Hey girls
In may my OH has his first SA result which came back as 10.4mls volume (high) and 6.4 million per mill so he was below what they classed as "normal" with 15 million and above
They never mention any motility or morphology problems, only the count
Do u think that it may be because they were ok??
Has anyone ever had a natural bfp with those kind of numbers?
He's currently on wellman daily and selenium 50mg daily
I'm still waiting for my hsg an we have a repeat SA 7th August which OH is very nervous about!
BabyDust *****
In may my OH has his first SA result which came back as 10.4mls volume (high) and 6.4 million per mill so he was below what they classed as "normal" with 15 million and above
They never mention any motility or morphology problems, only the count
Do u think that it may be because they were ok??
Has anyone ever had a natural bfp with those kind of numbers?
He's currently on wellman daily and selenium 50mg daily
I'm still waiting for my hsg an we have a repeat SA 7th August which OH is very nervous about!
BabyDust *****