Reusable Nappies info

umm.. i would go for pre loved if you wanted to test a few.. hope i can post these..if not please delete
and always ebay to.. trial packs.. theya re pretty expensive i would say about 10 for a nappy and wrap.. perhaps ask some people what nappies are the best for them? and try a few of the high listers?
for branded nappies i love ellas house, they are really slim fitted and made of hemp. i dont get on with prefolds or all in ones, shapped nappies imo are the best. but i am biased as i make my own lol...
mothercare bn seeling them for yrs.. dont buy koooshies ultras tho.. they are terrible.. mothercare should sell a wider range tbh..
dunno where to post this, but from today im officially a lollipop nappy advisor :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: so any one north dorset area that needs demos, gimme a call :rotfl:
lisa&alex said:
mothercare bn seeling them for yrs.. dont buy koooshies ultras tho.. they are terrible.. mothercare should sell a wider range tbh..

That's why i posted cos they are selling more of a range, inc Bumgenius.
I really would like to switch to reusables as I feel guilty about the pile of disposables in our bin everyday, and we could do with saving some money too.

Ive been looking at shaped ones like tots bots and little lambs but they are way out of my price range, even second hand...damn smp! :(

I was wondering about going old school and giving terry squares a go, maybe with some decent wraps to help keep everything dry.

Has anyone tried terry squares in a traditonal kite fold? Do they keep baby dry for a reasonable amount of time and the poops in?

Ive seen a terry starter kit in mothercare for £30, any views on whether this would be any good to start with, was thinking of gradually buying some decent wraps, fleece liners etc and maybe a few shaped nappies over time.

OH is really against the idea of reusables, says he'd rather pay for the convenience of disposables and sod the environment :roll: He thinks that with washing them, reusables would be moreexpensive, im sure he's wrong!
hey chick..funny enough my neighbour just gave me some flatties (as i call them) they were in her cupboard under her stairs lol.. she found them while spring cleaning.. ive not used them yet they are there for emergencys, shes going to show me a few folds.. apparently they work and for a night nappy baby can wear two.. i dont like the plastic pants that they come with :s but for £30 in mc they are the cheapest of the lot..

there are a few sites that sell 2nd hand nappies and wraps and if your lucky you can get a few bargains..if you do get the flaties try to get some wraps dont worry about liners yet you dont need them.. you can recycle a fleece blanket/dressing gown etc etc if you want them though.

with the flaties there is a nappy nippa now that people use instead of pins..although pins are ok.. i think people use them just to be 100% safe.. my mum said she never stabbed me in 2n half yrs lol..
im sure there will be other mummys who have used them here.. how about your parents? coz i was in flatties maybe you were?
thanks for replying lisa :D I'll give my mum a call later and ask how she found terrys. she used them with all 4 of us kids, I can remember her changing my brother and the smell of the nappy bucket :lol: (he was formula fed though, logies boobie nappies can smell quite nice sometimes in a weird way! :shock: ) Im sure she'll think im nuts for wanting to ditch the disposables. She's not into recycling or worrying about the environment.

Got to persuade OH to let me buy some nappies too, Ive bought a couple slings recently so I think he's sick of buyin baby stuff :lol:
They're not quite terry squares but I use cotton prefolds because I'm skint and can't afford to feed my shaped nappy habit! Back on eco disposables for the moment because my washing machine has packed in!

MM - how big is Logan now? If you want I'd be more than happy to send a couple your way because we have about 14 thousand wraps and nappies and it wouldn't be a problem to spare a couple if you want to try them?
thanks hun, that would be great :D logan weighed in at 10lb 8oz today.

Sorry to hear about your washing machine, I know how you feel. Ours broke down when logan was 2 days old, I cried my eyes out! :rotfl: Luckily a friend lend us their spare one, but we've got to try and find the money for one of our own before August because they're moving and need it back.

I spoke to my mum and surprisingly she thought it was a good idea, the terrys were good at keeping us dry and easy to use and we hardly ever got nappy rash :)
muppetmummy said:
thanks hun, that would be great :D logan weighed in at 10lb 8oz today.

Sorry to hear about your washing machine, I know how you feel. Ours broke down when logan was 2 days old, I cried my eyes out! :rotfl: Luckily a friend lend us their spare one, but we've got to try and find the money for one of our own before August because they're moving and need it back.

I spoke to my mum and surprisingly she thought it was a good idea, the terrys were good at keeping us dry and easy to use and we hardly ever got nappy rash :)

They should fit him no problem then - it does say up to 10lb but Becky is over 11 now and they fit her fine though I'll move her up a size soon. PM me your addy and I'll send them your way so you can give them a shot, there are lots of pages online you can find boy folds on. Will send you a wrap and a couple of the nappies. Will stick a couple of liners in too but like Lisa said they're not much use on the runny poo and it's just as easy to leave the mess up to the washing machine.

We got a bit of a bargain on ebay - got a birth to potty set for £48 with 24 nappies of each size (of 3 sizes). Some folk find them a bit fiddly but I fold up a whole load of them after they are dry in a girl fold and all that it takes is to stick the prefolds in a wrap. I do love the shaped nappies but even an average day pack (5 nappies) is about £50.

Also think about contacting your local council if you like the real nappies because some will provide subsidies or discounts on real nappy packs.

It was the belt that went on our washing machine a couple of days after Becky was born - we managed to get it back on but it was on its last legs and finally snapped yesterday. Thought we could do it ourselves but it turns out the whole thing has to be practically dismantled to put it on and after much swearing on OH's part yesterday we got someone in today who fixed it in 10 mins! Typical!
well i got teds into a flattie to try for you.. and i gotts b honest its great lol..dont like the nappy pin though.. gonna get nippas..i changed him at 1 and it hasnt leaked.. im keeping him in it till the wrap leaks so i know how gd they are.. ive obnly just given away my size 1ns wraps that teds grown out of to :( try out a few different types when you can to find what u prefure xx
thanks for the experiment Lisa :hug: :hug: 4 hours is great, logans disposables get changed about that anyway
i used terrys on alana and there were just as good as any other nappy, just not very man friendly :rotfl:

i use them now as towels for harriet, they likeperfect size for her.

Im about to list like 50 nappies on auction site :shock: need a clear out
ooo just thought of a question...

i used bold 2 in 1 over the last few days.. dont know if this has anything to do with it.. but edwards soaked through his totsbots the last 2 nights.. i usually use totsbots as my night time nappy as they are the good old reliable..but yesterday and this morning he has woke absolutly soaked through...his jammies everything! is he jsut wettign heavier.. or is it the bold?
2 in 1 contains conditioner and that reduces absorbancy in nappies, you should not use any conditioner

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