I have been awake having contractions since 1o'clock this morning!
Coping well at the moment. So much for the midwife saying to think about going into hospital when they are about 10mins apart, they have never been 10mins apart!! coming about every 4 mins and lasting about 50seconds.
Sitting about on my birth ball watching crap on TV at the moment, really want to go back to sleep but its sooo not gonna happen.
Hopefully speak to you all again soon, but will news of little one!
Bye xxxxxx[/i]
Coping well at the moment. So much for the midwife saying to think about going into hospital when they are about 10mins apart, they have never been 10mins apart!! coming about every 4 mins and lasting about 50seconds.
Sitting about on my birth ball watching crap on TV at the moment, really want to go back to sleep but its sooo not gonna happen.
Hopefully speak to you all again soon, but will news of little one!
Bye xxxxxx[/i]