Reusable Nappies info

I'm planning on ordering a nappy kit from Little Lamb. I ordered a trial bamboo nappy pack which arrived yesterday and I washed it, put it in the tumble dryer with the rest of Maya's washing and it wasn't dry when the cycle finished and I had to put it for another 40 (!) minutes. On their website, they say that the microfibre nappies are like fleech and they are almost dry after washing! But the bamboo ones are super soft! :hug: I can't decide what to do now!

Has anyone tried any of the two kinds? What do you think?

Also, Little Lamb have two sizes: size 1(7-20lb) and size2(20-38lb). Maya is 13.5lb atm but as I'm planning on buying the 20nappy kit, I don't want to buy them in size1 and only use it for a couple of months so I was thinking of buying them in size2. Do you think they will be massive on her?! :shock:

just wanted to add about making things :( i made my own fleese liners cloth wipes and now i just made my very 1st fleese nappy wrap.. ehres to many many more!! lol..


was sooo easy.. thought i would link the site where i got the instructions and pattern.. was so easy.. ... 5&Itemid=1
if im not allowed to link the site please delete link! :) ta

i definatly have the bug for making now lol..
Wow, Lisa!!! That's brilliant! :) I wish I could make something like that - I cut an old bath towel to use as liners the other day but i didn't think I had to sew them so...they're freying :( Oh well... :shakehead:
did you know you can use knitted wraps over your nappys?

the best thing is to use 100% pure wool or atleast 80% mixed with something else acrylic, alpaca etc..

well i got on to my nanna and asked her to get knitting.. sent her a pile of patterns via email, and she got started..

but she used 100% acrylic which doesnt do the job of wool..

the wool is breathable, and naturally water resistant it has to be lanolised but after that you only have to wash them every few weeks in the sink of warm water and a mild soap then line dry, its amazing..

so told my nanna it needs to be wool but i will try these out that she knitted.

and i did

and they stayed leak proof completly 5 hrs later his nappy needed changing. so i swilled them in the sink with baby wash and tea tree and pegged on the line! cant believe it.. they arnt as good as a wool one would be but for about 30p they are well worth it! so shes kitting me up a bazzillion to try what shapes and patterns i like.. then shes gonna do some proper wool ones.. as wools expensive :)
They are fab! They look sooo cute! :hug:

I'm so surprised, I would never expect they would stay leakproof! What nappies do you use? Are they just cloth ones? Like the ones you make?

I want too! My MIL knits so I will get her to make me some! :D

Do you know where I can find patterns for them?

i use tots bots, ellas house, sandys, littlelambs etc etc etc.. lol.. im just in the beginings of setting up my web site to start selling my own and i will be selling these knitted ones eventually.. ive listed some patterns you really need to use 85%+ wool content wool 100% wool is best... then u need to buy lanolin which will cost abut 5 quid and that will last u forever, u only wash the knitted pants once every month or 2 weeks u just let them air dry then reuse till they start to smell ( the lanilin reactas with the wee and nutralises it) its easy to use to.. and u just hand wash the knittys in warm water and mild soap.. then re lanolise.

if u need more info let me kno xx
Hi all,

I use Coton tots from tots bots (nippa version). Mainly because they were recommended and i found abundle at a good pric on ebay. I have been gradually buying some bamboozles. Mainly beacuse they are slimmer and fit better under clothles, and softer, and the velcro is far easier than the nappy nippas, lol!

I did however get some second hand bamboozles and they are so rough i don't think i will be able to use them. Maybe just for emergencies. God knows how they were washed as they are really bad.

But never mind.

I have only been using reusables for 3 weeks or so but think they are great and wish i'd done it sooner!!

Laura & Alfie
lmarszall said:
Hi all,

I use Coton tots from tots bots (nippa version). Mainly because they were recommended and i found abundle at a good pric on ebay. I have been gradually buying some bamboozles. Mainly beacuse they are slimmer and fit better under clothles, and softer, and the velcro is far easier than the nappy nippas, lol!

I did however get some second hand bamboozles and they are so rough i don't think i will be able to use them. Maybe just for emergencies. God knows how they were washed as they are really bad.

But never mind.

I have only been using reusables for 3 weeks or so but think they are great and wish i'd done it sooner!!

Laura & Alfie
there maybe a build up of soap powder on them, try washing them with no soap and see if the water gets bubbles, if it does keep rinsing them until the water runs clear and theres no bubbles, failing that soak them in some vinegar or add some to washing machine. will stop the cardboard feeling.
Thanks hun,

I wash mine using vinegar, soda crystals and tea tree / lavender oil and mine have stayed soft so far.

Will give that ago. Thanks for the help!

Laura & Alfie xx
are soda crystals a bit harsh? if you have a tumbe dryer try shoving them in for 10 mins b4 u put them away.

i made my 1st nappy to sell today :) sooo exciting
I don't really know to be honest Someone just told me if u use soda crystals if you have hard water (which we do terribly here) then you only use have the detergent?

Do you think its best not to??

Laura x
are soda crystals a bit harsh? if you have a tumbe dryer try shoving them in for 10 mins b4 u put them away.

i made my 1st nappy to sell today :) sooo exciting
I don't really know to be honest Someone just told me if u use soda crystals if you have hard water (which we do terribly here) then you only use have the detergent?

Do you think its best not to??

Laura x
not sure tbh..try the tumble dry thing if u have one and wash them with no detergent see how they feel then?
lisa&alex said:

Thanks for that link - its great. Went to see my Ma and Pa and the weekend and took my mum some patterns and a stack of wool :cheer:

I washed the second hand bamboozles that were really rough in just water and vinegar. No detergent. And tumble dried them. And now they are really soft. Well considering they were second hand, lol!

Thanks for the help,
Lau & Alfie
i only use 1 fairy tablet for a whole machine load and some vinegar if there getting crispy :rotfl:
lisa&alex said:
i made my 1st nappy to sell today :) sooo exciting

:clap: That's great Lisa! I think they are fantastic, the ones you make, from the pictures I've seen on here. Good luck with it! :clap:
hi, has anyone got any links where i can get trial packs of different types so i can see which i like best? :)

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