Reflux Support Thread

Grace, it sounds like you're having a really tough time. :hug:
Glad you found our little thread though.
Marijana - thank you for link. :hug:
OMG Grace! I've just seen that Amy was born at 25 weeks!!
That's amazing - what a miracle babe!
I think reflux is more common in premature babies. Poor little thing. Big hugs and just remember...they DO grow out of it.
she is a little miracle! she was in hospital for 6 months, she only got out at the end of november. shes hard work though, she has her fair share of ex-preemie problems but we take it in our stride.

reflux is worse in prems, i think nthey all get it. she not fed via mouth at all, she has a gastrostomy tube going directly into her stomach which apparently makes reflux worse (not sure how that works)

then when shes sick, because she cant swallow properly and she isnt used to things in her mouth she panics and chokes then breathes in. so it ends up on her chest which takes about half an hour to cough up! oh it can be a nightmare some days.

today hasnt been so bad though, we just had one episode of projectile but most of it came out of her nose. unfortunately because of her oxygen prongs it couldnt come out quick enough and she freaked out but i calmed her down quickly.

i must say, i am glad to have discovered this thread. its reassuring to know that 'normal' babies suffer from this too, makes me feel less alone in the world if you know what i mean.
Oh Grace... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Can't imagine how hard it must've been for you. Tom has a cold and I'm all of a panic!
She's obviously a fighter though. You must be so proud.
Well, got from the GP's today with some infant gaviscon to try. Obviosly he couldnt say if it is definatly a reflux. He said that it is posetting, which is sort of a reflux :? Will give a gaviscon a try. Hope it will help. :pray:
Ladies, I need your help again. :pray:
As I've written before, I've started my little one on solids a couple of weeks ago. She really loved eating everything I gave her. However, since she is still on full dose of Gaviscon, added solids made her constipated :wall:
I stopped giving her solids a couple of days ago (just to give her guts a little of rest) and she is back to pooing normally. :cheer: But I now don't know how to proceed... I want to give her more solids but I don't want her to be constipated again. SHould I give her less Gaviscon? I am scared of this because I still remember her screames before we started with Gaviscon... I am giving her water, and she is generally OK with it but it doesn't help much... :wall:
Any ideas on what to do? Thank you! :hug:
Marijana...I'm so sorry but I can't help with this one as Tom was never constipated on the Gaviscon. I seem to think someone posted earlier saying they'd had to give lactalose with the Gaviscon. Maybe that's worth a try? L xx
Tried Gaviscon today. Well, he isnt so sick anymore, but the problem is, I think Gaviscon makes milk more thick and it is difficult to get it out of the bottle. Which ones are you using? I am using Avent ones with teats from 3+ months (there are 3 holes).

I am not sure it is reflux, or if it is it might be a mild form, because he isnt crying anymore (well, he is, but it is normal baby crying and I can calm him down) and he loves his food. But I still think Gaviscon is still a good idea.
Lucy, she is already on Lactulose (twice a day) and it used to work fine while she wasn't on solids. But I think that the combination of one solid feed plus gaviscon in other feeds is too much for her system...I will try and see my GP next week to discuss this.
Anyway, when did you stop giving your little own Gaviscon? How did you know that he was ready? Or was it just a trial and error thing?
Thanks for your reply! It really means a lot! :hug:
Carina, I am glad to hear that Gaviscon is working. I don't know if Gaviscon makes milk much thicker in the bottle to make a difference. Or maybe it depends on the teats...I am using Tommee Tippee (or however we spell this!?) ones and we are still on No2 (3-6months). Danica hasn't had any problems with taking Gavisconed milk in.
Anyway, good luck! :hug:
We cut the Gaviscon when the paediatrician told us too. I think Tom was about 4/5 months??? Amazing how quickly you forget all this stuff!!
Is she drinking water too throughout the day or just the milk? Lx
Hi All!

Just wanted to check how is everybody doing. We are cutting down on Gaviscon and introducing more solids. Danica seems to be OK with it. The only side effect of reducing Gaviscon is that she seems to have moved from silent reflux to vomitting more so we have at least one vomit a day. But she doesn't seem bothered with it: eating as normal, not crying and fussing...Let's just hope that she'll stop vomitting soon!
Hello you! Everything good here! Things seem to have calmed down on the reflux front although still having trouble with lumpy food.
Glad things are getting better for you too. Hope the sickness passes. Have you mentioned it to your doctor? Lucyx
Hi Lucy! What is about lumpy food that makes reflux worse? I've never understood that bit...
Anyway, yeah, informedmy GP about Danica's vomitting and she said that as long as Danica isn't losing weight and seems happy I shouldn't worry. And Danica certainly isn't losing weight; on the contrary, she is even moving up centiles :dance:
That's good news. I've been lucky there too. The reflux has never affected Tom's weight.
I've never understood that lumpy business either. Strange.
Anyway, glad you're ok. Hope the sickness calms down soon.
Hi All,

It's me again. I am a bit worried: I've written before that we started reducing the amoungt of gaviscon and that Danica seems fine with it. But that she has also started bringing more food up. GP said - don't worry if she is still putting on weight. The reason why I am worried is: today she had two really violent vomitting 'incidents'. One in the morning (the first morning food) and the second one just now, right before she went to bed (bed time feed). It wasn't like she was just a little bit sick: both were HUGE and violent and she ended up really upset and crying. She's been also gagging all day...Don't know what to think....She is fine in herself and she hasn't eaten anything unusual (and she vomitts after milk feeds not solid feeds). Is it possible that she overeats and that brings all the milk up (she did have a lot on both occasions). Or, is it possible that she is moving from silent reflux to the 'vomitting one'?
Really don't know what to think! With all of this, am on my own until Friday so I am not a very happy bunny :(
Oh blimey! First of all, so sorry...have only just seen your post.
Not sure what to suggest. Can you call your consultant or see your GP?
Tom's never been sick so I'm a bit stuck. I'll see if I can get hold of Rhian as I know her LO suffers with sickness. Lucyx
Hi Lucy! And thanks for your reply :hug:
Danica isn't vomiting any more but she is still gagging lots. And she doesn't want to eat solids at all. No idea what's going on :think: She is happy in herself: trying to crawl, chatting lots, smiling and giggling but just gagging and not wanting to eat solids. Who knows!?
Talked to my HV and she told me to monitor the situation and if Danica is any worse, HV will try and arrange a visit to my GP. Hopefully it won't come to that before we go to Serbia on Sunday!
Anyway, thanks again for your reply
Hope things are fine with you!
Hope she is better soon but if not, talk to your HV.
I've been having problems too. Gave Tom lamb mince with vegetables yesterday and he gagged and choked pretty much the whole way through.
Rhian's paediatrician said not to worry if they're on smooth food until they're two so I'm going to relax a bit about things and see what happens.
Have you tried smooth porridge (Plum do a really smooth one) with lots of milk? Or yoghurt?

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