She's been admitted :(

id personally say i wanted to complain about the consultant as you cant hold a baby too much and its insulting to be told that your doing that and that tillys problems are caused by you
Fingers crossed the next doctor has something sensible to say to you xx
Bev, that doctor actually asked me if I'd he happy to carry the baby around in a sling all day!

She said what do I want to achieve with all this.

I was thinking wtf, I just want my baby to stop crying for hours on end and to sleep.

My Oh is really pissed about all of this.

They have commented that she has a plagiocephaly caused by her preference to rest her head on one side due to the shoulder and neck problems as well.

I had to laugh though at the junior doctor yesterday, she said I'm going to have to give this child calpol so I can examine her and see if her arm is causing her discomfort lol. What a div! Surely giving calpol will numb any shoulder pain so she won't react to it.
Omg this is exactly what happened to us............little differences but almost to a t. And our treatment in hosp was the same we got told we were spoiling j then feeding him too much and then got prescribed gavicon and a.feeding routine......

J had a cows milk inlorance and fortunatwly our hv prescribed cows milk, free formula and j was literaly a difderent baby. Im so angry reading this as its literaly everything we went through...... Do not leave until you were.satisfied hun........ Xxxx
Hate junior doctors with a passion half the time they have no interest in the speciality they're working in at all and are just counting the days until that unit's over.

I don't think you can feed BF babies too much, I think most BF mummy's have fed for an hour or more in the past, and since my LO came home I haven't put him down at all except to play, his place to sit is my lap now his bouncer has become redundant. Yes he's a bit clingy but he doesn't scream the place down, trust your instincts :hugs:

Is there a breastfeeding specialist there you can call to back you up?
I'm so sorry your STILL without answers. I know what its like, you actually get a wee bit excited when you go to doc's/hosp coz you think finally i'll get something, then when your fobbed off your back to square one, thinking no one can help & your in this alone. I'm very much alone with Kayden's reflux issues, they tell me its normal to choke/go blue & he's on the strongest milk & prescription formula & still does it, there's nothing else they can do for me, but it doesn't help.

With the medicines, even gaviscon is only given if it really is necessary, doctors hate giving meds to babies, even something as simple as gaviscon, it can have a big effect on babies.

I really think you need to emphasise the worse parts of reflux/colic symptoms, for example choking/coughing. How bad was the choking again? When/if they go to discharge you, say no, i'm not happy with that. I suppose you could try a feeding plan, it cant do any harm, smaller meals is def better, even if BF'ing. And i've also heard that LO shouldn't be on breast for long (think they used to tell me 20-25 mins max) I can imagine that being on for ages (for most feeds) could cause some sort of problems, wether its drinking too much or getting far to used to being on boob. When they get older its even more important they aren't on boob forever, as its important for their development to spend time not eating, time away from mummy, time playing ect. Feeding should only be a small part of LO's day.

I would personally just keep hammering into them. Remember....when it comes to thinks like reflux, mummies are the experts coz we've probably done way more research than the docs, after all they have to know a little bit about all conditions, and its rare that they would specialise in gastro probs. Btw, I considered a private doc, maybe its a route you'd like to go down? you can get private paediatricians and private gastro docs (stomach issues) maybe worth looking into?

Good luck
I disagree with the length on time comments. At that age babies need a lot of food, practice sucking and comfort still so to ration this I think will have detrimental effects. Having said that Tyler would feed every hour, I was told by the doc and HV to extend to 2 hours, which he did after a day of fussing, but I have never limited his time sucking if that makes sense?

THinking of you two, hope you get some answers :hug:
Right then, the doc has been round.

I warmed to this guy more than the woman yesterday because she point blank refused to consider that she had reflux or an allergy based on a very small amount of time observing her and without asking what I would consider important questions.

They do not think she has anything seriously wrong with her because she is not losing weight. This is what I dreaded them telling me the most tbh. Although I understand that this should be somewhat reassuring, it doesn't help our position (or my ears and sanity).

We are to stay here another day for them to observe what happens at feeding time and afterwards and take it from there.

He said she could have a cows milk allergy but this was unlikely. He also said he wasn't able to test conclusively for this because there is no specific blood test and the only way they would find out is for me to eliminate it and as I already have done its probably not that.
He said he would monitor the vomiting/feeding and check latching etc and monitor the signs of reflux and how severe it might be.

We asked about stronger meds because we told him the Gaviscon wasn't working fully, I say fully because I do believe after not giving it for 24 hours I have noticed much more vomiting. The doc was VERY reluctant to prescribe anything stronger. He said if we go down that road she will be receiving treatment for 3-6 months? Not sure how that works but that's what he said.

