Is he deaf?!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Errr - no. He's 14 months old!!! :rofl:

I was working with an anaesthetist today and she was asking about Oliver. Is he walking, talking, applied to uni yet etc. I said that he has the right number of syllables when trying to talk, but hasn't got there speech wise yet. I was so proud :cloud9: So she said that perhaps he is deaf has he had his hearing test yet. WTF? :slap: I said that he is only 14 moths, so I don't think it is wrong that he can't string a sentence together yet. I couldn't believe it!!! I was upset and worried for a few minutes, then realised what a numpty she was being!
:shock: Sam said almost nothing at 14 months!! And by 21 months had well over 200 words. Was she being serious?! Even at 17 months he was only really starting to speak properly!
Shows he hasn't had much interactions with kids, my dad couldn't even tell you what my first was, still don't think he listens to me now :rotfl:

Don't worry hun Oliver sounds like he is doing just fine :hug:
Just realised you said she , :oops: guess I just assumed that only a man could make a comment like that :rotfl:
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What a spanner! My nephew was 3 before he even started to speak even remotely properly (I blame the parents, my brother's thick as a whale omelette and less handsome...- we don't get on -) each child develops differently. Cheeky mare.

Prepare yourself with questions about HER development if you have to see her again "how old were you when you stopped pooping your pants"? is a good one, or a cheeky retort of "well, at least he's got an excuse to be in nappies...and yours is?" :rofl:

(Sleep deprived ToffeePop becomes highly ranty and sarcastic. I apologise...full service of normal behaviour may return sometime in the not too close future...) :D
He sounds fine, my nephew literally grunted until he was 2, then out of the blue there he was talking away, your little man has plenty of time! Silly woman:shakehead:
this was the same for my cousin, he didnt speak a word and BOOM 2 years old you couldnt shut him up haha :lol:

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