She's been admitted :(

They have hammered in to me that after a feed of 15-20 mins (if baby is an effective feeder) that a baby should be settled for 3 hours, or at least 2. And so should not be fed before that.

It is a hard lesson for me to learn I think!

Tyler feeds 10-15 mins goes 3 hours yet at night he can feed longer and go less time.

G still feeds every 2 hours ish, sometimes longer during the day, but apparently nipple shields can cause less efficient feeding, and I still can't get her to latch without them, plus she goes for a good 5hour stretch at night, so I don't mind 2hourly during the day. Xxx
Thank goodness I was right about only feeding a short time on each boob, was starting to think i'd been given wrong advice with my LO. It makes sense that smaller feeds work, to think about it a diff way - if your LO is constantly on boob then they're not getting a chance to digest food properly before getting more. TBH i was suprised that ppl had been feeding as much as LO wants, I think there should be more info for breastfeeding mums. Luckily my MIL was a social worker & ran a BF'ing workshop so I got lots of tips & advice.

Anyway, glad things are slightly better. It could be a mixture of everything thats helping your LO. Fingers crossed for further improvements!!

Tbh, I think there's a mix of advice for different reasons. I vaguely remember reading that reflux babies want to comfort feed as the milk momentarily soothes the reflux.

But my understanding is that a longer time on one boob gives the fattier hind milk, shorter times on both gives less of that. I suppose its like everything, it depends wether you want to follow the 'routine' advice set length of feed at set times, or the 'demand' advice. I guess like everything there are pros and cons to both.

Thank goodness I was right about only feeding a short time on each boob, was starting to think i'd been given wrong advice with my LO. It makes sense that smaller feeds work, to think about it a diff way - if your LO is constantly on boob then they're not getting a chance to digest food properly before getting more. TBH i was suprised that ppl had been feeding as much as LO wants, I think there should be more info for breastfeeding mums. Luckily my MIL was a social worker & ran a BF'ing workshop so I got lots of tips & advice.

Anyway, glad things are slightly better. It could be a mixture of everything thats helping your LO. Fingers crossed for further improvements!!


I hands up got it all wrong tbh. I had made assumptions about the baby being hungry when she wasn't and this has been making the whole problem worse.

I will not be feeding my baby again if she has fed within less than 2 hours and aim for 3.

I'm a bit miffed that I have been making the whole thing worse but I had it drummed in to me 'feed on demand' etc and it probably has made the reflux worse and created a baby who is addicted to boobies!

I'm not saying this will happen to every baby but it has affected my baby quite significantly!

I'm hopeful I might have broken the cycle of crying and the dummy has become my best friend.

We have seen the doctor and are going home today with the ranitidine and cholorol which we are to wean her off by the weekend and a follow up appointment with the original consultant in a few weeks time which I am so so pleased about.
It worked so good after all :love:

I am confident that soon you will notice a great difference in tilly.
She and you both learning how to do things together :hug: I pretty hope that ranitidine works and together with the new schedule and your best friend the pacifier you will get to enjoy your baby girl :love:

Watch this forum to see me going hysterical once the baby is here and have no clue what to do...
It worked so good after all :love:

I am confident that soon you will notice a great difference in tilly.
She and you both learning how to do things together :hug: I pretty hope that ranitidine works and together with the new schedule and your best friend the pacifier you will get to enjoy your baby girl :love:

Watch this forum to see me going hysterical once the baby is here and have no clue what to do...

Thanks hun, i hope it works too. I have a new sense of optimism today, though that might be because the sun is shining....

and you'll be FINE I'm sure :)

The hardest thing is to remain rational and we can try to help you with that :love:

Don't blame yourself at all about Tilly's feeding! It is drummed into us to 'feed on demand' and that's all you were doing. My son sometimes would cry an hour after a ten minute feed and I'd try everything but another feed was all that settled him. He only feeds 10mins on one boob per feed and has done so for weeks and weeks. He's 12weeks now and only beginning to go a bit longer between feeds naturally, about 3hours during day and 4-5 during night so you might find in a few weeks when Tilly is older she will naturally sort out her feeding.
Just want to say as well, well done for sticking to the breast feeding. It must have been so tough for you.
Don't be so down on things you've done, you have been an excellent mum! Tilly's a lucky girl :-)
Glad you are going home today and fingers crossed things work for you x

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So glad things seem to be on the up now! Hooray! :-)
So glad things are on the up honey. Please don't blame yourself though, according to them I'm doing everything wrong! Lol x
Oh, I know, its so hard to know what to do with the feed on demand thing, I fed on demand til my HV told me to limit feeds (that was without any reflux)

All babies have a bit of reflux. Its only some that have more severe symptoms.

Glad your going home

How that works is a little tricky to understand. Comfort sucking is good in reflux but just for a while. Soon the comfort disappears and you are left with a full tummy that is prone to reflux back up and a stomach that secret gastric acid non stop trying to help digestion of a constantly full tummy.
The idea to the reflux until the baby is on solids (harder to reflux back and meantime baby grows out of it) is to have a meal without a full bursting tummy and a fast digestion.
The moment that the baby latches again in 1 h for example yea it feels better but then it has an ever fuller tummy that probably didn't have time to empty first time and new gastric juice and then more of it reflexes back and so on with a crying hysterical baby.ranitidine is to stop excess gastric juice production. But only that is not enough. You really need to give time for that tummy to empty too.

If the baby feeds for 20 min every 2-3 h an gains weight that surely is enough.if it Dosent gain weight ofc then here is a different story.
So hope the feeding schedule works for you hun. The first thing I do is check if Bertie is hungry and offer a bottle, that's as much instinct as anything else, who wants to think they are leaving their baby hungry? and I am sure everyone has or does do it.

Fx we have a happy Tilly and happy mummy xxxxxxxx
i only offer boob as a last resort unless its been about 3 hrs and always have. i just thought that if they had fed in the last hour or 2 then they shouldnt be hungry again so soon and so ran thru the list of other possibilities first, that meant usually she had settled down or id found what she wanted before it go to offering the boob unless she was distraught. poor tilly was always distraught so you offered the one thing that calmed her. totally natural and logical hun and im sure we all would have done the same. so glad you can be home now and sleep in your own bed. got my fingers crossed that things are on the up for you from now on darlin x
Just caught up, so pleased they have helped u and you haven't been dismissed :) don't blame yourself we are all told to feed on demand and you can't over feed a bf baby !
Fx the real tilly is going to show her big beautiful smile more often x x

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