***September 2018 Testing Thread***

I wasn't having a go at anyone at all. Perhaps it came across badly. My feelings are that there is a strong friendship group and bond here but I don't feel part of that and sometimes (not always!) get ignored because of it and I have noticed it happen to others. It's only because I obviously haven't known you as long, posted as much and a variety of other reasons. If I was lucky enough to get pregnant, which may not happen at all, I wouldn't want that feeling follow into another thread. I probably would stop posting.
That being said, everyone IS lovely and I never said otherwise and I do wish everyone the best of luck. It doesn't help that I am testing very late in the month with two mcs and no children. All those things have a tendency to have me feel left out as it is. So I'm sorry if my comments offended but it is just how I have felt xx

Oh smithyBaby :( TTC can be the loneliest time ever, i found i could be in a room full of people/family and i would still feel alone. I don't think anyone can understand how it truly feels until they have faced similar TTC struggles. I'm blessed by having two children, but by god ttc my second child was horrific! 2.5years of heartache, disappointment and i'm not ashamed to say jealousy and bitterness. Even now, ttc the 3rd, 2 mc later and the struggle is still real. You need forums like this where you can vent your frustrations, worries or just generally ask someone to see if you nips are dark or if your cm is EW lmao :lol: I'm truly sorry you've been left feeling ignored, i think we all get caught up in our own little worlds we forget to stop and check on others. This thread is so fast paced sometimes, it hard to keep up with. I hope when you do get your BFP you join the ladies over in the other thread. Pregnancy will be sure to bring a whole heap of new and confusing questions!
Baby3 did you realise I started the May and June thread under first trimester? Need to add you in!!! Xxx
I can assure you my intention was never to segragate people, leave people out or take over a thread that already exists. It was purely to create an opportunity for girls who have become close to be able to share their experiences together in the same relevant forum. I have never experienced any girls on here feeling left out or ignored. I do hope I’ve made that very clear. I will however, delete the thread if it contues to cause the amnimosity I never intended it to.

Char.... let’s hope that’s the twingy sign of a fertilising eggy!!!!! <3

No no Helen. Keep the thread. I think it’s just non- traditional and thrown people a bit rather than it’s a bad idea. I’m sure someone will start a just June mummies too and people can choose if they join one or both or just stalk everything like me!

Please don’t anyone feel left out. We are all so much kinder on this forum than others I’ve stalked. Some woman really put other down or make them feel like bad mothers/potential mothers on some of those forums.

In my news - boobs for Pamela Anderson to be jealous of and dog tired but it’s my birthday party tonight so gotta pull off drinking wine and soaking in the hot tub with my girlfriends without actually doing those things?! Should be fun.

I dunno how you're gonna pull off the no drinking/ no hot tub situation, but i'm totally jealous of your Baywatch boobs right now!
Baby3 did you realise I started the May and June thread under first trimester? Need to add you in!!! Xxx

I did notice :D I just don't know if i'm brave enough to be added yet. Stupid i know! I should just appreciate that i'm lucky enough to be added. Doesn't help that my fella is also being a negative nelly! Told him i felt a bit achy after peeing, his reply 'well you are due your period'....yeah, cheers mate! :roll:
I&#8217;ve turned the hot tub down to 37.5 - that&#8217;s safe right? Doubt the girls will notice it&#8217;s cooler than usual in their sloshed state. I have shloer in the fridge. As I&#8217;m hosting, I ought to be able to keep myself topped up surreptitiously- if I let the glass go below half full, someone will &#8216;helpfully&#8217; splash a load more in so I&#8217;ll have to be on lookout. I&#8217;ll serve cocktails on arrival - nobody will notice if mines lacking the actual alcohol element and I&#8217;ll claim no shot glasses when the shots line up so everyone will drink from the bottle and I&#8217;ll pretend (crikey - I&#8217;m making me and my friends sound like a bunch of raging alcoholics - we really aren&#8217;t that bad!)
Oh men are delightful lol. When are you re testing!?? Xxx

Aren't they just! Although in his defence, i think he's just trying to keep me level-headed as a just in case.

