***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Oh so you need to do 2 a day? Also... last month we were BDing every day but do you think it's better to be doing it every other day so the swimmers are stronger? I just want to get it right!!

i started off with 1 a day - you will notice that starting from CD 10 there will be the faintest line or no line at all and when it started to become more visible i would 2 a day.
I see on a website that 2pm is the best time to do an OPK i'm not sure why. but i tend not to drink any water from 11am to 2pm just so i can get a good reading.
This cyle we have DTD every other day and then when you no your about to ovulate do it the day before, the day of ovulation and the day after.

Oh okay thank you! I was just worried if it was everyday that the sperm wouldn't be mature enough. I'll give this a go though! Thanks so much xx
I think listen to your body as to when it’s right to do the opk’s. When do you usually feel ‘up for it’ and get EWCM or even watery CM? If yiou don’t get many symptoms then just plump for about 16 days before your period is due and see if you can catch it.

I am day 11 and just started getting a little more cm. Wouldn’t normally do an opk till I see EWCM (around day 14ish) and then the line will pop up super faint then darken up to a blazing line afternoon of CD 16 or 17 with temps usually confirming ovulation for the day after the positive opk.

Did one today just in case as off to the Lake District camping tomorrow (but with my brother and minus my husband) and it would suck if I ovulated then. However, as predicted not even a sniff of a line so, although DH will probably be in luck tonight anyway, it’ll just be a practise.

Now......how to do opk’s up Scarfell Pike mid afternoon without my brother thinking the altitude has gone to my head....?
I think it doesn’t matter too much if you ‘over baby dance’. I think there is always some sperm coming up to maturity each day so, even if you get less mature sperm per ‘go’, you are probably still getting the same amount of mature sperm overall - just in small steady doses.

Those who wait longer between times just get them all at once. I suppose it’s like eating a whole bar of dairy milk. Same calories if you eat it all in one go or over several days.
Thanks ladies!! What a great way to put it with the chocy bar! haha! I've climbed Scarfell and there are plenty of big rocks to hide behind for a pee ;) hahaha! Good luck with that though.. hopefully you'll ovulate just as you come back so you can catch the egg!! :)
Finally made a ticker for my account! Lol.. personal achievement lol
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Took me ages to figure those out. Didn’t even know they were called tickers till a few days ago. Vintageling and Chattychar had to talk me through how to do it.
Got there missed him at the house but met them at the chrem for the funeral went really well today was lovely to see everyone and got a pic of all the grand kids together because some of them weren't even born when we got the last one so all 12 of us. Back home OH has got about an hour till he has to go to work on his night shift but think I'll have an early night tonight.

Piglet how did it go doing an OPK on the side of a mountain??
Hi ladies, I must be mad as had my baby boy 8 weeks ago today by c section, but can you pop me down for September 6th please. Pretty sure I've missed the boat this cycle, but there's a slim chance so may as well test, lol
Woah, you are one crazy lady GG! How are you even considering anything other than which Netflix to watch next at this point in time let alone BD’ing.
I’m off up the mountains today and tomorrow and, knowing my brother, Saturday morning too (he has rock climbing qualifications and is a bit obsessed with it), but I’ve told him I MUST be back Saturday evening. Obs didn’t tell him it’s coz I wanted to jump husband!
I think the opk will be easy as my brother isn’t especially observant. However, it might be tricky if all three dogs follow me behind the big rock to watch!

Good luck to everyone. Testing day is creeping close for some on this thread.
Hi all as I ovulated early I will be testing on either 31st August or 1st of September but I really don’t think I am pregnant this month but we shall see x
The dreaded 2ww has began for me.
2DPO today!!
How am I going to stay sane?
hi chattychar , we are the same today also 2dpo! I am already going mad counting the days. I was thinking doing something drastic like buying a car to distract myself but I can't afford it. arghhhh maybe get a pedicure lol
by the way I always get a positive by 11dpo so hopefully only 9 days to go...
hi chattychar , we are the same today also 2dpo! I am already going mad counting the days. I was thinking doing something drastic like buying a car to distract myself but I can't afford it. arghhhh maybe get a pedicure lol

Maximum this really made me giggle.
Buying a car definitely sounds good but would also break the bank haha.
I went for a pedi and got my nails done yesterday.
I’m also making sure I have a lot on over the next 2 weeks to distract me from thinking about it. It’s so bloody hard though.
Really struggled getting out of bed this morning. The tiredness was something else. And my boobs are really sore. Other than that no other symptoms at the moment. I promised I wasn’t going to symptom spot but it’s already happening!!!
I know right I feel like doing something extreme to numb the pain of waiting. Literally is painful, if I forget about it for couple of hours I feel good, but than it all comes back. I wish I could go to sleep for 2 weeks haha
You know what though even though I am wishing/hoping I just know it will be a BFN, so trying to think of this and not get too hopeful ....

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