She's been admitted :(

Ooops hit send too quick there.

The doctor im ashamed to admit looks very young. God im feeling old!!

Will try to get a picture.

The other doctor from this morning has come back and reduced her sedative thing because she's been too sleepy all morning.

And the doctor from Friday came to see us, the one who admitted us. He said he's happy she has improved and he is confident she will continue to get better. He has insisted on a follow up appointment which I am pleased about
Aww, i love the gruffalo!!

I was thinking tho, how can the doc thinks she's improved if she's been sedated? Or unless as Hope says, if she was really in pain she'd wake thro the sedative, which may also have been why they gave it to LO!?

I hope you get out soon & I really hope ranitidine works!

Aww, i love the gruffalo!!

I was thinking tho, how can the doc thinks she's improved if she's been sedated? Or unless as Hope says, if she was really in pain she'd wake thro the sedative, which may also have been why they gave it to LO!?

I hope you get out soon & I really hope ranitidine works!


Because she has been settled between feeds (she only got sedated yesterday). We did see a bit of an improvement by limiting the time at the breast and she has slept a lot more than she would have done on a typical day.

The inconsolable crying fits have reduced in number as well. Though she is still having them.

She has been quite irritable at feeds today.
Try not to worry if the ranitidine doesn't work, it didn't work for my LO & neither did the stronger stuff, it doesn't mean they dont have reflux if it doesn't work it just means they need something stronger.

Do you know when your getting out?

Try not to worry if the ranitidine doesn't work, it didn't work for my LO & neither did the stronger stuff, it doesn't mean they dont have reflux if it doesn't work it just means they need something stronger.

Do you know when your getting out?


They have said another 1-2 days of observations I think.

She's been very sleepy all day
Gosh just read all this you poor things. I hope they can get to the bottom of it all soon :hugs: xx

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At least they haven't just sent you home, which tbh I have been expecting given the stupid opinions they seem to have. Have they said anything about reducing the sedation now she's rested a bit?
Crikey hun you've really had a time of it in the last few days haven't you. I'm glad that at least some of the doctors aren't complete idiots at any rate. Crossing my fingers that you get to see the better ones again. Really hope the medication starts working for you both.

Because she has been settled between feeds (she only got sedated yesterday). We did see a bit of an improvement by limiting the time at the breast and she has slept a lot more than she would have done on a typical day.

The inconsolable crying fits have reduced in number as well. Though she is still having them.

She has been quite irritable at feeds today.[/QUOTE]

Hi Hun just seen all this!!! Omg hope you are all ok,you are doing an amazing Job with your lo and don't let anyone tell you this is your fault. I would def complain about that if I were you.
I so hope you get the results you and Tilly need

:hugs: x x x
Omg I can't believe they are still trying to tell you she's just a fussy baby!!!!!! James has mild reflux and even web he doesn't have his gaviacon he turns in to the devil child!!!!! I missed a dose on Sunday and he boffed everywhere down me lol I hope you get some answers soon tor hugs to you all xxxxxxx

I was just thinking about them asking you to reduce feeding times. Have you asked them what to do when LO goes through her growth spurts?

I was just thinking about them asking you to reduce feeding times. Have you asked them what to do when LO goes through her growth spurts?

No pinky.

I don't like the whole restricting feeding times to be honest but it does appear to have helped a bit. They really have insisted that I leave her at least 3 hours between feeds and it has been difficult at times. I probably have been perpetuating the problem because if she starts crying booby is usually my first choice of tool to try because I know it shuts her up :shock: it's going to be difficult to do this at home.

They are weighing her today so I'll be very interested to see what the results are. I have pretty much halved the time I spend feeding her a day, if not less. She went from 5.84 to 5.97 kg between Tuesday and Friday so it will be quite easy to compare growth rate as it is a similar period of time.

She's only been sick with winding for the past few feeds so I think it probably does help. And when she has been out down she has been sleeping first time rather than the 3-4-5 times it takes to get her off, though I can't decide if that's due to the ranitidine or the sedative.
That's interesting. Not sure if I said on here before but at Tyler's 6 week appt they told me that eating every hour was too much and I should strech him. So I did to every 2 hours. He took to it well which makes me think he was ready and at 12 weeks I stretched him again to 3 hours and again he was fine. Dunno what happened at night tho lol!

That's what the Pediatricians advice here for bf.
Feeding every 3 h 15 each boob or 30 min one boob.
They claim that when the baby is going through a growth sprout they will suck harder getting more milk in the same amount of time. While they grow they become more efficient to that and their tummy can hold more milk at once.
If they baby is unsettled in between offer dummy, rocking etc. if still routing and over the 2 h mark offer boob again, if not keep distracting them.
In Greece mummies are advised to give baby tea for colics in between feeds of the baby is unsettled.
I suppose you can try the schedule the will give you and see how it will go?
God knows what I am going to do with a screaming baby meantime but I am not planning to exactly demand feed ( after the first 2 weeks of course)
They have hammered in to me that after a feed of 15-20 mins (if baby is an effective feeder) that a baby should be settled for 3 hours, or at least 2. And so should not be fed before that.

It is a hard lesson for me to learn I think!
Lol, didn't read what hope has put before my post but it's pretty much that!!
Glad to hear you've both had some sleep again xx

what age do you say that from then about feeding? Harry still feeds pretty much every 2 hours although at night he'll go longer

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