Marijana FC said:
Hi Lucy! And thanks for your reply
Danica isn't vomiting any more but she is still gagging lots. And she doesn't want to eat solids at all. No idea what's going on

She is happy in herself: trying to crawl, chatting lots, smiling and giggling but just gagging and not wanting to eat solids. Who knows!?
Talked to my HV and she told me to monitor the situation and if Danica is any worse, HV will try and arrange a visit to my GP. Hopefully it won't come to that before we go to Serbia on Sunday!
Anyway, thanks again for your reply
Hope things are fine with you!
hi marijana..sorry i have not been on this thread for a while but as lucy has said in a post above..please dont worry about the gagging, as i have been told by our hospital peadiatritian the gagg reflex is stronger in babies with reflux, they also are more sensative and scared of what goes into their mouths , this is because they link food to the pain from the reflux.
we were told that once we started solids the reflux would improve, but this was not the case - infact it got worse not only with the screaming from the reflux but also with the gagging and choking on the slightist thick or lumpy solids.
christopher is now 15 months and believe me..its been a bumpy ride with the solids, and i wont lie to u there

i have lost count of the number of times he has gagged/chocked and ive almost called an ambulance (not trying to scare u here by the way

but inline of it all my son is now 15 months and still eating puree/slighty lumpy food - our new consltant who is VERY VERY good not only told me about the gagg reflex being stronger , but also babies with reflux dont feel safe with lumpy/finger food until they have a full set of teeth, so that they can chew it to the desired texture for them to swallow, therefore we have been told if he is 15months and still not eating the food he should be them not to worry as he is eating and that is the main point, only to leave the soild food such as lumpy/finger until he has all his teeth and can understand chewing for him self.
as long as ur little one is babbleing then dont worry , as my HV told me that lack of finger ood will delay speech (consultans opinion - - "shes talking rubbish") as long as u talk to ur little one, she will learn to talk too.
me and lucy are both in the same boat in terms of solid food and our LO's are around the same sure she will agree with what i have said

**waits for lucybees input**
my advice to u , is if she is gagging on solid food (by the way , what solids make her gagg ?) then id puree them even more, if u use baby jars just stick them in the blender for a sec , until she can eat with out a problem. but please dont force any solids that cause gagging because if she is like my LO she will end up refusing food all together . also please dont let ur GP/HV fobb u off with the fact that solids improve reflux...."not always the case "
sorry if this is rambling on but i hope i have helped u somewhat , and i hope u and ur LO dont have the nightmare we have had