Right that is it!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a text from her last night and she has to go back monday, if it's still high they will make a plan on what to do. Leanne just seems exhausted bless her xxxxxxxxxx
Awwwww shes having a rough time at the moment. Hopefully she will be resting all weekend and everything will be ok on monday xxxx
Well AJs baseline heartrate was still 170bpm accelerating to 196-201bpm. As he is not decelerating they are not panicking to much. He is showing loving tracings but just too high. Their concern is he is always high but gets higher when he moves etc which he should do from a lower baseline. Baseline should be between 110 - 160bpm when not in labour or resting. Got to go in tomorrow (was given today off cos I burst into pregnant tears lol) to see again. If he is still high a plan of action will be taken to either leave him cos hes just a hypo baby (lol) or bring something forward.
Morning!!!! You had better make sure you rest today hun, you might have a busy few days ahead :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
I am mum is gonna fuss over me and I am gonna have some baby cuddles with my 4 week old nephew. Hoping it might cheer me up as I can't stop weeping and welling up everytime someone talks to me!!! OH went to work this morning and I came down to find he'd left the butter out which raised yet more tears. lol. What is wrong with me? I would be happy if I got there and if he was still up for them to say we will give it till 37 weeks. I'm 36 today so if I can get to the 37 I shall be over the moon. x
Omg hun I would be in constant tears too, you have had a horrendous week or two and you must be shattered. Take all the fussing you can get and enjoy a day with your nephew. Fx you get to 37 weeks but if you don't it doesn't matter, he's a big boy and has had the steroids so everything will be fine. You have to weigh up the pros and cons and consider your own health too, you are no good to him if you are shattered.

Lecture over lol, just a hug to give you :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
I know you are right its not the end of the world. I am totally drained this week I have to admit. The doc said yesterday he was a bit concerned that the worse I am feeling with the arthritis and everything the more its impacting on babe. My pulse has got higher every day I have gone in. lol. x
At the end of the day they'll do what's best for you both. Ooooo you'll be the first out of all of us that came over together :D xxxxxxxxxxx
Oooh Leanne! You are going to meet your LO very soon I can tell. How exciting.

I'm sure he'll be just perfect as well :)
So much for resting. Ended up not going to mums as various people were ill etc so have been defrosting the freezer, done two loads of washing, cleaned the net curtains and windows and cleaned behind the freezer. lol I am such a freak sometimes!!
Awh hun try and relax at least they looking after you and checking baby ok xx
Good luck for tomorrow hun ill be checking for an update. Hope everythings ok xxx

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