because they dont know whats good for their health or not. Babies cant make decisions for themselves.

I'm sure the doctors aren't suggesting LO is left alone or anything, they are merely saying to pick LO up less often & tbh I cant see a problem with that, it is a million times different to crying it out out. Remember LO can smell your breastmilk, hense if your limiting its better not to "annoy" LO.

I do think bits of what they are saying are things that could help, when I first suspected reflux I was told i wouldn't get any meds until i'd practised proper positioning of LO & dropped the amount of his feed, they said basic things like that can clear it 100%, obviously you try if it doesn't help go back...ect. But first off i'd imagine they'd be saying things like this. Its not ideal but at least once you've tried this thats something to mark of the list for things you've tried.

I don't think there's any mummy, no matter how well behaved baby is doesn't look forward to having other people to help

I love weekends and when we stay at parents cos I know the only thing I need to do is feed him. There's always someone else to do everything else.

I obviously don't know what the matter is with Tilly but I would say its worth a second opinion. And Of course you pinned your hopes on the appointment- that's what we do when we put our faith in doctors.

I'm glad they think it's nothing serious but they've not helped Tilly and made you feel worse about being a mummy. The last thing you needed was to be beaten up about it.

I had thought yesterday that feeding her less had helped a bit. She was settled most of the day tbh. We had 1hr plus of awake and not crying time too with smiles the lot.

Then the evening came and out came the devil child again :( I am only grateful someone witnessed it.

They say I am spoiling her but even picking her up did not stop her crying. She was full on thrashing about again. When she does drift off she wakes after 20 mins or so and we start again.

Im a bit miffed they resorted to calpol if they don't think there is anything wrong, it's like drugging the baby :shock:
It annoys me when ppl over-use calpol. But I suppose LO must be in pain, then on the other hand they're saying not to pick up as much. I'd question that before you leave, it contradicts itself.

Thats what my LO does, constant thrashing about, not settled when picked up....thats when I know he's in pain

I'd be seriously peed off about the calpol and would def mention it to them

If there's nothing wrong and she's in no pain ( which is what they must think from their diagnosis) why give her calpol?

Pretty sure they wouldn't do that with an adult
I'd be seriously peed off about the calpol and would def mention it to them

If there's nothing wrong and she's in no pain ( which is what they must think from their diagnosis) why give her calpol?

Pretty sure they wouldn't do that with an adult

I'm sure the nurse did that last night to get her to sleep. And it worked, she slept until 7.30 from 2.55.

Interesting, another doctor has been here today and seen us and wants to observe for another 24-48 hours. She thinks she might have heartburn and is open to prescribing the stronger medication, hallelujah. I mentioned the jolting thing she did and coupled with the unsettled night she wants to keep an eye on it.

They are also going to give her sugar water instead of calpol. I think the doc was a bit annoyed they gave her it lol.

So I'm here for a bit longer.

God I hope this doc is here tomorrow!!
It's never ending isn't it. Glad the dr today seems to have their head screwed on. Poor u and poor Tilly xxxx
Wow, you are havimg quite the time! I am glad this new doc is keeping you in a bit longer. I cwn't beleive the nurse gave meds if they say she is fine! How is that better than offering your breast for comfort? I hate to keep pushing this n you, but I think it may be worth trying to cut dairy from your diet just to know for sure. As the kellymom website says, it needs to be cut for 3 weeks to see a difference. and I am not saying I am positive she is allergic to dairy, I just think it is worth trying to know for sure. Hope you figure this out! Xx
They can do tests for an allergy and intolerance!! I was offered this!!!! I refused because I had to put her back on cows milk based formula for 3 weeks to see!!

I can't comment on the Breastfeeding comments they made as I have no experience. That being said, I did notice a difference feeding Harlow less more often. She was rarely sick doing it this way.

I feel bad that you are not getting any answers. It is very hard having to deal with a baby who will not settle.

Have you ever tried colief? X
I'm glad they aren't letting you go today Hun . I can only imagine you are up the wall looking for an answer x
Wow every doctor has a different solution. Crazy!!

Ah well make sure you get the name of the one that's seen you today.

Trying to think positive another stator so in hospital gives you a bit more time with support there xx
Just read all this. I'm sorry you're going through this Torino it is bloody awful :hug: Hope they find a cause and are able to help xxx

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Thanks everyone.

I have tried colief yes. Not sure if it helps or not :( I've tried too many things now
Hun I am so sorry I have only just been able to comment. Aj was back at the hospital friday for a check up. We had a couple of good days last week and was in a reasonable routinue. He was feeding 3ozs every 3hours. Feed bring up wind, play (I know play!!!) even smiles and then 2 hours sleep.He still screamed but it was down from 12 hours to 2!!! I even had 2 nights were he was asleep for 4 hours in his moses the first time he hasn't slept in my arms for over 7 weeks. I was over the moon and felt like we were making progress. The decided they wanted him back on the reflux meds. I wasn't happy and queried everything but gave in. I gave him the meds friday night by yesterday I had a screaming baby from 3:30am. He hasn't stopped he didn't wanna feed he made himself sick he wouldn't sleep and clung to me like a monkey baby. Hes very slightly better today but it seems to still be there and I am having screaming fits every hour or so! Trust your instincts hun cos I have taken AJ off everything now. Just the Aptimal milk, detinox before a feed and calpol and gripe water should he need it. Thinking of you in there hun. xxxxxxx
Well another update.

I asked the doc to check her eyes because they haven't been able to do it since she's been admitted. They are fine according to her do that's a relief.

However, whilst she was examining her she had a paddy again so they have given then stronger reflux meds HOORAY!

But.... she said it is not good for the baby to scream and get angry like this on a regular basis so she has prescribed a mild sedative! She thinks Tilly has got into a cycle of winding herself up into massive tantrums where she ends up soaked in sweat and all little spots come out on her face etc :(

she wants to try it for a few weeks only to see if we can break this cycle and give the other meds time to work.
thats fab hun think thats AJs fault sometimes he has got himself into a pattern of behaviour and to be honest so have we!!!!!!
Sounds like they have finally taken you a bit more serious finally. Glad you got the stronger meds and worth giving sedative a go. I hope this is the start of a happier baby for you

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Sounds like they aren't giving you the brush off at least x
Glad there finally doing something I hope the new meds work xx

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