Reflux Support Thread

My daughter was diagnosed with refulx last week and has been put on infant gaviscon. She seems have calmed down and the projectile vomiting has stopped *fingers crossed* but she is now filling every nappy, she must of opened her bowels 9 or 10 times yesterday. Has anyone else experienced this? I am really concerned as she has gained no weight since birth.
HI Sam, no, Tom was more constipated on the Gaviscon if anything. Is she on any other medication?
She is not on any other meds. Everywhere I've looked on the net other mums have said it has caused constipation. :?

Will have to take her back to the quacks.
Yeah, sounds like the best idea to me. Let me know how you get on.
Marijana FC said:
Hi Lucy! And thanks for your reply :hug:
Danica isn't vomiting any more but she is still gagging lots. And she doesn't want to eat solids at all. No idea what's going on :think: She is happy in herself: trying to crawl, chatting lots, smiling and giggling but just gagging and not wanting to eat solids. Who knows!?
Talked to my HV and she told me to monitor the situation and if Danica is any worse, HV will try and arrange a visit to my GP. Hopefully it won't come to that before we go to Serbia on Sunday!
Anyway, thanks again for your reply
Hope things are fine with you!

hi marijana..sorry i have not been on this thread for a while but as lucy has said in a post above..please dont worry about the gagging, as i have been told by our hospital peadiatritian the gagg reflex is stronger in babies with reflux, they also are more sensative and scared of what goes into their mouths , this is because they link food to the pain from the reflux.
we were told that once we started solids the reflux would improve, but this was not the case - infact it got worse not only with the screaming from the reflux but also with the gagging and choking on the slightist thick or lumpy solids.

christopher is now 15 months and believe me..its been a bumpy ride with the solids, and i wont lie to u there :wall: :wall: i have lost count of the number of times he has gagged/chocked and ive almost called an ambulance (not trying to scare u here by the way :wall: )

but inline of it all my son is now 15 months and still eating puree/slighty lumpy food - our new consltant who is VERY VERY good not only told me about the gagg reflex being stronger , but also babies with reflux dont feel safe with lumpy/finger food until they have a full set of teeth, so that they can chew it to the desired texture for them to swallow, therefore we have been told if he is 15months and still not eating the food he should be them not to worry as he is eating and that is the main point, only to leave the soild food such as lumpy/finger until he has all his teeth and can understand chewing for him self.

as long as ur little one is babbleing then dont worry , as my HV told me that lack of finger ood will delay speech (consultans opinion - - "shes talking rubbish") as long as u talk to ur little one, she will learn to talk too.

me and lucy are both in the same boat in terms of solid food and our LO's are around the same sure she will agree with what i have said :think: :think: **waits for lucybees input** :rotfl:

my advice to u , is if she is gagging on solid food (by the way , what solids make her gagg ?) then id puree them even more, if u use baby jars just stick them in the blender for a sec , until she can eat with out a problem. but please dont force any solids that cause gagging because if she is like my LO she will end up refusing food all together . also please dont let ur GP/HV fobb u off with the fact that solids improve reflux...."not always the case "

sorry if this is rambling on but i hope i have helped u somewhat , and i hope u and ur LO dont have the nightmare we have had :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sam24 said:
My daughter was diagnosed with refulx last week and has been put on infant gaviscon. She seems have calmed down and the projectile vomiting has stopped *fingers crossed* but she is now filling every nappy, she must of opened her bowels 9 or 10 times yesterday. Has anyone else experienced this? I am really concerned as she has gained no weight since birth.

Hi Sam, :wave:

I am sorry your baby has been diagnosed with reflux but with the correct medication it can be controlled.

A lot of reflux babies also have an intollerance either to cows milk or lactose and a symptom of being lactose intollerant is a lot of dirty nappies. When you go back to the doctors ask them to do a stool sample for reducing substances and this will be able to diagnose a lactose intollerance. There are lactose free milks that you can use or colief drops that can be added to the bottle to reduce the lactose but worry about that if it turns out to be an intollerance.

Good Luck.
tlc1974 said:
Sam24 said:
My daughter was diagnosed with refulx last week and has been put on infant gaviscon. She seems have calmed down and the projectile vomiting has stopped *fingers crossed* but she is now filling every nappy, she must of opened her bowels 9 or 10 times yesterday. Has anyone else experienced this? I am really concerned as she has gained no weight since birth.

