Hi Everyone! It is my first time posting. AF is due on Sunday and I feel like I am losing my mind. Last night my best friend told me she is pregnant with her 2nd after being off of BC for literally only 30 days. I know I should be happy for her, but I am sad that I have been trying for a year and it still hasnt happened. Fingers crossed that this month is finally the month!
Hiya! Just wanted to say don’t worry you’re not alone! I had the exact same with my friend this month and I’ve been trying for 10 months. When are you testing? X
Thank you. I haven't been to the doctor yet. My husband is convinced that it isn't time yet, and that we have some more trying to do. :doh:

Yes please, if you can put me down for 9/23. I appreciate the support!

@Natalie8964 - massive hugs to you honey <3

@Sterksworks - I know how you feel hun, have you been to the doctors to start any fertility tests? Would you like me to put you down for a testing date?
I am hoping to wait and test on Saturday. I always have a terrible time waiting. :2ww:
Hiya! Just wanted to say don’t worry you’re not alone! I had the exact same with my friend this month and I’ve been trying for 10 months. When are you testing? X
Just checking in! How is everyone? Major congrats to those who got their BFP!!! I am waiting to test anymore but my chest has gotten fuller as of yesterday and it feels quite tender today. I also noticed more cm than usual too. I may test again tomorrow, I have a good feeling but the wait is killing me!
Just checking in! How is everyone? Major congrats to those who got their BFP!!! I am waiting to test anymore but my chest has gotten fuller as of yesterday and it feels quite tender today. I also noticed more cm than usual too. I may test again tomorrow, I have a good feeling but the wait is killing me!
How exciting :dust:
How many dpo are you? X
How exciting :dust:
How many dpo are you? X

I’m 8dpo. Last pregnancy in June I got a BFP at 10dpo. I honestly don’t know much about cm but what I have right now is like this thin milky white type that’s kind of stretchy, not sure what’s normal cm for this time, pregnant or not? I’ve never paid attention to cm until ttc this time around (didn’t keep up with OPKs or cm when I was ttc my daughter) but only focused on ovulation cm. Do you know what I should be looking for?
I’m 8dpo. Last pregnancy in June I got a BFP at 10dpo. I honestly don’t know much about cm but what I have right now is like this thin milky white type that’s kind of stretchy, not sure what’s normal cm for this time, pregnant or not? I’ve never paid attention to cm until ttc this time around (didn’t keep up with OPKs or cm when I was ttc my daughter) but only focused on ovulation cm. Do you know what I should be looking for?

Thats the stuff!!!!! :)
White/yellow stretchy lots of it perhaps. Creamy at same time. 100% what i got twice!! It can never be a guarantee but i think its my pregnancy sign personally.
Thats the stuff!!!!! :)
White/yellow stretchy lots of it perhaps. Creamy at same time. 100% what i got twice!! It can never be a guarantee but i think its my pregnancy sign personally

Ahh!! Only other thing I noticed is I started getting headaches since yesterday. I used to get them bad with my daughter and before the MC I just had, I had them as well
I’m 8dpo. Last pregnancy in June I got a BFP at 10dpo. I honestly don’t know much about cm but what I have right now is like this thin milky white type that’s kind of stretchy, not sure what’s normal cm for this time, pregnant or not? I’ve never paid attention to cm until ttc this time around (didn’t keep up with OPKs or cm when I was ttc my daughter) but only focused on ovulation cm. Do you know what I should be looking for?
I don’t ever really look for CM, doesn’t mean much for me. I have had cycles where I haven’t had any and months where I have had loads of creamy, watery, milky and none of it led to pregnancy so who knows. Some people swear by it though.
I don’t really like the idea of putting my finger up there have having a mooch for it haha.
I don’t ever really look for CM, doesn’t mean much for me. I have had cycles where I haven’t had any and months where I have had loads of creamy, watery, milky and none of it led to pregnancy so who knows. Some people swear by it though.
I don’t really like the idea of putting my finger up there have having a mooch for it haha.

Lol! Yeah really :rotfl:
Ahh!! Only other thing I noticed is I started getting headaches since yesterday. I used to get them bad with my daughter and before the MC I just had, I had them as well

Can never tell can you? Time shall tell. Id really like to see this cm a sign tho in another person!! :)
I had 1 day where i wiped and it was just everywhere (yeeeh tmi) yellow tho and stretchy as hell :)
I don’t ever really look for CM, doesn’t mean much for me. I have had cycles where I haven’t had any and months where I have had loads of creamy, watery, milky and none of it led to pregnancy so who knows. Some people swear by it though.
I don’t really like the idea of putting my finger up there have having a mooch for it haha.

Dont have to rumage around. Do the tissue swob me and @Lollypop79 both admitted to doing :p loool
Wont be doing it anytime now on tho - tiz my second rule in this pregnancy :)
Can never tell can you? Time shall tell. Id really like to see this cm a sign tho in another person!! :)
I had 1 day where i wiped and it was just everywhere (yeeeh tmi) yellow tho and stretchy as hell :)

I had this, this morning haha

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