more contractions!!

yeah was a shock 2 the system! feel very lucky! is it boys and girls u have?? i felt very different this pregnancy to the last not sure if its becos its different sex or just 2nd pregnancy. have u got bets on the sex? ur soo strong not finding out haha xxx
My first was a boy and i have two girls. All want a boy but i have been saying a girl so they are notdisappointed. I really think boy but thought that last time and took ten days to name my daughter! So this time i have a much more open mind. I have found the girls easier much more independant etc but i don't know if i will say that during the teenage ears! Boys are great though there is something special about boys and they love there mums so much xx Hows things today?
wel its not long now till u find out! theyl probably be so happy to have a wee baby around! theres no boys in my family so its going to be an experience haha!
had a clear blob cum out me 2day but no contractions 1st day in a week and hes strangely quiet 2nite. hes really keepin me hangin on xxx
A good sign at least you know things are under way shouldn't be too long now xx Keep us posted you are now officailly on labour watch will be checking in constantly xxx Good luck honey xxx
Are you going to hospital or birthing centre?
going to hospital. hopefully get out after a few hurs tho. oh and i had a "bloody" show 2day :) xxx
Why you going to hospital? Are the pains more regular now? Hope your ok, good luck! xx
no no im not going just now. i was just replyin to evajo haha. going to have baby in hospital! theyre between 5 and 10 mins apart not regular or strong enuf yet. will keep u updated tho xxx

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