I tested today with a 25mUI test, i put it in my journal though as i didn't want to keep posting in here in case i upset anyone. Nothing worse than seeing everyone elses bfp when your left feeling like it will never happen. I'm going to test with a digi probably on tuesday :D
Oh men are delightful lol. When are you re testing!?? Xxx

Aren't they just! Although in his defence, i think he's just trying to keep me level-headed as a just in case.

I tested today with a 25mUI test, i put it in my journal though as i didn't want to keep posting in here in case i upset anyone. Nothing worse than seeing everyone elses bfp when your left feeling like it will never happen. I'm going to test with a digi probably on tuesday :D

Baby don’t feel like that we are all here to be happy for each other. Well
I’m certainly happy that your lines are now blazing :)
Get yourself to the May and June mummies that lines is amazing girl!! I hope I will be joining you very soon xx
I’ve turned the hot tub down to 37.5 - that’s safe right? Doubt the girls will notice it’s cooler than usual in their sloshed state. I have shloer in the fridge. As I’m hosting, I ought to be able to keep myself topped up surreptitiously- if I let the glass go below half full, someone will ‘helpfully’ splash a load more in so I’ll have to be on lookout. I’ll serve cocktails on arrival - nobody will notice if mines lacking the actual alcohol element and I’ll claim no shot glasses when the shots line up so everyone will drink from the bottle and I’ll pretend (crikey - I’m making me and my friends sound like a bunch of raging alcoholics - we really aren’t that bad!)

Haha nothing wrong with a little alcoholism every now and then, especially when it's birthday related :) Sounds like your gonna have a fab day even if you are teetotal. I'm a little envious that you have nice hot tub kinda weather, i took the refuse bin down the drive and nearly took off like Mary Poppins!
Windy here too (east Northamptonshire) . At work right now but hoping to make a 4.30pm speedy getaway. Most days I&#8217;m stuck here till 6ish.
Emma... when are you next testing? Still tomorrow? Xx
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Smithy - Please don't feel left out. I originally felt a bit like that when I joined this thread as I joined late as an end of month tester. I soon actively joined in conversations and you end up building relationships with people on here through that. I know it's hard when people don't get to come on here frequently, as we do talk and post a lot, it's a lot to keep up with! So sorry about your miscarriages, can't imagine what you went through. A lot of ladies on here are ttc their first child, and to be honest, it doesn't matter if it's your first or not, our conversations are not about existing children we have, it's always about ttc the child we want. :hug:

Baby.3 - Post away your positives on here, it's not insensitive at all, we all support and are pleased for each other when people get their BFPs.

Helen - I agree, keep your thread, your intentions are good and I think it's a great idea. Only thing is, might need you to extend it if I don't get my BFP this cycle! lol

10DPO for me today, resisted the urge to POAS this morning as I can't take the disappointment again after an argument with OH yesterday, feeling a bit sensitive at the moment. Will test tomorrow, if it's a BFN, I will just wait for AF to arrive. I feel like AF will come for me this cycle, holding on to a little bit of hope for a BFP though!

Not much going on symptom wise, boobs on and off bit achey, AF type mild cramps on and off, small amount of watery/lotiony CM this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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Smithy - Please don't feel left out. I originally felt a bit like that when I joined this thread as I joined late as an end of month tester. I soon actively joined in conversations and you end up building relationships with people on here through that. I know it's hard when people don't get to come on here frequently, as we do talk and post a lot, it's a lot to keep up with! So sorry about your miscarriages, can't imagine what you went through. A lot of ladies on here are ttc their first child, and to be honest, it doesn't matter if it's your first or not, our conversations are not about existing children we have, it's always about ttc'ing the child we want. :hug:

Baby.3 - Post away your positives on here, it's not insensitive at all, we all support and are pleased for each other when people get their BFPs.

Helen - I agree, keep your thread, your intentions are good and I think it's a great idea. Only thing is, might need you to extend it if I don't get my BFP this cycle! lol

10DPO for me today, resisted the urge to POAS this morning as I can't take the disappointment again after an argument with OH yesterday, feeling a bit sensitive at the moment. Will test tomorrow, if it's a BFN, I will just wait for AF to arrive. I feel like AF will come for me this cycle, holding on to a little bit of hope for a BFP though!


Thanks Emma! And you&#8217;ll be welcome in the thread whenever you&#8217;re due!

