My AF sometimes lasts 8-9 days. Few days super light, then a scene from casualty for 2 days, then few more super light days. I think you get used to how your own AF likes to roll and thats normal for you. One odd AF I wouldnt be dwelling on, if it continues to vary a lot cycle to cycle then your hormones might be messing about and youll want a few bloods done to rest your mind.
Thanks Piglet. I've only been off the pill since June (been on the pill since I was 16 except for when i ttc my daughter for 2 months in 2011), so it could be related. Only thing I worry about is that I suffer with endometriosis, and the pill could have possibly masked it to some extent, I've been getting a lot of pains since being off the pill which I hardly had when I was on it. x
Emma - the main reason i went on the pill back when i was 17 years old is because the period pains where just unbearable, i use to often pass out when bleeding too. My periods got so much lighter and less painful over the years of being on the pill and was so nervous coming off the pill because of my past but FX they haven't been too bad.
Lets just hope this cycle was an odd one and you get your

next one so you don't have another AF for 9 months

Yes, I was the same, suffered really badly with periods when I was young, the pill defo made a big difference. Saying that, I could have had undiagnosed endometriosis at that time, as I wasn't diagnosed with it until 7 years ago. I remember prior to the diagnosis, at the same point in every cycle (even though i was on the pill), usually 2 weeks after my withdrawal bleed, i would get pains that were so unbearable, i used to go and lock myself in the toilets at work, doubled up in pain. It got worse and worse and I eventually took myself to hospital and they admitted me. An internal ultrasound scan showed a large haematoma, which caused more confusion, the doctor was asking me if i had been in a car accident or had some sort of trauma to that area, to which i said no. Next stage was to do a laparoscopy, which is how the endometriosis was found and diagnosed. I've had 3 surgeries in the last 7 years to remove it, luckily, each time it had shown not to have been severe and cause any fertility problems. I'm hoping this is still the case, the pill is meant to help prevent it from spreading, which must be true otherwise I'm sure when they found it the first time, it would have been a lot worse. x