***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Glad you had a nice time hope you managed to relax. I’m okay thank you, slightly lost the plot a bit over the weekend lol but now awaiting AF today hopefully so I can start afresh! I’ve done two super sensitive tests and both negative so I’m just awaiting AF!
Glad you had a nice time hope you managed to relax. I’m okay thank you, slightly lost the plot a bit over the weekend lol but now awaiting AF today hopefully so I can start afresh! I’ve done two super sensitive tests and both negative so I’m just awaiting AF!

I did relax and drunk a few too many cocktails oops! :)
I am hoping that is my last holiday that i wont be pregnant and my next one in December i will be!!
Arrrr sorry that the tests came back negative but like we all say your not out until AF arrives!!
Are you feeling her coming? x
Thankyou all for reassuring me about my lines. I think I’m just nervous to believe this actually happening plus I think I’m so used to opk’s that I automatically want to see two lines the same darkness.

Digital day is gonna be Wednesday morning as Tuesday eve I take DS1 to gymnastics and there is the biggest Asda in the world right round the corner from there. They are sure to have what I want. My local Asda and Waitrose are titchy and didn’t have them.

Will do another internet cheapie tomorrow morning just because I have them. We have been trying a fair while so I think I deserve to watch my double lines grow a few more times.

This cycle I did do one thing different to most others. We DTD in the days leading up to positive opk day (which is normal) but usually I’d jump his bones on positive day then let the poor husband rest for a couple of days thinking ‘well, sperm needs to be there before egg’. This time we DIDNT baby dance on the opk day but instead the day before and after (which was probably ovulation day). We had never BD on actual ovulation day for a good few months so maybe that was it.....or ,maybe it was all a happy coincidence?
This cycle I did do one thing different to most others. We DTD in the days leading up to positive opk day (which is normal) but usually I’d jump his bones on positive day then let the poor husband rest for a couple of days thinking ‘well, sperm needs to be there before egg’. This time we DIDNT baby dance on the opk day but instead the day before and after (which was probably ovulation day). We had never BD on actual ovulation day for a good few months so maybe that was it.....or ,maybe it was all a happy coincidence?

So piglet my fertile window started yesterday and i did the deed then. So will do it every day now leading up to ovulation?
Then the day i get my positive opk i DO NOT DTD? but do it the day after?

I am going to follow your instructions :) xx
I did I did I did!!!!!! So glad you’re back <3 yay!!! I’m 7dpo now, getting so nervous!!! Ahhhhh. I wish I was working from home, everything’s going wrong at work today grrrr joys of being an IT technician...

So excited for you to be nearing ovulation. This WILL be our month Char!!! :dust:

I had a little creamy/watery discharge yesterday but I dunno if that’s good or bad tbh.... I’m all better though so that’s positive! No more sore noonoo haha

Helen, I can always rely on you to make me smile :) So glad i am back too, not sure how i coped 4 days without wifi!!
Wow 7dpo - i am so excited for you! Have you got any symptoms?
Really hope it is our month hunnie <3

CM is one thing i do not have a clue about, i did have a little read up about it but it still didnt make much sense to me lol. But surely its good news hun!

So glad your better, must have been so bloody painful!! Glad you managed to get onto the forum while working :):) xx

I am quite dizzy but other than that I have nothing really. Nipples are slightly sore but tbh I think I’m probably imagining that. The biggest thing is the dizziness but it’s not terrible! I just wanna find out! We dtd loads but then had to stop at the end of my fertile window becuase of the herpes flare up...I’ll attach the chart to show you. Just want it to be enough!!! Defo jumping on OH tonight... it’s been far too long without :bd: and I’m horny hahahaha


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Yea I feel a bit crampy. But no where near as bad as I was last month. Which is odd as last month I was 4 days late - odd that I was in so much pain with that looking back.

That is reassuring news for us piglet! It&#8217;s good to hear everyone&#8217;s story up to BFP!!! I&#8217;m starting to feel like those two lines will never show!
I am quite dizzy but other than that I have nothing really. Nipples are slightly sore but tbh I think I’m probably imagining that. The biggest thing is the dizziness but it’s not terrible! I just wanna find out! We dtd loads but then had to stop at the end of my fertile window becuase of the herpes flare up...I’ll attach the chart to show you. Just want it to be enough!!! Defo jumping on OH tonight... it’s been far too long without :bd: and I’m horny hahahaha

Dizziness is a good sign even though i don't wish that on you because its pretty awful! But a good symptom. I tend to think i make my symptoms up when i am spotting but they must be there, we cant be that crazy!

Yes make sure you jump on him tonight :) ill be doing exactly the same as fertile window has just started :)

Yea I feel a bit crampy. But no where near as bad as I was last month. Which is odd as last month I was 4 days late - odd that I was in so much pain with that looking back.

That is reassuring news for us piglet! It’s good to hear everyone’s story up to BFP!!! I’m starting to feel like those two lines will never show!

Your not out yet Mandy, FX for you and keep us posted x
I will do! I had so many symptoms I was actually convinced up until I tested that I might be! Next cycle I am not symptom spotting! Haha I say this every cycle!!!! Thanks for the support.
This cycle I did do one thing different to most others. We DTD in the days leading up to positive opk day (which is normal) but usually I’d jump his bones on positive day then let the poor husband rest for a couple of days thinking ‘well, sperm needs to be there before egg’. This time we DIDNT baby dance on the opk day but instead the day before and after (which was probably ovulation day). We had never BD on actual ovulation day for a good few months so maybe that was it.....or ,maybe it was all a happy coincidence?