I still feel I am going to be leaving here tomorrow no further forward. Just perhaps reassured there is nothing seriously wrong.

There is a blood test for cows milk intolerance maisie had it a few months ago along with a test for egg and cat allergy so what they are saying Is bs ! Maisie had ranitidine and domperidone and a very young age your hospital sounds terrible they need to get there act together. Hope you're both ok xx

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It was either my BF'ing support worker or HV that told me to limit the time & actually now I think back it might have been 20 mins each boob. I have no idea why I just did what I was told. It was a while ago.

Torino - I really hope it goes well at the feed thats being supervised.

Are the docs paediatricians or just normal docs. A baby can defo defo have reflux when they are putting on weight, its what my LO has, its called acid reflux, its acid that comes up & not sick, and LO's comfort eat to soothe it hense why some LO's are overweight (like my LO was) I seriously cant believe the doc didn't know this, so i'm assuming they aren't paed's.

Oh hun, they sound useless. ive never heard of a BF baby being over fed or limiting the time feeding, you are NOT spoiling her, shes only 7 weeks old for goodness sake!!!

thinking of you both. xx
They want to observe her and help me with the crying. They think I have created this mini monster myself by feeding her when she cries and having her close to me all the time. They say she has got too used to being held now and won't accept anything else and that's why she is crying because she wants picking up. Although that doesn't explain the vomiting/choking/gasping and irritability feeding. I find it really difficult to accept this diagnosis.

I really didn't think it was possible to do this to a small baby. I also didn't think it was possible to overfeed them. But apparently I'm wrong.

This is shocking! I do the same with Kynon, feed him lots, have him close to me, carry him and cuddle him all the time but he doesn't really cry much and never has, she's crying because something is wrong, you cant spoil a tiny baby or over breast feed them! They arnt capable of being manipulative so little! Really hope you get something sorted soon, glad the latest doctor is more understanding xx
Well she's making a fool out of me now anyhow.

She's been flat out and settled most of the day.

I really don't think they are going to give us the stronger meds and we are going to be packed off tomorrow with a 'it's normal for your baby, deal with it' sorta thing
If your not happy, refuse to take her home. That sounds really harsh, but if you refuse to take her, she'll be classed as bed blocking and they may make more of an effort.

It takes a lot of courage, but don't let them fob you off. Xxx
How are you doing today?

We didn't have a good night.

They resorted to calpol to get her to sleep :shock:

She was wide awake from 9 until 3am crying intermittently. They couldn't settle her, I couldn't settle her, she probably woke up the whole ward.

They are insisting I limit the time at the breast. Whereas at home I would have put her back to the boob when she got like this they have told me not to and it's perpetuating the problem.

The nurse thinks she was crying for comfort cuddles and wanted picking up :wall: and it's nothing more than that.

I'm totally going home today with a diagnosis of 'your baby isn't ill she's just a diva' I can see it now
OMG I so feel for you x

How can they say all of that is due to her wanting comforting?

They must think something isn't right to give her calpol to sleep. Surely that's not a proven method unless I missed something

If you offering the boob and picking her up to calm her is what they think is causing this maybe you could ask them why they haven't a hospital full of Tilly's.

Cos that's what I do when Harry cries- comfort him and if he looks like he wants milk from me he gets it. But H doesn't have the problems Tilly so obviously does

If you leave not happy is there a way of seeing someone privately for a second opinion?

Sending you hugs xxxx
i too must be spoiling my baby as i let her drink as much as she wants be it boob or bottle, shes had 8 oz in one go before or 3. shes been latched onto me for an hour before and ive let her. i dont let her cry, ever if i can help it. pretty much all she has to do is shout me and i'll pick her up but shes happy to sleep in her cot most nights, shes happy to lie on her playmat watching tv. she only needs a little rock sometimes to get her off and shes never screaming and distragught for no reason. its always teething or tummy pains and so i cuddle her and do what i can to comfort her. shes not as unsettled as tilly and if its cos of the way you cuddle her and feed her then we should be right there in hospital with a screaming baby too cos i cant see what you do thats different to us
I'm feeling rather down today about this.

We are at the end of the road basically.

I am very relieved that they don't think there is anything seriously wrong with her but so so frustrated they can't help with the crying.

I at least had hope on Thursday, I was really looking forward to the appointment, I was so sure that they would be able to help her. how silly!

I'm finding it a real drain to look after her. Its more stress than happiness and I'm desperately sad to say I'm not enjoying it :( I look forward to the weekend when other people can take her away from me. If I wasn't breastfeeding I'd be palming her off with anyone who wanted her I think :shock:

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