Reusable Nappies info

We have been using cloth for about 6 weeks now, Im gutted I didnt use them with Charlie now! Although she fits in Toms size small Fuzzis on the same poppers too :roll: skiny moo!

I love them!
I bought 7 fuzzi bunz from a friend, they were near perfect. And some Tots Bots, which I like but not as much. I got a little lamb too and a wonderoo which is lovely too.

Thomas is a 'super pooer' and we have less accidents with cloth than disposibles.

We havent used them on a night yet but will do soon...I have just ordered some boosters, would a fleefce wrap be best for the Tots Bots for night?

Cloth is rediculously is waaaaaay cheaper as long as the addiction doest take over **I will not spend £70 on Weenotions site!!***
Ive been looking at wraps for my Tots Bots. They are a size 2, a little too big yet for little man, but getting organised (or is that obsessed?!)

Do I get the same size wrap as the nappy? Or the next size up??
hels said:
Ive been looking at wraps for my Tots Bots. They are a size 2, a little too big yet for little man, but getting organised (or is that obsessed?!)

Do I get the same size wrap as the nappy? Or the next size up??

personally I would avoid the tots wraps. If you do want to buy them I would get the correct size for your little man. Size 2 tots nappies can be used as a birth to potty if you get the popper or nippa ones as they can be folded smaller, but I wouldn't go too big a wrap as it won't fit and might leak.

I'd get a motherease rikki or airflow, I have a medium (10-20lbs) and Cally still has loads of room and she is huuuge.
what is your best night time nappy?
teds used to be a heavy wetter.. and has now become an extream wetter.. im talking weeing through 10 layers (pretty thick layers to) in the nightand leaking out of his wrap.. im looking at maybe buying another brand of night nappy :shakehead: something which i didnt want to do.. but as he is leaking through a boosted nappy and a folded terry square im not sure what else to do the options are.. try anotehr brand.. change him in the middle of the night (which would obviously wake him up) or use spoziees :( :cry: when i get chance i might see if i can come up with a home made solution im raking my brains to try adn think what else i can do..hes going to bed like a sumo as it is hahah
lisa&alex said:
what is your best night time nappy?
teds used to be a heavy wetter.. and has now become an extream wetter.. im talking weeing through 10 layers (pretty thick layers to) in the nightand leaking out of his wrap.. im looking at maybe buying another brand of night nappy :shakehead: something which i didnt want to do.. but as he is leaking through a boosted nappy and a folded terry square im not sure what else to do the options are.. try anotehr brand.. change him in the middle of the night (which would obviously wake him up) or use spoziees :( :cry: when i get chance i might see if i can come up with a home made solution im raking my brains to try adn think what else i can do..hes going to bed like a sumo as it is hahah

I use Nightnotions then wool fab!

Here's my new stash :lol:

how many layers does your night nappy have nic? he was in a pair of soakers and shorties so that was 2 pairs and a nappy with a terry square the night b4 and woke soaked.. this morn he was in a boosted nappy with a prefold in the front and waterproof wrap and he is dry this morn lol.. i think its depending on how much he wees.. and what time he wakes up..but it is driving me bonkers.. i dont want to change him in the night coz it will wake him up, and i dont want to go bk to spozies.. cioz he will out wee them to.. and i jsut dont want to :shakehead:
It's a large square with 2 layers then an insert with 3 layers then i fold it round the insert so 9 layers in all :lol:

Dafydd isnt a big wetter at the mo tho, i think i could get away with a bumgenius at night.

