Yeah will defo temp next cycle!
Another blazing positive OPK this morning (CD17), like yesterday's. BD twice last night to make up for lost time!
If my OPKs are still positive tonight, I will consider HPT test in morning, but I doubt there's any chance of BFP unless I did ov on first positive OPK at CD7. X
Yeah will defo temp next cycle!
Another blazing positive OPK this morning (CD17), like yesterday's. BD twice last night to make up for lost time!
If my OPKs are still positive tonight, I will consider HPT test in morning, but I doubt there's any chance of BFP unless I did ov on first positive OPK at CD7. X
Todays efforts.
Yeah will defo temp next cycle!
Another blazing positive OPK this morning (CD17), like yesterday's. BD twice last night to make up for lost time!
If my OPKs are still positive tonight, I will consider HPT test in morning, but I doubt there's any chance of BFP unless I did ov on first positive OPK at CD7. X
Good morning girls I am back from Glasgow where we dropped off my daughter to start university and I am already missing her!!!!! I feel so emotional.....I think my AF are approaching and this isn't helping too, lol.
I am going to work now, have a nice day girls and I hope the day will bring some more BFP![]()
Todays efforts.
Congratulations Piglet!
I tested today (11dpo) with fmu Af due in 2 days and it was negative. I dont think Ill bother to test again or buy a more sensitive test until at least Wednesday.
i have just caught up on our amazing thread, and OMG Piglet i see ain all of your tests. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Vintage - how are you getting on? did you test again?
I am CD10 today and did my 1st opk of the cycle this morning - obviously negative but it feels good that i am now gearing up for ovulation!!
My plan was to temp while on holiday but it just never happened so have started again this morning!
How are you all? I didn't make it into work this morning, so shattered as had a late flight so working from homexx
I did I did I did!!!!!! So glad youre backyay!!! Im 7dpo now, getting so nervous!!! Ahhhhh. I wish I was working from home, everythings going wrong at work today grrrr joys of being an IT technician...
So excited for you to be nearing ovulation. This WILL be our month Char!!!
I had a little creamy/watery discharge yesterday but I dunno if thats good or bad tbh.... Im all better though so thats positive! No more sore noonoo haha