Reflux Support Thread

Thought Id bump the post, seen as there must still be mummys on here with Refluxy babys... I cant be the only one draging him to n from hospital, pumping him full of drugs, and giving him prescription only milk... only to find that he still wont eat lol.

My DS will eat his milk will relatively little noise/crying. But still arches back, and pulls away from bottle, it can take an hour to get 6oz in him... he is on -

1.4ml Ranitidine 3x day
2.4ml Domperidone 3x day
Neocate Formula

Any ideas guys?!
Sorry you're having to go through this hun... Becky's reflux (so far under control with Gaviscon) is nothing in comparison!

What bottles are you using?
TT ones. With size 2 teat... as these are for 3m+ and hes 3m now. I also have a few 'normal' bottles, no make, given as a pressie, so I bought TT Nuby teats size 2 again, and he likes them too... incase it was the bottle he didnt like, but it makes no difference. Atleast hes not screaming all the time now - the meds have REALLY changed him...!
Becky was horrendous in the evenings with gulping air and spluttering on the TT bottles. We used the Dr Brown ones for her evening feed for a few weeks and about a couple of weeks ago settled back onto the TT ones again for her last feed. She had to work much harder for her food but she wasn't doing the gulping thing with them.

Great that the meds are working :cheer:
Becky was horrendous in the evenings with gulping air and spluttering on the TT bottles. We used the Dr Brown ones for her evening feed for a few weeks and about a couple of weeks ago settled back onto the TT ones again for her last feed. She had to work much harder for her food but she wasn't doing the gulping thing with them.

Great that the meds are working :cheer:
HertsMummy said:
Thought Id bump the post, seen as there must still be mummys on here with Refluxy babys... I cant be the only one draging him to n from hospital, pumping him full of drugs, and giving him prescription only milk... only to find that he still wont eat lol.

My DS will eat his milk will relatively little noise/crying. But still arches back, and pulls away from bottle, it can take an hour to get 6oz in him... he is on -

1.4ml Ranitidine 3x day
2.4ml Domperidone 3x day
Neocate Formula

Any ideas guys?!

Have you tried..

- Infacol
- Colief
- Dr Browns bottles???

Tom was on more or less the same meds as your LO. It WILL get better soon. The best thing for reflux is time...they just grow out of it. It is soooo hard though. I don't think anyone would realise how hard it is unless they've had a reflux baby too.

Are you holding him upright after every feed? Are you winding him throughout his bottle?

I found using the Infacol, Colief and the DB bottles on top of the prescribed meds showed an improvement.

Good luck and :hug: :hug:
The milk is lactose free so theres no need for colief, I did try it in his normal milk though, and it made no differance.

I wind him frequently when feeding, because he stops so offten... I might as well! I use infacol, he has no problem giving up wind whenever!

Hes just not interested in his bottles. Im sure he wont starve, but, if I dont give him milk hed prob go 5-6hours without asking for it, and that after having like 4oz at the previous feed. He used to feed 4hourly and take 4oz. Once on the new milk and increased doses of meds, he started taking 7oz milk every 4 hours. Now I cant get sod all in him.

Hes not screaming as he was, or crying, hes not in apparant pain. He is much happier on the new doses, nappys are better on the new milk. I just dont know why hes not drinking it.
:wave: thought I'd pop in here and havea read through. Evie has just been prescribed gaviscon, ranitidine and domperidone. We are starting with the meds today and I am hpoing it helps- she eats fine but she sicks up half her feeds which is frustrating and messy. Also after her stopping breathing something needs doing.

I saw my doctor when Evie was 7 weeks old and said I thought she had reflux- she tld me it was just that Evie was a sicky baby and sent me home- she'll be 15 weeks tomorrow and it took a visit to the hospital to get a diagnosis. Will be writing to my doctors surgery to tell them this- to think that we could have got this all sorted weeks ago is making me fume!

I laid her on her sde last night and she slept through from 7.30pm to 9am :cheer: Although she has always slept well normaly she wakes around 5am and then at 7am.

:pray: Fingers Crossed This Will Get Better x
Corey was the same.

Took him to the Dr's at 4 weeks old, and was told it was colic - HV and MW said he was sicky baby!! Took til 9 weeks and a trip, like you to A&E to get diagnosis and Ranitidine, and Domperidone. Another waste of time visit to GP and Corey was addmited to hospital for 3 days. Doses trippled and Neocate prescription only milk started. This was at, urmm, 13 weeks. Hes like a different baby.. still hard to feed, but... put on 1lb in last two weeks :cheer: so hes bang on the 25th centile.

My GP made me sick. Waste of time and space that man, my poor baby had to suffer for 9 weeks before getting diagnosed. He used to hold breath, stop breathing, go blue when feeding, you name it, Dr didnt care.

I wrote a letter and changed GP, I will NEVER see that man again. now the Practice Manager cant get her head out of my arse ordering my milk in and getting it delivered etc etc.

BECAREFUL - My GP surgery will NOT give a repeat prescription of Ranitidine because its not licenced for use in childeren under 3 YO. Before you run out, make sure u can get some, and dont just ask the question - thats what I did, and was told yes, it was only when I put in the repeat prescription request, and went to colect his meds, I was told that no one would sign it - should have told me when I asked - again that idiot GP!!! Just a warning, dont want anyones LO's running out of Meds... I have to go back to the childerens ward that Corey was on to get him meds now!
Thought I'd come and join you in here now we finally have a diagnosis.

She's had 1 bottle with gaviscon so far. I think it was a bit better?! But hard to tell without a few days on it I think, especially as I've had to change her milk in order to give it to her. She was on Aptamil Easy Digest, so am now giving her Aptamil 1.

How soon did you notice a difference?

