***September 2018 Testing Thread***

All updated ladies let me know if i have missed anyone.

I'll add in on some of the converstations.
Im 28 TTC for my first OH is 29 also his first, we are cycle 4
Ooh, we are nicely spread through the month arn’t we.

Now, nobody is to rip open that shiny foil packet with it’s tempting little stick that holds our future within its plastic casing until September..........

......yes Maximus, I am talking to you in particular.
Ooh, we are nicely spread through the month arn’t we.

Now, nobody is to rip open that shiny foil packet with it’s tempting little stick that holds our future within its plastic casing until September..........

......yes Maximus, I am talking to you in particular.

:rotfl: Piglet this really made me giggle.
I’m waiting until the 3rd eeeeeeeeek xx
I've read on posts re opks with dark lines early in cycle that you should do hpt test to rule that out, as pregnancy can be detected on opks. I know chances are slim to none as I just had AF, but might aswell do it tonight when I do opk again. X
I've read on posts re opks with dark lines early in cycle that you should do hpt test to rule that out, as pregnancy can be detected on opks. I know chances are slim to none as I just had AF, but might aswell do it tonight when I do opk again. X

Omg this is exciting <3
Tell us your results as soon as you do it xx
Will do, but seriously not expecting anything as AF was quite heavy on a couple of the days so can't see any possibility of a BFP. It could be possible that ov is going to happen super early though, guess anything is possible, especially after many years on the pill. X
Will do, but seriously not expecting anything as AF was quite heavy on a couple of the days so can't see any possibility of a BFP. It could be possible that ov is going to happen super early though, guess anything is possible, especially after many years on the pill. X

Good job you did that OPK today. That was clearly meant to happen <3 x
It was very random, all the talk of testing on here made me want to pee on a stick hahaha, was going to wait 3 more days. Could still end up being a false call, time will tell. X
Emma, I am sorry but bfp&#8217;s are banned till September. You are gonna have to hold out till Saturday. You might be our very first September success.
A minute past midnight into Sep is more than acceptable by the way.
Emma, I am sorry but bfp’s are banned till September. You are gonna have to hold out till Saturday. You might be our very first September success.

Hahaha i like the optimism, but I'm 99.9% sure it will be a BFN. My AF arrived 2 days early, so I should have been CD4 today instead of CD6, a 6 day AF is defo not a sign of a missed BFP. I wouldn't mind an early ov though, shorter wait for 2ww!X
I literally just read this about opks too, but surely mine can’t be going darker again because of pregnancy at like 4/5 dpo?
I literally just read this about opks too, but surely mine can’t be going darker again because of pregnancy at like 4/5 dpo?

How dark? Unless it's positive or close to, I wouldn't worry, I've had feint lines after ov x
Pretty dark, almost near to positive, but dries slightly lighter. My &#8216;positive&#8217; ones from a few days ago have stayed dark/darker even when dry! This is my first cycle I&#8217;ve tested beyond getting a positive - just so I can track what is going on! Was not expecting the line to begin to get darker again - it&#8217;s like it&#8217;s building up to ovulation again. I feel like a mad woman. Or does your body just go through surges of LH? Or perhaps I didn&#8217;t ovulate and I am going to now, I don&#8217;t temp so I can&#8217;t be certain that I did but my positive opks were over CD12,13&14. (Now CD18). CM is like lotiony not EWCM. Am actually fed up of all this!it&#8217;s always something new every month to contend with! Thank you for any advice/support - Husband is just as confused as me so not much use!
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Welcome hendy! Good luck :)

So I've had more stark white opks. I'm cd12 now. Obviously the ewcm and cramps had me thinking yesterday could have been O day but I just don't know. Now my Ovia app has changed my predictions for my fertile period as having finished on the 28th but I don't really get that and it wants me to test on Sunday but I'm not due af until the 16th so god knows!! I reckon this cycle is just a mess now lol. Confusing!

Is there any way you can just DTD every other night anyway? It might be hard but atleast you know your covered? x

I will do that or every day but it's kinda just annoying because I don't know what's going on if you know what I mean?
Ooh, we are nicely spread through the month arn’t we.

Now, nobody is to rip open that shiny foil packet with it’s tempting little stick that holds our future within its plastic casing until September..........

......yes Maximus, I am talking to you in particular.

Haha this made me laugh so much! :-)
Hahahaha love the ban!! I only went to the zoo and it's taken me 20 mins to catch up! Emma, I would be surprised considering you had af BUT there have definitely been stranger things on this forum! Lol xxx
Ooh, we are nicely spread through the month arn’t we.

Now, nobody is to rip open that shiny foil packet with it’s tempting little stick that holds our future within its plastic casing until September..........

......yes Maximus, I am talking to you in particular.

Love it
Pretty dark, almost near to positive, but dries slightly lighter. My ‘positive’ ones from a few days ago have stayed dark/darker even when dry! This is my first cycle I’ve tested beyond getting a positive - just so I can track what is going on! Was not expecting the line to begin to get darker again - it’s like it’s building up to ovulation again. I feel like a mad woman. Or does your body just go through surges of LH? Or perhaps I didn’t ovulate and I am going to now, I don’t temp so I can’t be certain that I did but my positive opks were over CD12,13&14. (Now CD18). CM is like lotiony not EWCM. Am actually fed up of all this!it’s always something new every month to contend with! Thank you for any advice/support - Husband is just as confused as me so not much use!
Sending hugs hun a positive OPK after ovulation could mean your pregnant so hold out hun and get the pregnancy tests on the go come Saturday

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