Hi Sam, :wave:

I am sorry your baby has been diagnosed with reflux but with the correct medication it can be controlled.

A lot of reflux babies also have an intollerance either to cows milk or lactose and a symptom of being lactose intollerant is a lot of dirty nappies. When you go back to the doctors ask them to do a stool sample for reducing substances and this will be able to diagnose a lactose intollerance. There are lactose free milks that you can use or colief drops that can be added to the bottle to reduce the lactose but worry about that if it turns out to be an intollerance.

Good Luck.


Thanks for the advice, will mention this to doctor. LO is currently on Apitmil Easy Digest due to the possible problem of lactose or protein, however the doc this morning has prescribed SMA Staydown and told me to get DD weighed on Wednesday and if there has been no weight gain then they will refer her to a specialist.
rhian85 said:
Marijana FC said:
Hi Lucy! And thanks for your reply :hug:
Danica isn't vomiting any more but she is still gagging lots. And she doesn't want to eat solids at all. No idea what's going on :think: She is happy in herself: trying to crawl, chatting lots, smiling and giggling but just gagging and not wanting to eat solids. Who knows!?
Talked to my HV and she told me to monitor the situation and if Danica is any worse, HV will try and arrange a visit to my GP. Hopefully it won't come to that before we go to Serbia on Sunday!
Anyway, thanks again for your reply
Hope things are fine with you!

hi marijana..sorry i have not been on this thread for a while but as lucy has said in a post above..please dont worry about the gagging, as i have been told by our hospital peadiatritian the gagg reflex is stronger in babies with reflux, they also are more sensative and scared of what goes into their mouths , this is because they link food to the pain from the reflux.
we were told that once we started solids the reflux would improve, but this was not the case - infact it got worse not only with the screaming from the reflux but also with the gagging and choking on the slightist thick or lumpy solids.

christopher is now 15 months and believe me..its been a bumpy ride with the solids, and i wont lie to u there :wall: :wall: i have lost count of the number of times he has gagged/chocked and ive almost called an ambulance (not trying to scare u here by the way :wall: )

but inline of it all my son is now 15 months and still eating puree/slighty lumpy food - our new consltant who is VERY VERY good not only told me about the gagg reflex being stronger , but also babies with reflux dont feel safe with lumpy/finger food until they have a full set of teeth, so that they can chew it to the desired texture for them to swallow, therefore we have been told if he is 15months and still not eating the food he should be them not to worry as he is eating and that is the main point, only to leave the soild food such as lumpy/finger until he has all his teeth and can understand chewing for him self.

as long as ur little one is babbleing then dont worry , as my HV told me that lack of finger ood will delay speech (consultans opinion - - "shes talking rubbish") as long as u talk to ur little one, she will learn to talk too.

me and lucy are both in the same boat in terms of solid food and our LO's are around the same sure she will agree with what i have said :think: :think: **waits for lucybees input** :rotfl:

my advice to u , is if she is gagging on solid food (by the way , what solids make her gagg ?) then id puree them even more, if u use baby jars just stick them in the blender for a sec , until she can eat with out a problem. but please dont force any solids that cause gagging because if she is like my LO she will end up refusing food all together . also please dont let ur GP/HV fobb u off with the fact that solids improve reflux...."not always the case "

sorry if this is rambling on but i hope i have helped u somewhat , and i hope u and ur LO dont have the nightmare we have had :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hi Rhian!

And thanks for your reply. Sorry I didn't respond earlier: we were away for a while. Danica is still in this weird phase. She vomits for a couple of days, then everything is finr and normal, then she vomits for couple of days again...She still refuses solids...Actually, she refuses pures (?!) but she is very interested in finger foods. Of course, she can't get enough in her and is constantly hungry so wants more milk, which she can't handle and vomits lots.... :wall: I don't know...We are seeing GP on Tuesday but I am not very optimistic. Will report how it goes! :hug:
Hiya :wave:

I started weaning Adam almost 2 weeks ago and I am getting really stressed.

Can I ask how you lo's reflux was when you first started weaning. Adam is sick after both milk and food feeds and I thought that his reflux would slowly start to improve.

