***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Oh yeah how was your birthday!?

We just told my parents! Telling Jamie’s in about an hour, I feel nervous and excited! Hehehe

I don't know how you managed to keep quiet so long. I literally would burst and oh would know I was up to something in an instant
wow, this thread got a little intense...im gonna skip right over it coz everything has already been said now.

Thanks ladies but it was a BFN. 11DPO today, so safe to say I'm out as AF usually arrives at 12DPO. Gutted. :( x

Can I say that I see something....I feel cruel because I don't want put your hope on as well because on pictures is so difficult, but I can see a very very faint line.....and 11DPO is very early, when I got my BFP in August it was showing up on 12 DPO.....please don't be upset, but I see something there.....maybe is the picture :eh:

I have to agree with crumble here, i dunno what it is but something is drawing my eye. Could be my dodgy laptop screen, the indent you talked about or (fx) the start of a bfp...i'm praying for the latter. Also, i know you said you felt out as af is due 12dpo but the eggy can take up to 10dpo to implant even with a 12dpo luteal phase....so, in theory, testing today could still be way too early!

GL to you Emma. I have crappy line eyes so I am useless at seeing anything. Hope Crumble is right.

I had shooting pains in my left boob last night shooting towards my nipple. Anyone else had that? I am in the desperate symptom spotting stage. I am roughly 5dpo at CD17 of 27 day cycle.

I don't recall when i got my first booby symptoms, but i had odd feelings in my boobies. Not so much aching or tender but more like a weird tingling. I was definitely more aware of them being there lol. Any symptom outside of what's normal for you is a good sign!

Oh yeah how was your birthday!?

We just told my parents! Telling Jamie’s in about an hour, I feel nervous and excited! Hehehe

Aww this is sweet, how did your mum and dad react? I've told my sister, she's the only person i will tell until i've had my 12wk scan....then i'll shout it from the roof tops :D

Pigelt - did you have a good birthday? Hope your secret wasn't foiled?

Chatty - how are you lovely? Feeling any better yet? This cold is a killer isn't it? I can't stop coughing or sneezing... there is a real chance that i might pee myself! Is it too late to start pelvic floor exercises? :shock:
Pretty good. I was getting away with the surreptitious shloer until I clocked one of my best yummy mummy friends was drinking Diet Coke.........turns out she is 6 weeks pregnant and due just a few days before me and of course when she tells me that I can hardly not tell her my news. How crazy is that! We managed to keep our secret from all but one of the other girls though so I hope she manages not to blab all. I don’t mind d them knowing but it just feels a bit wrong if even my mum doesn’t know yet.

Glad you had a lovely time.
Oh wow that’s amazing news, i find there’s always someone that ends up being pregnant around the same time as you (not that I have been in the situation) haha. Xx
Chatty - how are you lovely? Feeling any better yet? This cold is a killer isn't it? I can't stop coughing or sneezing... there is a real chance that i might pee myself! Is it too late to start pelvic floor exercises? :shock:

Hey baby.
I am feeling allot better thank you. Just have a horrific cough and coughing up loads of yellow (sorry tmi) and really bunged up too, taken half the skin off my nose. My ears keep popping too!!
How are you feeling? Better I hope xx
Chatty - how are you lovely? Feeling any better yet? This cold is a killer isn't it? I can't stop coughing or sneezing... there is a real chance that i might pee myself! Is it too late to start pelvic floor exercises? :shock:

Hey baby.
I am feeling allot better thank you. Just have a horrific cough and coughing up loads of yellow (sorry tmi) and really bunged up too, taken half the skin off my nose. My ears keep popping too!!
How are you feeling? Better I hope xx

I'm ok, got a horrible dry tickly cough though, and my sinuses are blocked. I keep coughing so hard i feeling like i'm tensing my whole body...i'm so nervous about dislodging the egg! :roll: which is ridiculous i know! I did, however, manage a good nights sleep for the first time in days :)
Pretty good. I was getting away with the surreptitious shloer until I clocked one of my best yummy mummy friends was drinking Diet Coke.........turns out she is 6 weeks pregnant and due just a few days before me and of course when she tells me that I can hardly not tell her my news. How crazy is that! We managed to keep our secret from all but one of the other girls though so I hope she manages not to blab all. I don’t mind d them knowing but it just feels a bit wrong if even my mum doesn’t know yet.

A similar thing happened to me and my best friend. We both ended up falling pregnant at the same time, there was about 10 days between us. She knew i was TTC and was scared to telling she had caught because i'd been ttc for so long...bless her! But as it turns out luck was on both our sides. I was awesome to share all milestones with her, though she ended up with hyperemesis gravidarum, something i'm thankful i didn't!
I actually don’t know how I managed to keep quiet lol I was just determined. Mum was so shocked!!! She completely didn’t see it coming and took her by surprise but she seemed very happy :) my step dad had a normal reaction of ohhhh wow congrats (in a mellow tone) haha.

