Reusable Nappies info

I was told to use half the amount of washing powder- always a non-bio and no fabric conditioner as it reduces absorbency.
Logie's been in a cotton bottoms prefold for 2 hours now (thanks to daftscotslass :D )and so far so good. The test will be when he does one of his explosive runny poos, Even pampers cant keep those in! :lol:

had a bit of a leak after 3 hours but that was because the back of the nappy was hanging out of the wrap :doh: I think it would have contained it else, there was no leakage around the legs :)
Got another one on now, hopefully ive put it on a bit better!
LOL good luck on the poos - after advice from Lisa I've just made bluddy sure the wraps are on tight and then recheck because you can bet your bum (scuse the pun) that the moment they move after you've put it on there's a gap somewhere. Think there's also a special young baby poo fold but I've never really found it more effective than a normal girl fold.

Lisa - I'm positive it's the 2 in 1. I accidentally used fabric softener on a Kissaluv and it was like Niagara falls. On a brighter note, least I can wash the nappies again now that my washing machine is back in action, woohoo!

Anyone tried a Flexitot yet? I STILL haven't got around to buying one but at nearly a tenner each they don't come cheap.
whoohoow to washing machine!! and the prefolds working!!

nope not tired it.. teds mostly in Lb's now..:D..hopefully never have to buy any again..well ive jsut put him to bed with a LB boosted for night and a lb wool cover.. layed him on a fleece blanket jsut incase.. had to scrub his matress today..and leave out to dry in garden :x so fingers crossed.. lol..
Wish I was that creative but she'd end up wearing something that resembled a gutted sheep if I were to make something for her. :rotfl:
I've got some terry squares, and a motherease airflow wrap in the post :dance: Got some cheapy junior joy wraps too, I can't imagine they'll be very good at less than a fiver for two, but might keep me going till I can afford some more decent one's.
Can't wait to have a play :dance:
Check out ebay. I got 5 of the cotton bottoms wraps for £7 at one point from a seller on there - bargain!
got 6 cotton bottoms wraps, and 6 nappies on ebay for £12! Yay for nappy shopping! :lol:
i have a junior joy wrap.. its ok.. not brilliant but its ok..

glad u ahve ur nappies through..:D keep us updated :D
my terry squares arrived today, have washed them a couple times, waiting for them to dry so I can have a play :dance:

My friend gave me about 50 reusable wipes and some terry squares the other day that she'd used on her kids. Trouble is they stink! I've washed them twice so far, once at 90 degrees!! and although the smell has faded they still reek! They must be 5 years old.

Is there any way to get the pong out or shall I just buy some new one's?
Im worried the smell means they've got bacteria stuck in them and dont want to give logie a rash, but dont want to offend my friend either!!

It doesn't smell of wee, but smells hideous!!
I washed them in bold 2 in one in the end, that seems to have sorted the smell :) Im not worried about the absorbancy of the nappies as they'll just be emergency spares.

Have had Logie in a terry square for the past couple hours, really pleased with it so far. wasnt too difficult to fold either :dance:
hey chikyyy.. they are probably musty.. if they are a fair few years old then washing maciens and detergent has advanced since then.. next time dont use bold.. put them in the machine with some bicarbinate of soda and some white vinigar.. about 3 table spoons of each.. and put on a normal 40 degree wash.. some times boiling them at 90 degrees makes the pong stay in a bit more.. this bicarb method is called stripping the nappies.. i would guess theres a build up of detergent on them.. and that is why the smell.. i would personally do this right away on wipes and nappies.. but never use on a wrap xxx
We're now 100% cloth, don't have a single disposable in the house :D

I'm loving the terry squares. I haven't had a single leak yet, even overnight.
Poo sometimes escapes out of the leg of the nappy but the wrap keeps it in so it's not a big deal.
I used to get leaks of wee and poo several times a day with pampers!

I bought trial packs of the little lamb nappys, microfibre, bamboo and terry. They are georgous! There doesn't seem to be a big difference in asorbancy between the bamboo and terry as far as I can see. The bamboo just looks prettier. They both take rediculously long to dry though, they've been on my clothes airer for over 12 hours, but were still a bit damp so I've had to put them in the dryer to finish them off. I dont think I could use these full time without having to use the dryer which I try and avoid, the squares dry so much quicker!
The microfibre drys really quick but isn't as asorbant, it feels funny too (full of static).
If I buy more I'd probably go for the terry. They are so easy to use and really effective, just a bit pricey.

I think I'll use terry squares at home, and little lambs when out to save having to fold squares in poky baby change rooms.

I can't believe how easy cloth is. Its not that much extrawork, even when having to fold squares. Logan gets changed every 4 hours on average and has less nappy rash than he did with pampers! I'm also using reusable wipes (bought new one's in the end) so Ive drastically cut down on wipes too, just use them when out and at night.

Yay for cloth! :dance:
awh well done!

i dont think people realise how easy it really is easy..i find wet wipes a right pain.. and also love cloth wipes.. even a flannel will do.. are you making your own cloth wipe solution? ive got recipes if you fancy a go at DIYin xx
ohh nooo! Your on the road to cloth addiction now :rotfl:

Have you seen weenotions muppetmummy?
I've had a look at the weenotions website before, they've got some georgous designs!! have managed to keep my credit card away from there so far! they are expensive!!
have been very good actually, I only have 3 shaped nappies.

im just using water at the moment Lisa

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