Sorry to hear about your argument? Was it over testing? It dampens your spirits a little bit but try to stay smiley and hopefully that bfp is round the corner :)
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Smithy - Please don't feel left out. I originally felt a bit like that when I joined this thread as I joined late as an end of month tester. I soon actively joined in conversations and you end up building relationships with people on here through that. I know it's hard when people don't get to come on here frequently, as we do talk and post a lot, it's a lot to keep up with! So sorry about your miscarriages, can't imagine what you went through. A lot of ladies on here are ttc their first child, and to be honest, it doesn't matter if it's your first or not, our conversations are not about existing children we have, it's always about ttc'ing the child we want. :hug:

Baby.3 - Post away your positives on here, it's not insensitive at all, we all support and are pleased for each other when people get their BFPs.

Helen - I agree, keep your thread, your intentions are good and I think it's a great idea. Only thing is, might need you to extend it if I don't get my BFP this cycle! lol

10DPO for me today, resisted the urge to POAS this morning as I can't take the disappointment again after an argument with OH yesterday, feeling a bit sensitive at the moment. Will test tomorrow, if it's a BFN, I will just wait for AF to arrive. I feel like AF will come for me this cycle, holding on to a little bit of hope for a BFP though!


Thanks Emma! And you’ll be welcome in the thread whenever you’re due!

Sorry to hear about your argument? Was it over testing? It dampens your spirits a little bit but try to stay smiley and hopefully that bfp is round the corner :)

Aww thank you!

No it wasn't ttc related, it was because of his ex trying to get me to have his 2 girls an extra 2 nights a week because she is a lazy selfish mum who would rather take on extra work than spend time with her kids! Basically I'm up at 6am for work and home at 8pm most days, and on that basis I said no I'm not prepared to do that, as I would need to get up at 5.30am and have 3 kids to deal with while trying to get myself ready for work! Also, me and OH only get 2 hours together week nights because he gets up at 3.30am for work, so needs to go to sleep at 10pm, so doing that would mean when i get in at 8pm from work, i wouldn't be able to go straight to bed and watch tv with him, we would have to settle the 3 girls down (they all sleep in the same room). I help a lot with them, when he's at work weekends they still get to stay with us because I look after them and take them out while he's at work, their own mum doesn't even bother taking them out and doing stuff with them. I was furious that he thought it was reasonable for me to do this, when he should have just told her no straight away! Rant over!
Oh wow I totally see where you&#8217;re coming from, that&#8217;s very unreasonable. You still need your quality time together and as much as you clearly care for those girls and spend lovely time with them, they&#8217;re not your responsibility and she should step up really... just my opinion!! Hopefully it would have all settled down by this evening and if you get your bfp then you won&#8217;t even care anymore!!! Xxx
Oh wow I totally see where you&#8217;re coming from, that&#8217;s very unreasonable. You still need your quality time together and as much as you clearly care for those girls and spend lovely time with them, they&#8217;re not your responsibility and she should step up really... just my opinion!! Hopefully it would have all settled down by this evening and if you get your bfp then you won&#8217;t even care anymore!!! Xxx

Yeah exactly, she has a good job, this is just so she can do some extra work instead of spending time with her kids, so of course i'm not going to put myself out for that! My OH is the most amazing dad and the girls love sleeping at ours, which is why he wanted me to agree to it. Yes it would have been nice for them, but I really don't think it's fair on me. If OH hardly see them then I would have said yes in a heartbeat for him, but he sees them everyday, he picks them up from school everyday and drops them back to her at around 7pm. Then weekends they stay over on either a Friday or Saturday night and spend a full day with us on either the Saturday or Sunday, when we always take them out somewhere. So I don't think I'm being unfair saying no, if anything, i think it's unfair to be asked to do that. I don't even get to spend much time with my own daughter during week days, we are up and out at 7am and I drop her to my Mum who takes her to school, then I get to my Mum's at around 7.15pm to pick her up and she often falls asleep in the car on the way home. So I actually think in a way, OH is lucky that he gets to pick his girls up from school and eat dinner with them everyday, I would love to be able to do that with my daughter, but my working hours don't allow it.

We haven't had the normal relationship where you get to spend lots of time alone together because we have kids, so every bit of time we do get really counts and means a lot to me. x
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