*~*~*~* September Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!! *~*~*~*

Congrats to those with bfps!!

Keeping fingers crossed for you millielaura.

Hope this is a good sign for the rest of the month.
Millie that's fab line for 9dpo, can see faint lines without enlarging, really hope it's your BFP!

Co grays angel babe, great start to September for BFPs!
Wow congratulations ladies!
Millielaura, I see it, hope it gets darker x

September is sure off to a great start. I visit another forum and the September thread is the same there too. Ive not even O'd yet! Lol
Congrats for the bfps!!!! Woooo . Good luck to everyone in the 2ww! I'll be joining in again for the October thread and I'm already feeling better for our month off trying. We sat down and had a huge talk last night so feeling much better hehe xx

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Had my bfp but got period like cramps today so starting to get a bit nervous :/
Well think AF might be here, although tis very light only had a couple cms worth on a thin daily panty liner this morning and not had much blood since. I know someone on here said they had a really light period after having a miscarriage. I am getting a lot of tummy pains and back ache like normal AF so pretty sure that's what it is :afalert:
If it stays really light I might do a pregnancy test next week still, but will just be to put my mind at ease as don't think i'm pregnant. So roll on next cycle, glad AF made an early appearance rather than in 2 weeks time
So feeling a bit sorry for myself now, has anyone got any words of wisdom. I only stopped bleeding from miscarriage (although was brown stuff for last 2 weeks rather than blood as such) on mon 21st so just under 2 weeks ago, is this right. Although I guess it depends on the person as to how your body is after :wall2:
Well think AF might be here, although tis very light only had a couple cms worth on a thin daily panty liner this morning and not had much blood since. I know someone on here said they had a really light period after having a miscarriage. I am getting a lot of tummy pains and back ache like normal AF so pretty sure that's what it is :afalert:
If it stays really light I might do a pregnancy test next week still, but will just be to put my mind at ease as don't think i'm pregnant. So roll on next cycle, glad AF made an early appearance rather than in 2 weeks time
So feeling a bit sorry for myself now, has anyone got any words of wisdom. I only stopped bleeding from miscarriage (although was brown stuff for last 2 weeks rather than blood as such) on mon 21st so just under 2 weeks ago, is this right. Although I guess it depends on the person as to how your body is after :wall2:

It can take a while for our bodies to get back to normal after mc. It's so annoying I know :(
Hopefully it's not af yet!

With my mc it took 20 days after the first day of mc bleeding for af to show up - making it a 29 day cycle. It was the heaviest period I've had in a long time and it was pretty much over in 2 days!
Of course it's different for everyone though xx

I thought my body was back to normal but now I'm not so sure.
I had a dark opk cd7 and they've been getting lighter ever since. I'm cd11 today and yesterday I had some bright red spotting (maybe to do with ovulation as I've had it before mid cycle). So I'm wondering if I already ovulated and if I did I'll be out this month for sure as we've only dtd a few times. Just going to keep doing opks til cd16 then give up.
Did another opk tonight and it's even lighter than the one I did earlier ughh this cycle is probably just another waste of time then :(
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Well .... I might be out even before I started.

My O date might be wrong (FF) hence badly timed BD'ing. :( Pretty much waiting for AF to arrive so I can start a new cycle.

:dust: good luck to all of you ladies! :hugs:
xMillie my opk has gone lighter today too, there was only a faint line yesterday and today practically gone! CD11 its usually a bit darker.

MrsLK2017, my af was very light and odd too. Just had a bit of blood each morning and nothing for the rest of the day for a good few days last week. I guess we have to be patient but it really sucks. Everybody seems different and each mc has a different effect. My first one my cycle was back straight away and conceived next month. This time Im not so sure.

Try and stay positive, your body is just recovering and it will sort itself soon xx
Keeping my fingers crossed for you hellandglory.

Millie and MrsLK2017 - can't imagine how frustrating it must be. Hope you can stay positive.

Glad you managed to talk it out LuckyLaura - a break is sometimes the best thing!

I'm preparing myself to join the October thread. Just feel 'fine' really. The only thing I've noticed is some random lower abdomen 'twinges'. Seemed more obvious than I would usually notice but I have convinced myself that they are nothing more than healing post surgery as our odds this month really aren't great.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you hellandglory.

Millie and MrsLK2017 - can't imagine how frustrating it must be. Hope you can stay positive.

Glad you managed to talk it out LuckyLaura - a break is sometimes the best thing!

I'm preparing myself to join the October thread. Just feel 'fine' really. The only thing I've noticed is some random lower abdomen 'twinges'. Seemed more obvious than I would usually notice but I have convinced myself that they are nothing more than healing post surgery as our odds this month really aren't great.

There is still time yet! xx

I'm not sure with my opk today I think it might be lighter than yesterday's?
Really hoping I'll get a pos one in a couple of days still..
Spotting! 😩 I'm most likely out!

Congratulations firstly to those who have their BFPs!!.... I'm so happy for you! You're beginning the journey we all want! Have fun, enjoy every second!! :)

Hmmm, I spotted for 2days, brown/pink CM, then yesterday morning had some red blood with a small clot....but today...nothing!?...keep feeling like there's something there, go to the toilet to check, but nothing!!?.......could I still get a BFP after blood!!!?
Well i'm out :witch: has def arrived, got heavier today. So I will no longer be testing next weekend. This will be my first period since miscarriage so hopefully it doesn't stay too long. I've decided to get some ovulation test strips so I will hopefully know when I next ovulate to at least know when AF will be here, plus might be handy as cycles might be bit jumbled now :wall2:

No idea yet when i'll be testing again as cycles were always between 4 and 5 weeks so I maybe out for September now :mad:

FX for everyone else and some :dust:
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Could I please be added for the 28th, September could still have something good for me! Good luck all still in the tww watching all those symptoms. x x
This is worst af I've had in ages. Roll on to fertile week this month. Still on slimming world and doing more exersise this month. Trying to find some positivity from somewhere. Good luck everyone !
Well i'm out :witch: has def arrived, got heavier today. So I will no longer be testing next weekend. This will be my first period since miscarriage so hopefully it doesn't stay too long. I've decided to get some ovulation test strips so I will hopefully know when I next ovulate to at least know when AF will be here, plus might be handy as cycles might be bit jumbled now :wall2:

No idea yet when i'll be testing again as cycles were always between 4 and 5 weeks so I maybe out for September now :mad:

FX for everyone else and some :dust:

Sorry :( xx

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