***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Hi All,

Wow that was a lot of catching up to do. Keeping everything crossed that those BFP lines get stronger ladies.

I myself am 99% sure I am out this month. 13dpo and still stark white tests, this was our first time doing IUI so it was always a bit of a long shot I just really hoped that it would work as fertility treatment is so expensive. I ovulated on the 5th/6th Sept, was inseminated on the 5th so I would have assumed something would be showing by now. Am normally 31 day cycle and AF due on Friday. I know i'm not officially out until she shows but am not holding out much hope. This would be baby #1 for us.

Did anyone else get BFN at 13dpo and go on to have a BFP? I could have sworn I had implantation cramping last week from weds to sat but just goes to show what tricks our body plays on us throughout this process. xx
Hey Max - check our my journal i have just posted my chart and opks in there because i am not sure if i have ovulated yet its driving me insane haha!

hey just had a look , yes to me you might be ovulating today or tomorrow. Your opk is dark today. fingers crossed for you , so definitely have sex today! which CD are you on now?

I am CD17 today, i think i might have a longer cycle this month... Honestly don't have a clue! x
The tests are suppose to be 10mIU, although I've just read the reviews (should have done this before buying hahah) and loads of people, like every other post, have said that they are rubbish. Some have said they have had to be 5 days late for AF before getting a decent positive. Others have said that they ended up with weird faint barley there lines and had to go out to buy more. One person has said they got positives on every other brand apart from these strips!

Note to self, read the reviews before buying lol xx

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Cant believe i am saying this but how about 'treating' yourself to a different brand of tests lol. You will honestly drive yourself crazy testing with those until AF arrives especially after those reviews i would be straight to the nearest shop.
Really hope its those stupid cheapies and you get your blazing :bfp: hunnie x

I agree, treat yourself to a FRER baby.3 , one of the ladies on August thread didn't get her BFP on them cheap tests until after AF was due, but she did on all other tests! :dust: x
Hey Max - check our my journal i have just posted my chart and opks in there because i am not sure if i have ovulated yet its driving me insane haha!

hey just had a look , yes to me you might be ovulating today or tomorrow. Your opk is dark today. fingers crossed for you , so definitely have sex today! which CD are you on now?

I am CD17 today, i think i might have a longer cycle this month... Honestly don't have a clue! x

probably a longer cycle. I had a long cycle this month compared to my usual pattern. This month I ovulated on cd14 very unusual for me as I normally ovulate on latest cd12. I can actually feel the progesterone raising today (2dpo) as breasts are hurting and usual feeling crap!
Hey Max - check our my journal i have just posted my chart and opks in there because i am not sure if i have ovulated yet its driving me insane haha!

hey just had a look , yes to me you might be ovulating today or tomorrow. Your opk is dark today. fingers crossed for you , so definitely have sex today! which CD are you on now?

I am CD17 today, i think i might have a longer cycle this month... Honestly don't have a clue! x

Same as me, I ovulated later this cycle at CD17/18. I expect this to be a 31 day cycle, last month it was 27 days, and before that 29 days. That's because we come off the pill i imagine x
probably a longer cycle. I had a long cycle this month compared to my usual pattern. This month I ovulated on cd14 very unusual for me as I normally ovulate on latest cd12. I can actually feel the progesterone raising today (2dpo) as breasts are hurting and usual feeling crap!

I thought i ovulated CD15 last cycle but i wasn't temping and i never got a blazing positive on my opk's just a high so i actually don't know when i did ovulate tbh,
I just want my 2ww to hurry the bloody hell up!!! :wall2:
Same as me, I ovulated later this cycle at CD17/18. I expect this to be a 31 day cycle, last month it was 27 days, and before that 29 days. That's because we come off the pill i imagine x

Emma our cycles are so similar its spooky! I was 27 days last cycle too! and by the looks of it i will be ovulating CD17/18 too xx
probably a longer cycle. I had a long cycle this month compared to my usual pattern. This month I ovulated on cd14 very unusual for me as I normally ovulate on latest cd12. I can actually feel the progesterone raising today (2dpo) as breasts are hurting and usual feeling crap!

I thought i ovulated CD15 last cycle but i wasn't temping and i never got a blazing positive on my opk's just a high so i actually don't know when i did ovulate tbh,
I just want my 2ww to hurry the bloody hell up!!! :wall2:

yes hopefully you will ovulate soon. It's better after ovulation as I don't have to think about timing of sex , I can just go to bed and I don't care what hubby is up to with his alcohol limit etc... it's just trying to get him in the mood, whether this a good day to have sex and whether he can manage to do the deed 3rd in a row. seriously I am so fed up of TTC!
yes hopefully you will ovulate soon. It's better after ovulation as I don't have to think about timing of sex , I can just go to bed and I don't care what hubby is up to with his alcohol limit etc... it's just trying to get him in the mood, whether this a good day to have sex and whether he can manage to do the deed 3rd in a row. seriously I am so fed up of TTC!

Yes tbh i am getting to the stage where i just want to ovulate now because i have literally only had 2 days this cycle where we haven't DTD!
OH fell asleep last on the sofa last night and i woke him up for :bd: felt so bad hahaha xx
yes hopefully you will ovulate soon. It's better after ovulation as I don't have to think about timing of sex , I can just go to bed and I don't care what hubby is up to with his alcohol limit etc... it's just trying to get him in the mood, whether this a good day to have sex and whether he can manage to do the deed 3rd in a row. seriously I am so fed up of TTC!