So piglet my fertile window started yesterday and i did the deed then. So will do it every day now leading up to ovulation?
Then the day i get my positive opk i DO NOT DTD? but do it the day after?

I am going to follow your instructions :) xx

That’s what I did this cycle......but it could’ve been a coincidence. I think we did it thurs, sat, sun, NOT MON, Tuesday this cycle. Mon was positive opk day and tues would have been ovulation day.
I have no symptoms though except slightly fuller feeling boobs. I had blood stained CM from 5dpo unitll yesterday too and I was convinced I was out this cycle. I only got a little suspicious when the spotting didn&#8217;t gradually get heavier as would usually happen but instead just tailed off and none today. If think this cycle was my most symptom free cycle ever!
That’s what I did this cycle......but it could’ve been a coincidence. I think we did it thurs, sat, sun, NOT MON, Tuesday this cycle. Mon was positive opk day and tues would have been ovulation day.

Okay i am going to follow your instructions and hope for the best :)
You&#8217;ll get your bfp super soon I&#8217;m sure. It took us 8ish cycles I think which I know isn&#8217;t ridiculously long but it sure felt like it. I was actually planning to pop down and get a GP appointment today to discuss initial investigations etc into why we weren&#8217;t falling pregnant utterly convinced I wasn&#8217;t preganant this cycle.

you are a bit younger so have box-fresh eggs meaning I think it&#8217;ll be sooner for you guys.
You’ll get your bfp super soon I’m sure. It took us 8ish cycles I think which I know isn’t ridiculously long but it sure felt like it. I was actually planning to pop down and get a GP appointment today to discuss initial investigations etc into why we weren’t falling pregnant utterly convinced I wasn’t preganant this cycle.

you are a bit younger so have box-fresh eggs meaning I think it’ll be sooner for you guys.

i'm only on cycle 3 - but officially been off the pill since April and it already feels like a life time i feel bad saying that because so many people take longer!
So happy for you Piglet, it seems to be when your not expecting it, it happens. Maybe my 2ww i will tell myself every day that i have no symptoms hahah xx
Yeah will defo temp next cycle!

Another blazing positive OPK this morning (CD17), like yesterday's. BD twice last night to make up for lost time!

If my OPKs are still positive tonight, I will consider HPT test in morning, but I doubt there's any chance of BFP unless I did ov on first positive OPK at CD7. X
yea you defo need to start temping hun

Good morning girls I am back from Glasgow where we dropped off my daughter to start university and I am already missing her!!!!! I feel so emotional :cry::blush:.....I think my AF are approaching and this isn't helping too, lol.
I am going to work now, have a nice day girls and I hope the day will bring some more BFP :dust:
Oh hun sending huge hugs
My lines are still super faint on the cheapie hpt’s so I’m going to do one of those again tomorrow then do the digital Wednesday morning if I’m feeling confident. Can’t face a cheery ‘not pregnant’ slogan whereas I could convince myself either way on the lines

Today’s efforts.
Those lines aren't super faint that are blazing positive hun I'm so excited for you

LADIESSS.....I'M BACK :wave:

i have just caught up on our amazing thread, and OMG Piglet i see a :bfp: in all of your tests. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Vintage - how are you getting on? did you test again?
I am CD10 today and did my 1st opk of the cycle this morning - obviously negative but it feels good that i am now gearing up for ovulation!!
My plan was to temp while on holiday but it just never happened so have started again this morning!

How are you all? I didn't make it into work this morning, so shattered as had a late flight so working from home :) xx
so glad your back hun and glad you had a great time.

I have no symptoms though except slightly fuller feeling boobs. I had blood stained CM from 5dpo unitll yesterday too and I was convinced I was out this cycle. I only got a little suspicious when the spotting didn’t gradually get heavier as would usually happen but instead just tailed off and none today. If think this cycle was my most symptom free cycle ever!
I see alot of people who the cycle they got pregnant they had no symptoms at all
You’ll get your bfp super soon I’m sure. It took us 8ish cycles I think which I know isn’t ridiculously long but it sure felt like it. I was actually planning to pop down and get a GP appointment today to discuss initial investigations etc into why we weren’t falling pregnant utterly convinced I wasn’t preganant this cycle.

you are a bit younger so have box-fresh eggs meaning I think it’ll be sooner for you guys.

i'm only on cycle 3 - but officially been off the pill since April and it already feels like a life time i feel bad saying that because so many people take longer!
So happy for you Piglet, it seems to be when your not expecting it, it happens. Maybe my 2ww i will tell myself every day that i have no symptoms hahah xx
Lol hun tell yourself you have no symptoms..... It's bloody hard not to symptoms spot though isn't it.

As for me
I had some pink with my cm last night but it's been clear so far ibe a dull ache not cramps at all just an ache where cramps would normally hit but cm is back to normal so far today no AF yet so ibe kept my fmu because I might test later again with a cheapie or wait till tomorrow I don't know but lp can't be longer then 14 days I've had it at 13 days unless I calculated it wrong but no AF for me yet I'm hoping it stays away and I get a late bfp
The only ewcm I've really had was a big glob at CD10 and bit more at CD11. I'm still getting the watery/creamy CM which is what is most confusing as this usually only happens just after ov, but I've had this since last Thursday x
Thanks Vintage - i am glad to be back to you all :)
Really hope AF stays away for you and you do get your BFP!
Test again!! xx

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