I know it's still early days, but I am just so fed up with him being sick every day, that I just don't know if there is something else wrong.

His weight has never been effected although his weigh gain is slowing right down, which according to the normal when thay are ready for weaning.
Tom's reflux was ok when I started weaning him although he did and still does struggle with lumps.
I know Rhian's little boy had problems with solids. I'll PM her and see if she will reply. Lx
Hi NIE :wave:
My little one was 4 and a half months when I started weaning her. Her reflux was still bothering her a lot. I am not sure if solids helped at all. She used to have 'silen' reflux but now she is vomiting more despite being on solids. GP said; be patient, it will improve :( And it does ocassionaly :D She isn't sick every day any more :cheer:
But she is now teething and refusing solids which means that she is taking more milk and being sick more :wall: We can't win, can we?!
Thanks for the replies. :hug:

I get myself into a real state over his sickness. He was extremely sick after his last bottle and I was in tears seeing him vomit so much. Adam was completely fine and was smiling at me cleaning the floor, so I know he is fine.

I get to the stage that I feel I can't cope with the reflux any more. I'm not suffering from PND but I'm going to mention it to my HV and get her to do my PND score again and have a chat with her, as I really feel we are getting no where and it's just not fair. It is starting to affect my quality time with Adam and the places we go to.

How does everyone else keep a smile on their face? xxx
Yeah, I know what you mean...Things aren't easy...
I feel very low when Danica is in her 'vomiting' phase: it is difficult on so many levels! But hang in there: it will get better! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's good to know that I'm not the only one.

Danica.....what a lovely name. xxx

Can I ask you lovely ladies if your lo's reflux got worse during teething?

Thanks. xxx
I am not sure if it is connected with teething...When Danica is going through a bad period of teething, she stops eating solids all together and starts overeating on milk which her poor tummy can't handle. That's when she vomits like mad: 2-3 vomits a day, huge and very violent ones. We are currently in that phase ( :wall: ) and I can hardly wait for it to pass soon :pray:

Btw, thanks for complimenting Danica's name. Most people here think it's odd but I really like it. It's very old Serbian name and it means the Northern star.
I think Adam is over eating the milk and his wee tummy can't cope. xxx
Hi everyone :wave:

So sorry to hear the the discomfort your little ones are in :hug:

The reason for posting here is that I think my 3 week old baby may have acid reflux. I have only really noticed it over the last week. He has difficulty settling between feeds and has been gagging and choking and looks like he has a nasty taste in his mouth. This has been quite scary as I haven't dared go to sleep in case he chokes or stops breathing :( When he is able to sleep, he sometimes grunts and groans and is very restless.

He has no trouble feeding and has been taking between 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 oz every 4 hours, he doesn't bring his bottle back up and he is very good for getting his wind up, it's just settling between.

I was really worried this morning and distressed by seeing him in so much discomfort, so called the HV, she came out to check him over but said she was reluctant to change his feed just yet as that can be unsettling and to just try him with a drink of cooled boiled water :roll: She told me to keep him in an upright position when feeding and for 20 mins after, which I have been doing anyway.

Sorry for going on, but really just wanted to know if you ladies do think it sounds like reflux, and maybe some reassurance on the choking thing, the HV said that babies have a reflex to deal with it, is this true?

Any advice would be welcome, sorry for the long post :oops:
if his not been sick i think it would have to be something called silent reflux and i know nothing about that !

leland was very sicky , and then it got violent and projectile ! he too makes that horrid face as if something tastes nasty , he arches his back and coughs when winding or feeding . but it was the sickness thing that was worth ,it was after every single meal !

his now on gaviscon for every meal , with it double at night where his worse and this is when he doesnt settle either , he still doesnt even on gavsicon so i dunno if its related or ive got a naughty baby !

oh and there breath usualy smells but ive not noticed that
G3M - the HV did mention silent reflux to me, so it could be that. Sorry to hear that you have had this problem with Leland as well, it is so hard to see them in discomfort.

My assigned HV is coming out tomorrow (it was a different one today as mine was off), and I think I am gonna talk to her about putting him on one of the comfort formulas. I do feel a bit reassured about the gagging thing, although its horrible to see him do it, but as well as being reassured I want something that is gonna give him a bit of relief. Will update tomorrow after she has been.

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