Also am I right in thinking I always need to make up 8oz feeds now?

Jade do you manage to fit 8 scoops in the TT powder dispensers? And do they then still fit in the bottles?!

Cheers guys.
laracomps said:
Jade do you manage to fit 8 scoops in the TT powder dispensers? And do they then still fit in the bottles?!

They won't fit in the bottles. but I just about fit 8 scoops in. You have to knock the bottom a bit and wiggle it IYKWIM! :lol:

Evie was already having 8oz bottles so now I just add 2 sachets to it. I presumed that if you have a 6/7oz bottle you add 1 sachet and it's just as effective but im not sure :? :think:
Jade&Evie said:
laracomps said:
Jade do you manage to fit 8 scoops in the TT powder dispensers? And do they then still fit in the bottles?!

They won't fit in the bottles. but I just about fit 8 scoops in. You have to knock the bottom a bit and wiggle it IYKWIM! :lol:

Evie was already having 8oz bottles so now I just add 2 sachets to it. I presumed that if you have a 6/7oz bottle you add 1 sachet and it's just as effective but im not sure :? :think:

Hmm dunno, the instructions say for over 10lb in weight use 2 sachets and do not mix with less than 8oz. I think they purposely are trying to make my head hurt :roll:
What your doing sounds correct from what I rmbr. At the time, my DS was only taking 4oz a time, and would have one sachet. Tho a friend of mine whos son is on Gav was told to put HALF a sachet into 6/7oz bottles. I cant imagine that does much at all!!!

If your GP/Pead mentioned nothing then follow the instructions. Watchout for constipation tho, your LO is old enought for abit of juice, I found Prune juice 50/50 with cooled boiled water really helped Corey. Just an idea.

Jade (&Evie) - Hows things going on the Meds?! Have you noticed a difference?!

Hope all LO's are happy today xxxx
HertsMummy said:
Jade (&Evie) - Hows things going on the Meds?! Have you noticed a difference?!


I have different baby I'm sure- she's happy, chatty and settled! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
So far today (2 feeds with Gaviscon) Phoebe has been much better straight after a feed. But she still seems in pain, grumbling arching back and a bit sicky maybe 2 hours after?

Not sure if this will improve in a few days? Could also be linked to the milk change I guess.

Thanks Hertsmummy, I will try her on juice. She's also started to drink water ok! She just can't cope with fast flowing cups at all, we have to use a Dr Browns newborn teat or she chokes.
Jade&Evie said:
HertsMummy said:
Jade (&Evie) - Hows things going on the Meds?! Have you noticed a difference?!


I have different baby I'm sure- she's happy, chatty and settled! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

OMG Fantastic aint it... Its like having someone elses baby!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Soooo happy for you!!!

Lara - yes, give it atleast a week (my pead said two) just to be sure. If theres no change/shes still in pain then make sure you get it sorted, theres things that can be done. And both our LO's are testiment that, there is something out there that will make your DD happy and smiley and pain free.

I Love Ranitidine :lol:
Cheers :D something must be happening in the right direction - she's drunk about 7oz out of the two 8oz bottles she's had! Thats unheard of, I normally have trouble getting her to have 5oz :shock:

We only saw a GP today, we still have the paed appointment in 2 weeks, she told us to keep it. Can't hurt I guess, especially if Gaviscon doesn't completely help. I am keeping my fingers crossed though :pray:

We need to go back to our normal GP at the end of the week for more Gaviscon - hope they aren't funny about us seeing a Private GP, but sod them, something had to give and we didn't want it to be little Phoebs.

Hope you all have a good night :hug:
If you GP wont give you any, you can buy it - just tell them your LO is 2 YO and you've used it before. Just incase!! Yes, deffo keep the Pead appointment, they are much better than GP's with reflux etc. And are willing to prescribe out of licence, where as most GP's dont.

I really hope it works for you, good to hear about the 7oz :cheer: :cheer: Good Girl, scoffing her milkys.
Hi girls !

jade , so happy evie has changed !!!!

i was going to ask , do you think i should go back to docs , knowing they actually want to wean him off gaviscon ( altho hospital dont) but im sure its got worse ( is that possible?) were going through a phase of screaming tho his food , even solids , fussing with bottle etc and were still sick prob 10 times a day , 3 or 4 times a week it can be proper explosive .

and of cause theres the issue with throwing up finger food or lumpy food ?

tbh i dread feeding right now , bottle or solids i just cant deal with it and dont know whats wrong :cry:

im not sure of things have got worse since being on follow on milk ?
laracomps said:
Thought I'd come and join you in here now we finally have a diagnosis.

She's had 1 bottle with gaviscon so far. I think it was a bit better?! But hard to tell without a few days on it I think, especially as I've had to change her milk in order to give it to her. She was on Aptamil Easy Digest, so am now giving her Aptamil 1.

How soon did you notice a difference?

Also am I right in thinking I always need to make up 8oz feeds now?

Jade do you manage to fit 8 scoops in the TT powder dispensers? And do they then still fit in the bottles?!

Cheers guys.

You, me and Jade seem to be living some sort of parallel life.

Connie got diagnosed with reflux at hospital on Friday night. She's been on Gaviscon since and is a completely different child. Rather than drinking 3oz she's doing at least 6 and she's started sleeping through. Also she doesn't seem full of air and puke between feeds - she was just chucking up over me and herself all day before :(

I'm angry that this has taken as long to diagnose as the bl**dy lactose intolerance did. On the plus side my doctor is so concerned about MY mental state that she's referring Connie to a paediatrician dietician type person - not quite sure what that's supposed to achieve but she seemed concerned that Flod reacted badly to the Nutramagen.

Hope everyone's doing OK xxx

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