If im not using wool then i use a slinki minki stuffed with the nightnotion insert.
RAH!! The washing machine is out of action cos the outflow pipe is blocked, and the nappy bucket is overflowing!
Gonna have to wash them in the bath :puke: :puke: and use disposables until OH can fix it at the weekend :x :x :x :x :x :x
Get yourself to a laundrette or a friends or family members..for the sake of spending a little on the washing it will safe your nappies.. my friend jsut rang me.. she baby sat teds and tots last friday.. and her husband brought teds back.. my friend had put his dirty nappy in the boot and didnt tell him..(with poo in) and its been there for a week :( doubt this one will be able to be rescued :(
eww! bet that stunk! it took me ages to wash all the nappies in the bath, and they still smelt afterwards :doh: They're hanging on the clothes airer now waiting for OH to sort the pipe out, today hopefully :pray:
I live in a very small town so the nearest laundrette is in aberdeen 45 mins on the bus (i dont drive) and that would be a nightmare with 2 kids and a bag of washing, I dont know anyone who wants to wash pooey nappies for me :(
he looks so cute :D


Colliers first day in his totbots so far so good :D no leakage very bulky but i guess thats to be expected thet fit well easy to put on take off

next step will be washing and drying the drying still worries me with no dryer but ill get through it
thinking of all that money i'll save :dance:
I normally dry my nappies inside on the clothes airer (though most of mine are flat terrys). The shaped nappies do take longer to dry but its possible to get by without a dryer :) Collier does look cute in the tots bots :D
I've got Little lamb naps and wraps... but my wraps are always leaking!!! Have a ruined them? I wash them and then put in dryer.. is this right? should i just be air drying them? or are they just shite!
Hi all just poking my head in here early as I have a cloth nappy question. I have bought 15 bamboo terry cloth nappies which arrived yesterday. I put them in the washing machine at 40 degrees and washed them three times in quick succession (without drying in between). When they arrived they were so soft and I had to keep nuzzling them :oops: However after drying on the line, they have totally lost the softness and feel as rough as normal terry cotton nappies. I am really disappointed and would have bought normal terries if I knew that was going to happen. Is there anyway I can restore the softness? I didn't use conditioner as this is meant to hinder absorbency and the powder I used was Ecover's non-biological. I only used a very small amount (about a third of what they recommend on the packet) as I've heard that too much can make nappies stiff. Is it true that white vinegar can help? How much should I use? Would it be all right to put them back in for another wash but with no powder and maybe some white vinegar? Any advice gratefully received :D

Also Keli, I don't have any Little Lamb wraps just tots bots ones, but mine say don't tumble dry only line dry! Are they actually leaking through the waterproof bit or is it that they are leaking around the legs? Hope they aren't ruined :hug:
Hi Mildly :wave:

It's round the legs mainly and at the back :wall: don't know i hope i've not ruined them? Some are ok others not.. i've got 10.

I'd pop your bamboo nappies in the dryer for 10mins and the softness should come back :D
Hello again :wave:

Maybe it is just the wicking that I've heard about, there are a few ideas here in order to prevent it - hope they help :D

Unfortunately we don't have a dryer just a washing machine. I think I'll go get some white vinegar tomorrow and see if that helps :)
My little lamb bamboo nappy went rough like a terry very early on despite tumble drying.
I'm not a fan of bamboo as I don't notice any difference between them and terry apart from taking longer to dry.

My little lambs were fine leak wise until Logan started drinking 8oz of formula at a time every 2 hours! The wraps shouldnt go in the dryer, I put mine on the clothes airer. The terry squares are struggling too atm. They are ok if I boost them with prefolds, or double them up but they are too bulky for daytime.
I AM LOVING MY FLUFFIES :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thay wash well and come out so clean un marked and soft there still as soft as when bought them
And thay dry just as qiuck on the line as the other clothes
Ive had problems on rainy days as i have only one small radiator and its in the hall was so can put them out to dry on a airer rack .
But luckly james dad dose have a drier and weve been using that a bit of a pain but not to bad.

I was wondering fluffies are polyester not cotton or bamboo do i use tea tree oil for washing as a conditioner(i dont use normal conditioner as reccomended) there still lovely and soft but can you use it to keep the softness,

Also Collier uses bio degradable nappies at night as he sleeps so well he'd soak through reusables
do you know of any night time reusables (cost needs to be low)

sarah xx

ps reusables rock :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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