Sounds like the party was a success and how nice that you have a preggers buddy piglet :)

Char you need to rest up and get better, after all, you&#8217;re probably growing a baby by now hehehe <3
wow, this thread got a little intense...im gonna skip right over it coz everything has already been said now.

Thanks ladies but it was a BFN. 11DPO today, so safe to say I'm out as AF usually arrives at 12DPO. Gutted. :( x

Can I say that I see something....I feel cruel because I don't want put your hope on as well because on pictures is so difficult, but I can see a very very faint line.....and 11DPO is very early, when I got my BFP in August it was showing up on 12 DPO.....please don't be upset, but I see something there.....maybe is the picture :eh:

I have to agree with crumble here, i dunno what it is but something is drawing my eye. Could be my dodgy laptop screen, the indent you talked about or (fx) the start of a bfp...i'm praying for the latter. Also, i know you said you felt out as af is due 12dpo but the eggy can take up to 10dpo to implant even with a 12dpo luteal phase....so, in theory, testing today could still be way too early!

GL to you Emma. I have crappy line eyes so I am useless at seeing anything. Hope Crumble is right.

I had shooting pains in my left boob last night shooting towards my nipple. Anyone else had that? I am in the desperate symptom spotting stage. I am roughly 5dpo at CD17 of 27 day cycle.

I don't recall when i got my first booby symptoms, but i had odd feelings in my boobies. Not so much aching or tender but more like a weird tingling. I was definitely more aware of them being there lol. Any symptom outside of what's normal for you is a good sign!

Oh yeah how was your birthday!?

We just told my parents! Telling Jamie’s in about an hour, I feel nervous and excited! Hehehe

Aww this is sweet, how did your mum and dad react? I've told my sister, she's the only person i will tell until i've had my 12wk scan....then i'll shout it from the roof tops :D

Pigelt - did you have a good birthday? Hope your secret wasn't foiled?

Chatty - how are you lovely? Feeling any better yet? This cold is a killer isn't it? I can't stop coughing or sneezing... there is a real chance that i might pee myself! Is it too late to start pelvic floor exercises? :shock:

Aaaah please don't tell me you see something too! I can't see it, think it's probably an indent or something you are both seeing in photos.

Been wandering what that bleed I had on evening of 4DPO was, followed by creamy CM the next day at 5DPO. Couldn't have been implantation bleeding otherwise I would have got BFP by now.

My boobs are achey and been having AF like cramps on and off today, really think it will arrive tomorrow or Monday at latest. X
Exciting Helen!

Piglet, glad you had a great bday and found a preggers friend to talk to about it.

Char, hope you feel better soon x
Watery CM tonight, think that's usual for women to get just before AF x
That is unusual... Usually cm dries up in most women just before AF is due. Xx

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Last cycle I had thick white CM a day or so before AF due, not had that yet x
Good morning girls!
Emma have you tested today? If yes show it to us!!! I am all crossed for you!!! :dust:
I had loads of watery/creamy cm the day before my bfp... normally I dry up completely or it&#8217;s sticky. Test again Emma!!!! Xx
I have!!! He was totally lost for words crumble! We also told my mum and step dad yesterday and his parents. Telling my dad today, can&#8217;t wait to tell him <3
Awww it's all so exciting and frustrating at the same time.

Helen - that's the lovely part telling people. Such a nice time for you! Have fun spilling the beans to your dad today.

Emma - gl, hope Crumble was right about that line!

I am all over the place. 5 days seems like an eternity to wait to test. Last night I noticed after my bath I have dark blue veins all over my body. Think I'm starting to go insane, genuinely! They were over my boobs, up my sides, over my thighs. I had a little panic for about 20 mins (stupid sepsis has given me sort of like ptsd where I freak out that I am dying... so dramatic!!) then I was Dr googling all night. Hope it's a symptom and not my crazy eyes playing tricks on me. Sorry if you all think I'm nuts haha.
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I’m now 5 days late for my period and I wanted to share this picture with you. I only got this blazing positive for the first time today, even though my digi showed me I was pregnant on Thursday, my cheapies were still barely even squinters! I only share this because we spend a lot of time comforting each other when girls have tested so early! I was almost convinced I was out (it was char’s constant optimism and kind words that gave me a little hope - and of course you girls on here too!) but lo and behold, I am pregnant and I just wanted to highlight that you’re not out of you get that bfn at 9/10/11/12dpo or more!

Still got hope for you Emma!!!!


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Awww Helen! So sweet, let us know what is your dad reaction :)
Well said Helen, so true! Sometimes a BFP takes time to show properly! :dust: :dance:

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