Reusable Nappies info

Geordie&Bairn said:
,Also Collier uses bio degradable nappies at night as he sleeps so well he'd soak through reusable
do you know of any night time reusables (cost needs to be low)
I'd try him in a reusable Sarah, my DD slept through early and now sleeps up to 13/14+ hours at night and she's always in her reusables. Might need to double boost it if you've a heavy wetter and I always use my Motherease wraps (not my funky Tots Bots which I use during the day) as these are tighter and prevent wicking and a wet vest.

Valentine Xxx
Well the vinegar did help a little but they still feel a little like cotton terries. They are still nice and thin though and am hoping they have kept their absorbency but will see how that goes when Oscar arrives :D

I have got two fleece boosters that I'm hoping will be ok for nights when he starts sleeping through although they are huge!! I think he will have to grow loads before they'll fit in a nappy :D

I am going to have a look and see if I can get a few fluffles just to try them out though, thanks to Sarah's recommendation :)
teds is supper dooper wetter ive never found bamboo more absorbant and they take yonkes to dry.. i prefur our lb's a thinner nappy and two sewn in boosters on top for heavy wetters.
So how many do you need to start with? After having a look at different systems we were thinking of getting 15 Bumgenius v3 and 5 Wonderoos (which we've been told are a bit more absorbent for the night). Would that be enough? How many extra booster thingymajigs would you go for?

I really don't fancy the prefold and wrap route that's why we want to go for these brands (I've seen some blueberrys which look really really lovely but the cost is just absolutely prohibitive). Also we don't have a tumble-dryer and have been told that these would dry quite quickly.
between 15-20 depending on how often you can wash. and then dry. we have about 22 and 5 wraps.. tbh i find i run out of wraps before nappies.. but the tumble dryer soon sorts the wraps out pretty quickly.

I'm on my 4th child and have decided to be a cloth mummy.

I'm clueless on it all but have started myself slowly with all in ones.

So can I join the club? :D

I'm on my 4th child and have decided to be a cloth mummy.

I'm clueless on it all but have started myself slowly with all in ones.

So can I join the club? :D
kelsey said:

I'm on my 4th child and have decided to be a cloth mummy.

I'm clueless on it all but have started myself slowly with all in ones.

So can I join the club? :D

of course :D hey you'll soon be a clothnappy addict :lol:
I've got a question and i'm gonna sound really thick now but what is aplix???

I keep seeing it on cloth nappy sites but just dont know what it is :oops: :oops:

Oooh and thanks for letting me join :D :D :D
kelsey said:
I've got a question and i'm gonna sound really thick now but what is aplix???

I keep seeing it on cloth nappy sites but just dont know what it is :oops: :oops:

Oooh and thanks for letting me join :D :D :D

It means the nappy is velcro fastening hun which is stitched on rather than having to use pins/ nappy fasteners to hold the nappy on. All my nappies are aplix fastening so can't comment on which is the better system (seems a bit fiddly to have to attach something else to fasten them to me but may be proved wrong :D )
thanks hun, i've been racking my brain trying to work it out and i even googled it. all i found was something on hooks and eyes which i thought couldn't be right :oops: :rotfl:
oooh got another question. when washing cloth nappies do they have to go in the washer on their own or can other clothing be washed with them?

Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question.
kelsey said:
oooh got another question. when washing cloth nappies do they have to go in the washer on their own or can other clothing be washed with them?

Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question.

I suppose you could put them in with other stuff as they just go on a 40 or 60 degree normal wash BUT once you smell them when they've been hanging around a couple of days and there are a few with tag nuts on you'll probably be inclined to do them on a wash by themselves :) I use a nappy bucket and wash every three/ four days when I've collected a load together. Plus, you don't put softner in with the nappies as it decreases the absorbancy so if you like softner with your clothes you'll need to them seperately anyway :D
yeh you can wash clothes with them. hook and loop is ether side of the velcro :)

has anyone ever used soap nuts?
I brought soap nuts from lakeland. I use them for my darks and colours if they aren't stained but they aren't great at washing whites.

But then most of my clothes are dark or denim so I use them alot.

I would reccomend them as a way of cutting down on the detergents you use. Don't know if I'll try them on the nappies though.....
Logans almost 17lb now and getting too big for his size 2 cotton bottoms wraps so OH is buying us a starter pack of Tots Bots cotton tots in size 2 aplix :cheer:

I'm just posting a bit of info as a mum of a cloth bottomed baby!

I use Bumgenius 3 a pocket nappy. I find them to be really good, absorbent and not too bulky. I do have some issues with them though.

Poo- washes out no problem from any part of the nappy except for the crinkly leg cuffs! I have washed and rewashed some and there are occasionally traces left which I personally don't like :shakehead:

Size - They are too big for a newborn imo- the microfibre insert isn't shaped so seems very wide between their little legs. Kathryn didn't start wearing hers until she was around 9lb.

My sister's little girl who is the same age as KAthryn is wearing the nappies at their largest setting already because she is quite a chunky baby- no more than 16lb though- The tabs are quite close together but it does make you question whether they will fit comfortably during the chubby pre walking stage at about 1 year?

Sorry I really don't want to put anyone off them- they are really convenient and easy to dry and they are a one size nappy so no more nappies required- they will fit Kathryn until she is toilet trained, but I would not have bought ALL BUmgenius if I had my time again- I would have bought some smaller, softer nappies for her when she was newborn (or even used a terry square and wrap) and I would have tried a few different nappies before buying 20!

I use home made re-usable fleece liners- by far the best liners I have used and I've tried loads!
hi all, can i join in this thread please? i am becoming a cloth addict!! my daughter is nearly 8 weeks and i have decided to give real nappies a try, i have got some bambino mio ones for when she reaches 11lb, (she is 9lb now) and in the meantime i have just got some from ebay but i am a bit confused with them, i have attached a link with the nappies i bought, Hollie has worn three of them and two leaked!! i am sure that they arent supposed to leak! :? it seemed to be around the legs which is leaking!! i put a liner in them and they have boosters that slot in also, is there anything else that i could put in to stop them leaking?

the apple and lemon ones leak
Sometimes the outer layer or some types of wrap have cotton edges on the stretchy leg bits. This can wick moisture from inside to out. I'm not a huge fan of all in ones though so can't really advise on them - sorry!

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