Yes tbh i am getting to the stage where i just want to ovulate now because i have literally only had 2 days this cycle where we haven't DTD!
OH fell asleep last on the sofa last night and i woke him up for :bd: felt so bad hahaha xx

oh no, I don't think I could wake my husband up! he won't move for the world lol
I am just so glad I don't have to have sex so often, tbh I think my husband is also fed up. He can't really perform 3 days in a row and even 2 days in a row is pushing his limits. I think it's down to alcohol , but he said he will reduce it next month so let's see if he does. But because we have been trying for so long , we are both fed up of trying trying so I think I just let him be free as I don't think it matters what you do anymore
oh no, I don't think I could wake my husband up! he won't move for the world lol
I am just so glad I don't have to have sex so often, tbh I think my husband is also fed up. He can't really perform 3 days in a row and even 2 days in a row is pushing his limits. I think it's down to alcohol , but he said he will reduce it next month so let's see if he does. But because we have been trying for so long , we are both fed up of trying trying so I think I just let him be free as I don't think it matters what you do anymore

Max it's always when you stop trying it happens, heard it so many times now its making me wonder if i should be acting this crazy but its still only my 3rd cycle. I would feel like you if i had been TTC for as long as you.
Hope you get your bfp this cycle x
Has anyone had an update from Vintage?
I know she was very tired so has been sleeping a lot but didn't know if anyone had spoken to her.
Hope she is starting to feel better! x
oh no, I don't think I could wake my husband up! he won't move for the world lol
I am just so glad I don't have to have sex so often, tbh I think my husband is also fed up. He can't really perform 3 days in a row and even 2 days in a row is pushing his limits. I think it's down to alcohol , but he said he will reduce it next month so let's see if he does. But because we have been trying for so long , we are both fed up of trying trying so I think I just let him be free as I don't think it matters what you do anymore

Max it's always when you stop trying it happens, heard it so many times now its making me wonder if i should be acting this crazy but its still only my 3rd cycle. I would feel like you if i had been TTC for as long as you.
Hope you get your bfp this cycle x

yes thats what I hear too. I got my BFP in May when I was most relaxed and didn't have sex that much. So if I don't get my BFP this month, I am not going to BD as much and just let go of having another baby. I would say for you too but I really got mental about TTC when we first started than after a while I was too upset to care and thats when I got my BFP (11th cycle), I will say it's a process really, you might be lucky to get pregnant within 6 cycles, you never know.
With my first, I got pregnant on the 3rd month but seriously I had noooo idea I was until I saw the lines. I had no symptoms , nothing so for me I only get my BFP when I least expect it.
yes thats what I hear too. I got my BFP in May when I was most relaxed and didn't have sex that much. So if I don't get my BFP this month, I am not going to BD as much and just let go of having another baby. I would say for you too but I really got mental about TTC when we first started than after a while I was too upset to care and thats when I got my BFP (11th cycle), I will say it's a process really, you might be lucky to get pregnant within 6 cycles, you never know.
With my first, I got pregnant on the 3rd month but seriously I had noooo idea I was until I saw the lines. I had no symptoms , nothing so for me I only get my BFP when I least expect it.

I think that happens for a lot of people. But when you want something so bad you will try anything to try and get what you want and that is what i am doing now :)
I will keep going until i cannot take it any longer and then i will chill out haha x
The tests are suppose to be 10mIU, although I've just read the reviews (should have done this before buying hahah) and loads of people, like every other post, have said that they are rubbish. Some have said they have had to be 5 days late for AF before getting a decent positive. Others have said that they ended up with weird faint barley there lines and had to go out to buy more. One person has said they got positives on every other brand apart from these strips!

Note to self, read the reviews before buying lol xx

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Cant believe i am saying this but how about 'treating' yourself to a different brand of tests lol. You will honestly drive yourself crazy testing with those until AF arrives especially after those reviews i would be straight to the nearest shop.
Really hope its those stupid cheapies and you get your blazing :bfp: hunnie x
I've just been and bought a sainsbury's own test. There are no FRERs anywhere, they had clearblue digis but I'll definitely get a bfn on one of those.

So I'll test in tge morning with the sainsbury's test xx

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I've just been and bought a sainsbury's own test. There are no FRERs anywhere, they had clearblue digis but I'll definitely get a bfn on one of those.

So I'll test in tge morning with the sainsbury's test xx

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Yayyyy, roll on tomorrows testing baby.3 <3 good luck xx
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how wonderful. hope the time flies and soon you will be going for your scan.
The tests are suppose to be 10mIU, although I've just read the reviews (should have done this before buying hahah) and loads of people, like every other post, have said that they are rubbish. Some have said they have had to be 5 days late for AF before getting a decent positive. Others have said that they ended up with weird faint barley there lines and had to go out to buy more. One person has said they got positives on every other brand apart from these strips!

Note to self, read the reviews before buying lol xx

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Cant believe i am saying this but how about 'treating' yourself to a different brand of tests lol. You will honestly drive yourself crazy testing with those until AF arrives especially after those reviews i would be straight to the nearest shop.
Really hope its those stupid cheapies and you get your blazing :bfp: hunnie x
I've just been and bought a sainsbury's own test. There are no FRERs anywhere, they had clearblue digis but I'll definitely get a bfn on one of those.

So I'll test in tge morning with the sainsbury's test xx

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

I'm sure clearblue digis are sensitive, I got BFP 1-2 weeks at 10DPO on one, with evening testing too x

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