***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Thanks I just downloaded the app. Have you been using the femometer? Does it give you warning just before ovulation?

I do use a thermometer every morning at 7am and input my details. The app will automatically confirm your ovulation when you put your temps in...
Is that what you mean? x
Thanks I just downloaded the app. Have you been using the femometer? Does it give you warning just before ovulation?

I do use a thermometer every morning at 7am and input my details. The app will automatically confirm your ovulation when you put your temps in...
Is that what you mean? x

Yes but I would want to know when the ovulation is going to happen in advance like a day maybe?
I also bought the actual femometer which is supposed to be very good and syncs with the app
Yes but I would want to know when the ovulation is going to happen in advance like a day maybe?

You have to take photos of your opk's and upload them and that also pinpoints it.
I only started using it yesterdy so i am unsure if it tells you a day before sorry.
I think the day you ovulate your temps rise so if your charting you will know by looking at that.
I cant really help you much sorry maybe someone else can? x
I also bought the actual femometer which is supposed to be very good and syncs with the app

Oh i see that, it links to it by bluetooth doesn't it. I can imagine that to work brilliantly.
Its quite expensive though isn't it? x
Yes it’s about 35 pounds but I am desperate. I am relying on the opks and it might be that I ovulate 2 days after the lh surge as we stop having sex earlier than that. I just would like to know if I have done my best hopefully it will work as I sleep with my mouth open lol
I also just ordered the femometer. Looking forward to using it

Maximus - you should use the app femometer too, its really good x

Thanks I just downloaded the app. Have you been using the femometer? Does it give you warning just before ovulation?

Tempting only confirms ovulation after it’s hapoened maximus, it won’t tell you in advance, :-( but what you can get from it if you do it for a few cycles is you will find out how soon after your positive opk you do actually ovulate xx
I knew there would be someone else more clued up than me to help you Maximus x
Max temp vaginaly it won't be effected then but sleeping with your mouth open does effect it if your temping orally. It won't tell you in advance but you will see your temp spike and most apps wait 3 days to confirm
Just got in from work, been catching up on all the messages! I wish I temped this month then I wouldn't be so unsure!

I've had a really tender lower stomach/womb area today. Only 2dpo so probably just still ovulation pains but it's been distracting! Maybe it's just back-to-work-itis lol. I've also got a really REALLY sore clitorus :( sorry I know I'm always the graphic one but omg I can't even touch it and even sitting down hurts. Maybe it's just all the :bd: but ouchhhhh!! Feeling a bit sorry for myself in that department! Hope you're all okay... I want to see more bfp tests!!!
Just got in from work, been catching up on all the messages! I wish I temped this month then I wouldn't be so unsure!

I've had a really tender lower stomach/womb area today. Only 2dpo so probably just still ovulation pains but it's been distracting! Maybe it's just back-to-work-itis lol. I've also got a really REALLY sore clitorus :( sorry I know I'm always the graphic one but omg I can't even touch it and even sitting down hurts. Maybe it's just all the :bd: but ouchhhhh!! Feeling a bit sorry for myself in that department! Hope you're all okay... I want to see more bfp tests!!!

Yes maybe it’s because of all of the BDIng haha. Hope you’re feeling less sore soon! X
Ok so no FRER at the supermarket (stupid Tesco!!) when I went but I couldn’t resist not buying a normal clear blue test. I know the blue dye tests have their critics but I thought what the hell and took it... Here’s my result! Think I’m going to stop panicking as much now. Thanks ladies for all of your help and support! Now let’s see some more BFPs. Baby dust :dust: to you all xx


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Just got in from work, been catching up on all the messages! I wish I temped this month then I wouldn't be so unsure!

I've had a really tender lower stomach/womb area today. Only 2dpo so probably just still ovulation pains but it's been distracting! Maybe it's just back-to-work-itis lol. I've also got a really REALLY sore clitorus :( sorry I know I'm always the graphic one but omg I can't even touch it and even sitting down hurts. Maybe it's just all the :bd: but ouchhhhh!! Feeling a bit sorry for myself in that department! Hope you're all okay... I want to see more bfp tests!!!

Here she is <3
How was your 1st day back at work hun?
OMG sore clitorus :rotfl: (I’m not laughing because your in pain btw) I wonder what the hell that is? Maybe it is too much :bd: you little minx haha!
Ok so no FRER at the supermarket (stupid Tesco!!) when I went but I couldn’t resist not buying a normal clear blue test. I know the blue dye tests have their critics but I thought what the hell and took it... Here’s my result! Think I’m going to stop panicking as much now. Thanks ladies for all of your help and support! Now let’s see some more BFPs. Baby dust :dust: to you all xx

Yay I see it Sjf <3
You are 100% preggers!
Now you just need to do your Digi when you think the time is right to see the weeks :) xx
Ok so no FRER at the supermarket (stupid Tesco!!) when I went but I couldn’t resist not buying a normal clear blue test. I know the blue dye tests have their critics but I thought what the hell and took it... Here’s my result! Think I’m going to stop panicking as much now. Thanks ladies for all of your help and support! Now let’s see some more BFPs. Baby dust :dust: to you all xx

Yay I see it Sjf <3
You are 100% preggers!
Now you just need to do your Digi when you think the time is right to see the weeks :) xx

Thank you Charlotte. I’m going to hold off with my digi until Thursday so the battery will stay on and I can give it to OH on our anniversary on Friday. <3
Thank you Charlotte. I’m going to hold off with my digi until Thursday so the battery will stay on and I can give it to OH on our anniversary on Friday. <3

OMG this is amazing - does the OH know that your pregnant xx
Ok so no FRER at the supermarket (stupid Tesco!!) when I went but I couldn’t resist not buying a normal clear blue test. I know the blue dye tests have their critics but I thought what the hell and took it... Here’s my result! Think I’m going to stop panicking as much now. Thanks ladies for all of your help and support! Now let’s see some more BFPs. Baby dust :dust: to you all xx

Yay I see it Sjf <3
You are 100% preggers!
Now you just need to do your Digi when you think the time is right to see the weeks :) xx

Thank you Charlotte. I’m going to hold off with my digi until Thursday so the battery will stay on and I can give it to OH on our anniversary on Friday. <3

Eeeek so excited for you, huge congrats x
Thank you Charlotte. I’m going to hold off with my digi until Thursday so the battery will stay on and I can give it to OH on our anniversary on Friday. <3

OMG this is amazing - does the OH know that your pregnant xx

No I’ve not told him. Last cycle I told him straight away but I didn’t test until after AF dodnt appear because I didn’t even contemplate I was pregnant after only DTD twice the whole month! This time when I told him I wanted to get a FRER he rolled his eyes and told me to just wait for AF to come or not. I’m planning on giving him the BFP CB digi on Friday with his anniversary card. We will be away in edinburgh for our anniversary too <3 can’t wait now! X
YAY!!! You're super duper pregnant!!!!! Fantastic news!!! Wooohoooo...

Hahaha Char I was laughing at myself!! Like a rowdy teenager with all this :bd: it's swollen too would you believe! Really need it to go away now, people at work must of had a right laugh at watching me attempt to sit down hahaha. Work was okay but i missed stalking this chat all day hehe <3

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