***September 2018 Testing Thread***

It’s sooooo quiet on here now, Char I’m on the October thread so will be ok, but hoping you don’t need to join and get your BFP!

CD3 for me now, going soooooo slow, started my temping and EPO though, I’m desperate for this BFP now! X

Your the only good thing that will come of my BFN Emma, that i can join you on the October thread.

I just am not getting any symptoms at all, its crazy. Last cycle i was spotting EVERYTHING! My boobs normally kill me from ovulation to AF and all i have had is sore nipples a couple of days after ov. I am so confused, but not being positive.

It would mean alot if i did get my BFP, i will be testing on Daniel's birthday and would be due like 10 days before mine. It would just be perfect!!!!

Emma it goes so slow doesn't it but fingers crossed the EPO works for you xx

Aww that would be nice timings for you if you got BFP this cycle. Symptoms mean nothing, I’ve learned that the hard way, so doesn’t matter if you haven’t got any!
I’ve worked out that if I get mine this cycle, 12 week scan should be week before Christmas and 20 week scan around my birthday time in February, and baby due beginning of July, only few days after OH’s eldest daughters birthday and in between or other 2 girls (end of July and beginning of August). X
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Aww that would be nice timings for you if you got BFP this cycle. Symptoms mean nothing, I’ve learned that the hard way, so doesn’t matter if you haven’t got any!
I’ve worked out that if I get mine this cycle, 12 week scan should be week before Christmas and 20 week scan around my birthday time in February, and baby due beginning of July, only few days after OH’s eldest daughters birthday and in between or other 2 girls (end of July and beginning of August). X

That would be lovely Emma <3
I would love to conceive by December so I can get a summer baby xx
Char, I got your bug, been friend with the toilet this morning!!!!

Oh no crumble - it’s horrible isn’t it :(
There is so much stuff going around. It only last between 24-48 hours so fingers crossed you start feeling better tomorrow xxx
Everyone is getting sick!!! Nooooo.... Emma, I really want you to get your bfp especially after how convinced we all were of last cycle being the one!!

Hope af stays away max!

Char... less of the negativity missy or I&#8217;ll be having words with you!! Hehe <3
Aww that would be nice timings for you if you got BFP this cycle. Symptoms mean nothing, I’ve learned that the hard way, so doesn’t matter if you haven’t got any!
I’ve worked out that if I get mine this cycle, 12 week scan should be week before Christmas and 20 week scan around my birthday time in February, and baby due beginning of July, only few days after OH’s eldest daughters birthday and in between or other 2 girls (end of July and beginning of August). X

That would be lovely Emma <3
I would love to conceive by December so I can get a summer baby xx

Yeah I defo want my BFP within next 3 cycles for a Summer baby, same as our 3 girls. Plus I will be gutted if I’m still waiting after 6 months of trying!

I think it will happen for us, we are just being made to learn to be patient! X
Everyone is getting sick!!! Nooooo.... Emma, I really want you to get your bfp especially after how convinced we all were of last cycle being the one!!

Hope af stays away max!

Char... less of the negativity missy or I’ll be having words with you!! Hehe <3

Aww thanks Helen, yeah that was a proper head mess cycle, hopefully this one will be much more straight forward and end in a BFP! X
Not til 3rd October... I know it's early but I had a really early bfp last time.I just feel like I'm out.
Oh wow smithy you are testing way to early.
Helen didn&#8217;t get her bfp until 2 days after her AF was due.
I would wait until atleast Monday to test again, that will be 2 days before AF is due.
Sorry smithy :( please keep testing though! No two pregnancies are the same so don&#8217;t go by the other one.
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You're right Char and Helen. Why is the 2WW so long and torturous? I must be the most impatient person in the world. Don't know how people can wait for AF. Seriously!
You're right Char and Helen. Why is the 2WW so long and torturous? I must be the most impatient person in the world. Don't know how people can wait for AF. Seriously!

You can do it smithy.
I can help you get through to Monday without testing.
Just be strong, keep telling yourself it’s to early and you don’t want to be seeing more negatives than you actually have to.
Hi ladies I've given up on frer after getting not even a squint of a line. So I tested this morning with a super drug own brand and have the most faintest of lines. So faint I don't think I could pick it up in a pic but I'll try and upload one to see what u guys think.

I've done some research on frer and they were recalled in America and Australia last year for false results both false positives and false negatives when some women found out they were 10 weeks gone! So many people over here won't use them now as they're not as sensitive as they used to be. Looking back I got a very dark line 8-9 dpo with my son now I'm 12 and only getting faint lines on cheapies?! It's so frustrating xx
Hi ladies I've given up on frer after getting not even a squint of a line. So I tested this morning with a super drug own brand and have the most faintest of lines. So faint I don't think I could pick it up in a pic but I'll try and upload one to see what u guys think.

I've done some research on frer and they were recalled in America and Australia last year for false results both false positives and false negatives when some women found out they were 10 weeks gone! So many people over here won't use them now as they're not as sensitive as they used to be. Looking back I got a very dark line 8-9 dpo with my son now I'm 12 and only getting faint lines on cheapies?! It's so frustrating xx

Oh Maisy how annoying.
Do you have a clear blue digi? I&#8217;m wondering if you will get an answer with that. Upload your Superdrug test for us to look. I hope there is a faint line.
No 2 pregnancies are the same though hun. It would just have meant that you implanted earlier with your son hence the reason you got a dark line. X
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Hi ladies I've given up on frer after getting not even a squint of a line. So I tested this morning with a super drug own brand and have the most faintest of lines. So faint I don't think I could pick it up in a pic but I'll try and upload one to see what u guys think.

I've done some research on frer and they were recalled in America and Australia last year for false results both false positives and false negatives when some women found out they were 10 weeks gone! So many people over here won't use them now as they're not as sensitive as they used to be. Looking back I got a very dark line 8-9 dpo with my son now I'm 12 and only getting faint lines on cheapies?! It's so frustrating xx

Oh Maisy how annoying.
Do you have a clear blue digi? I’m wondering if you will get an answer with that. Upload your Superdrug test for us to look. I hope there is a faint line.
No 2 pregnancies are the same though hun. It would just have meant that you implanted earlier with your son hence the reason you got a dark line. X

I'm trying to tell my self u yave just implanted late. Yes I do have I digital but I want to save it for a few days time I'd like to get a proper noticable line on cheapies before using it xx

Maisy I’m so sorry I really don’t see anything. But I honestly am so rubbish at seeing the lines of they are not blazing.
Really hope you have just implanted late. When is AF due hun?

AF not due till Sunday so I suppose there's still a little hope. I'm just on my way to work I'm debating on buying the clear blue 6 days early test. I'm so bad I swear my boyfriend thinks I just love to pee on sticks I've done so many lol xx

Maisy I’m so sorry I really don’t see anything. But I honestly am so rubbish at seeing the lines of they are not blazing.
Really hope you have just implanted late. When is AF due hun?

AF not due till Sunday so I suppose there's still a little hope. I'm just on my way to work I'm debating on buying the clear blue 6 days early test. I'm so bad I swear my boyfriend thinks I just love to pee on sticks I've done so many lol xx

Yes your not out until AF arrives. I believe that!!
Personally I would stay away from the clear blue, blue dye tests they are known for evap lines and any tests with blue dye personally I would stay away from.
I think you should hold out until Sunday and see if AF arrives and if not do your digi once you are a day or 2 late x

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