Keeping my fingers crossed for you hellandglory.
Millie and MrsLK2017 - can't imagine how frustrating it must be. Hope you can stay positive.
Glad you managed to talk it out LuckyLaura - a break is sometimes the best thing!
I'm preparing myself to join the October thread. Just feel 'fine' really. The only thing I've noticed is some random lower abdomen 'twinges'. Seemed more obvious than I would usually notice but I have convinced myself that they are nothing more than healing post surgery as our odds this month really aren't great.
There is still time yet! xx
I'm not sure with my opk today I think it might be lighter than yesterday's?
Really hoping I'll get a pos one in a couple of days still..
I'm trying to stay positive but I'm struggling. Had a falling out with a family member so I'm in a real mood. They decided to pass unnecessary judgement on everything we're good through with this TTC business. Totally just another example of someone who is ignorant to the issues some people face. I'm just frustrated as after I got the polyp removed, I felt the most positive I'd felt in months but now I feel at rock bottom again
I have sore boobs and skin is looking a bit naff. I'm not holding my breath.