Reusable Nappies info

Hi Girls, I am just starting to use non-disposables for Grace and so far so good.......... can I just have some advice re - washing them....

do you ladies soak them before you wash them ?

what temperature do you wash them at ?

Fiona said:
Hi Girls, I am just starting to use non-disposables for Grace and so far so good.......... can I just have some advice re - washing them....

do you ladies soak them before you wash them ?

what temperature do you wash them at ?


I don't pre-soak unless they're really horrid, then a bit of Napisan is fine.

I do a rinse programme without detergent in the machine and then wash at 40 degrees with HALF your usual detergent and a bit of essential oil.

the rinse stops poo smells being 'baked in' and you only need half detergent to prevent build up.

Occasionally I run the machine on empty at 90 degrees to clear it out. :D
im another 40 washer with the odd 60 to make sure there are no nasties.

1/2 powder sugested too but also i use some white vinegar as softner :)
suppose this is the best place to post this - quite excited because i have my first ever demo booked to do tomorrow :) Looking fwd to being a nappy advisor even if i am a little nervous :dance:
Does anyone know the best place to buy tots bots bamboozles or fluffles is at the moment, I want to buy a day pack of each and try them to see which would be best for the little one.

Also when should I start using them, some people have said that I should use throw away ones for the first 4-6 weeks is this right?

Thanks :hug:
not sure about the best place for bamboozles but if you want a bamboo nappy day kit Lollipop have an offer on at the moment for a set of 5 bamboo nappies for £50 with 1 wrap and a role of liners.

If your not sure what type of nappy you want to use get an advisor out for a free demo - try and they will sort you out with a local advisor who will help you see and feel lots of nappies as well as decide which ones would work best for you :)

Good luck!
Our toys r us now sells day packs of bamboozles!!!

Someone was asking about fleece liners and triangle poos! :oops: I find them dead easy.... just turn them upside down into the loo and the poo rolls off! (sorry if TMI) It all stays together and "plops" into the loo to be flushed away leaving nothing behind!

I wash at 40 and dry pail, if they are all yucky then I do a rinse in the washer first with some tea tree.... I was told not to use Vinegar all the time as it can degrade the nappies and can leave a funny smell.....occasionally is fine though. instead line dry and booost in the tumble dryer if you have one... :lol:
Anyone on here tried wool wraps?

I am in love with them! I bought Logan a pair of longies and when he woke up this morning his nappy was completley dry! The wick away moiusture in the night so that the nappy stays dry...... amazing!
I love my wool, Seren has 3 pairs of shorties, and they never let us down.
Hi everyone,

I have ordered Bamboozle nappies and was wondering what sort of liners you recommend and where you buy your liners?

With the fleece liners do you use a paper one too or not?

Any help would be appreciated :D
You don't need a liner in these but if you want too for ease of cleaning then I would always reccomend fleece ones. They sit on top of everythingmaking it nice and soft for your babies botty, water will be pulled through the fleece keeping babies bum dry and poo will stay on top. When you come to change your baby hopefully the poo will just roll off the fleece ( but if its a messy poo this doesn't always happen)

dead cheap too! If you have a fleece blanket at home just cut it up!! :lol:

I have these and they are fab so soft and absorbant but they can take a while to dry :?
Thanks for the quick reply- I didn't know if anyone would notice the message in here!

So I can just buy a fleece blanket and chop it into rectangle bits? That sounds ideal.

I should be getting my nappies hopefully this week so I can get them washed and dried a few times before January.

Thanks :D
Yep you can just cut up a fleece blanket! hourglass shapes are good because they fit in the nappy better. I would say that you should wash the nappies at least 4 times before you use them.

use half the amount of washing powder and no softner... even if you use softner for everything else this can coat the drawer etc and can reduce the absorbancy of the nappies..(better not to use it at all for any of your washing! :) .. I also pop a drop of lavendar and tea tree oil as well to make them smell nicer! When you get into it the tea tree will help disinfect your washer from the poo! lol
My bamboozles have arrived and are currently on wash number 2 at the moment :cheer:

I was going to use disposables for the first few days til the meconium goes so they don't get stained- when roughly do they start doing normal poos?
I think it was about 4/5 days..... but then you get newborn poo which is really runny and like Korma! make sure you have plenty of liners either fleece or paper ( I prefer fleece as its softer on baby botties! lol) :)
Thanks again- I have managed to acquire some fleece liners from a friend that didn't get on with them and also have got 2 rolls of paper liners now so think I am all set!

All i need now is Lo to arrive :)
Doh didn't read my previous post!!!!!! You must think I am looney!

Do you have a nappy bucket and everything? Are you planning on dry or wet pailing?

I prefer dry pailing. I use a mesh laundry bag hooked over the bucket and then when I need to wash the nappies I chuck the whole lot in the wash without touching the dirty ones.... if the neck of the mesh bag is open all the nappies fall out in the wsh anyway!

To keep the bucket smelling fresh I put a couple of drops of tea tree oil... I also put this in the wash :)
I got a bucket and a couple of mesh bags from woolies the other day so set that way. I think I will try dry pailing as don't fancy dripping yucky water all over kitchen floor.

Don't have any teatree oil but will get some in town next time I go :)
Where does the tea tree oil go? Do you put it in with the detergent or in the fabric softener drawer?
I don't think it makes any difference as long as some of it goes in!

Plus I put some on a cotton ball in the nappy bucket

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